
I ended my period Barcelona in the morning with breakfasting with my new friends and family and being brought to the airport. After arriving in colonia after seven month, I went directly to my firstEn savoir plus
I ended my period Barcelona in the morning with breakfasting with my new friends and family and being brought to the airport. After arriving in colonia after seven month, I went directly to my firstEn savoir plus
Christmas with my family and friends
Hitchhiking to Berlin with a polish guy, who brought me right infront of the door of my friend Lukas. With him and his friends I was spending new year's eve in the clubs of Berlin
Visiting my friend Moritz, who I got to know last year while traveling from France back to Barcelona.
In Widnau, where I was visiting my friend Jens, who I got to know while working for an NGO in Namibia five years ago, we wanted to spend some nice relaxing time before the next adventure starts.
With the help of four nice people I managed to arrive in bologna in one day. Not only that it was quite easy and fast to go 504km with strangers, I also got two new friends and a new older sister inEn savoir plus
After spending the first night at a Couchsurfers place, who were explaining the world to me and his russin teacher while having dinner too much, I changed the place at the next morning to another guy.En savoir plus
My couchsurfers Andrea (my host), his roommate Lorenzo and their friend and ex roommate Andrea made me really feel home in bologna. They did an excellent job by feeding me with Italian cuisine (likeEn savoir plus
... and finally Katsikas :)
Namaste ElMundo
Unsere Chefs: "Was macht der Glühwein in der Wurst?" :D