August 2015
A 23-day adventure by RV There Yet Read more
  • 65footprints
  • 23days
  • 313photos
  • 4likes
List of countries
  • United States
Backpacking, Camper, Camping, Family, Vacation, Wildlife
  • 6.0kmiles traveled
  • Camper2,335kilometers
  • Flight-kilometers
  • Walking-kilometers
  • Hiking-kilometers
  • Bicycle-kilometers
  • Motorbike-kilometers
  • Tuk Tuk-kilometers
  • Car-kilometers
  • Train-kilometers
  • Bus-kilometers
  • Caravan-kilometers
  • 4x4-kilometers
  • Swimming-kilometers
  • Paddling/Rowing-kilometers
  • Motorboat-kilometers
  • Sailing-kilometers
  • Houseboat-kilometers
  • Ferry-kilometers
  • Cruise ship-kilometers
  • Horse-kilometers
  • Skiing-kilometers
  • Hitchhiking-kilometers
  • Cable car-kilometers
  • Helicopter-kilometers
  • Barefoot-kilometers
  • 65footprints
  • 23days
  • 313photos
  • 4likes
  • 6.0kmiles
  • 2.3kmiles
  • Day 2

    Crossing the Mississippi River!!!

    August 8, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

    Angus, Maddie, Gordie, and Patrick crossed the Mississippi River by land for the first time! Sarah crossed it for the 15th +/- time. Welcome to Iowa!

    Prior to this we made stops in Genoa, Ohio and Geneseo, Illinois for gas. Ohio thruway rest area was gorgeous and very clean, especially at 2:30am. The land of Lincoln had the cleanest and most cheerful Mc.Donald's for breakfast full of an older crowd having coffee and chatting on a Saturday morning. Don't blame them, cheap coffee and a nice pristine environment would appeal to any of us as a meeting location. Pancakes were good.

    Mission Impossible #1: Getting a 21 month old to sleep in a camper!

    It took us a while to figure out how to get Patrick to sleep last night. PJ's, books, quiet time and then we tried to put him in his Pac 'n Play that we thought we had cleverly placed in the nook left by the table. The P'n P could not move in there. A truly perfect fit that we thought was ingenious. A much better option than the tub that Sarah got at 6 weeks old going to Disney World. Those were the days...

    Back to the sleeping dilema. So we had a drowsy, calm Patrick. Layed him down in the crib and he proceeded to jump up and use his arms and hands to pull on the couch cushions up and out of the crib all the while screaming: "truck!" "Dada, truck!" The kid loves his trucks and I-80 is full of them. Clearly, there was too much action to fall asleep within view of the trucks passing by.

    Try #2 had Patrick back in his carseat. Complete fail, all he did was scream at such an ear piercing volume that we all got headaches and Sarah became certain this was payback for her rather loud voice as a child. Not that she's loud now, oh no, she's definitely not teaching all the administrators near her classroom Beginning Spanish.

    So we moved on to try #3, co-sleeping on the back bunk. It turned into a half hour of wrestling a baby aligator from one side to the other. He then turned into Chip or was is Dale?, crawling up and down Sarah adjusting his head on her, then pulling her arms around him, then switching to another position on her bladder, where he hadn't been for 21 months and then he would sigh and the moment we thought he was asleep a truck would barrel by and he would scream "truck!" again and we were back to square one. Grrr...

    Try #4 was a bit more unconventional, but it finally worked. We put the Pac 'n Play on the back bed, covered the see-through sides with blankets, pulled the curtain around him and said goodnight. 30 seconds of angry Patrick and he was out. Finally, baby aligators do sleep. He made it 11 hours with one wake up at the Ohio gas stop. Stupid lights from the gas station shining in the vent above his crib. Gotta velcro a cover for that next. But he slept which meant so did everyone else who wasn't up driving or chatting to help the driver stay focused. M & G are amazing helpers!

    Approximately 1,134 miles behind us! Next stop will be Nebraska for gas and then on to the Gray's (Sarah's sister & family) in Denver!!!
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  • Day 2

    License Plate Game!!!

    August 8, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    For those of you who don't know Dr.Harry Carpenter Jr.'s, aka Grampy's, license plate game, well, you must be enlightened. The rules are as follows:

    1) If you are located EAST of the Mississippi River and spot the following license plates, with a reliable witness, you earn a dollar from Grampy. US states: Nevada, Hawaii, Alaska. Canadian provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories and Yukon. Any Mexican plate.

    2) If you are located WEST of the Mississippi River and spot the following license plates, with a reliable witness, you earn a dollar from Grampy. US states: Vermont, Maine. Canadian provinces: the Maritimes (New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia) along with Newfoundland and Labrador.

    3) When you see a plate for the first time, you have to locate it on a map, find the capital and the bordering states/provinces/territories.

    Day 2 Winners!!!!!

    Sarah- Spotted a VT plate on a car at mile 303 going west on I-80 in Nebraska.

    Gordie - Spotted a ME plate on a truck at mile 293 going west on I-80 in Nebraska.

    Included below are some random Nebraska I-80 pictures.
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  • Day 3

    Horseback riding at Castle Cliff Farms

    August 9, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    Cousins Sarah and Paige Gray took Maddie and Gordie out horseback riding! Sarah was on her horse Quinn and Paige let Maddie and Gordie ride her horse Winnie the Pooh. M&G even got Winnie to trot! Gotta have the perfect Colorado experience! Thank you, Paige and Sarah and Aunt Karen for sharing your horses with us!!!Read more

  • Day 3

    Gray Residence!

    August 9, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

    We made it to the Gray's!!! Pulled in at 11pm last night! Gordie helped Patrick fall asleep after he figured out how to climb out of the Pac 'n Play without the assistance of anything (grrrr!). We have mastered sleeping in the camper.

    Patrick was up at 5am MST, luckily Starbucks opens early here, phew! So nice to be with the Gray's (Sarah's sister's family) Karen & Mark and their amazing kids Patrick (19), Paige (19), and Sarah (15) and their black lab Shadow.

    Showers felt great, Gus got the fridge working (had to get the pilot to stay lit), then Mark, big Patrick and Gus went to Home Depot to get basic tools and shelves for creative cabinet storage to fix up the camper. We are ready!

    After riding and after Gus took on big Patrick and Mark in tennis (surprise, the future Hobart student did a little tail whooping on the older guys!), we decided it was time to test out the awning and break in the party side of the camper. Tried LeVity Amber Ale from Ft.Collins, CO. Let the party begin!
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  • Day 3

    Clint Black Concert!!!!!

    August 9, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

    Karen surprised all 10 of us with tickets to a Clint Black concert at Hudson Gardens! We are on the lawn with blankets, a picnic and great family! Bill Engvall (Gus loves the Blue Collar comedy!) opened and talked about his time on Dancing With The Stars (Grammy Carpenter's favorite show). He just happened to be in the area visiting his daughter, lucky us!

    Little Patrick loved seeing the "buns!". Bunnies are like squirrels back east, everywhere!
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  • Day 4

    Great Sand Dunes National Park!

    August 10, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

    We left Denver and headed south on I-25 passing the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. After a scenic gas stop in Pueblo, we turned off the interstate (yeah!) and headed west on 160 towards Great Sand Dunes National Park.

    The Medano River was slowly flowing so we had a rare opportunity to cross on our way out to the dunes. Maddie, Gordie and Angus headed up to the top of the dunes and made it! Their pictures are amazing, but on Maddie's camera, so we'll have to post them later. Patrick liked touching the sand, but wasn't a fan of it flying into his face. Awesome stop!
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