Brazil 🇧🇷

June 2023
A 14-day adventure by Katharina Bo & Torsten Read more
  • 7footprints
  • 14days
  • 58photos
  • 20likes
List of countries
  • Brazil
  • 5.8kkilometers traveled
  • Flight5,741kilometers
  • Walking-kilometers
  • Hiking-kilometers
  • Bicycle-kilometers
  • Motorbike-kilometers
  • Tuk Tuk-kilometers
  • Car-kilometers
  • Train-kilometers
  • Bus-kilometers
  • Camper-kilometers
  • Caravan-kilometers
  • 4x4-kilometers
  • Swimming-kilometers
  • Paddling/Rowing-kilometers
  • Motorboat-kilometers
  • Sailing-kilometers
  • Houseboat-kilometers
  • Ferry-kilometers
  • Cruise ship-kilometers
  • Horse-kilometers
  • Skiing-kilometers
  • Hitchhiking-kilometers
  • Cable car-kilometers
  • Helicopter-kilometers
  • Barefoot-kilometers
  • 7footprints
  • 14days
  • 58photos
  • 20likes
  • 5.8kkilometers
  • 5.7kkilometers
  • Day 2

    Arrived in Rio de Janeiro

    June 17, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    On Friday, 16th June 2023 we started our new adventure and arrived safely in Rio, our first station in Brazil 🇧🇷
    It was a long ride and the weather was very cloudy, so we decided to keep the day relaxed 😌
    After a quick lunch break we took a little “hike” about 30 minutes on a short mountain, which was a fort in the 18th century and got rewarded with a beautiful view over the Copacabana beach.

    Who can spot all three little monkeys in picture 3? 🤓🐒
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  • Day 3

    Full day in Rio

    June 18, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    After 11 hours of sleep 😴, we decided to take another hike to the halfway point of sugarloaf mountain ⛰️ From there, we took the cable car because for the other half alpine climbing skills are needed…
    Kathi also got her first “thousand” mosquito bites 🙄 🦟
    After some great views and a snack on top, we went to the botanical garden to see many many different palm trees and monkeys 🐒
    After another “short” walk to Ipanema beach and an Uber (instead of bikes) back to the hotel we finished the day with some Brazilian food and a drink on a rooftop bar.
    Takeaway of the day: almost no one speaks English here 😰
    and Spanish is no Portuguese 🙅‍♀️
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  • Day 4

    2nd and final day in Rio

    June 19, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Today, we went on a free walking tour. We usually do that kind of sightseeing in cities. The principle is simple: you book a free walking tour and in the end, you chose how much it was worth to you. We like 👍
    We saw a lot of cultural monuments, including the “Confeitaria Colombo” bakery, theatre and the famous stairs “Escadaria Selarón”.
    After that, we booked another Uber (which is very cheap here) to the train station of the “cog train” which brought us to the “Christ the redeemer” statue.
    We ended the day by enjoying a cup of coffee (with Nutella surprisingly for Kathi and not Torsten) in the freaky café “the tiny cat”

    This was our final day in Rio. Tomorrow morning, we will head to our next station.
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  • Day 5

    Arrived in state of amazonas 🌱

    June 20, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    Not much happened today. We left Rio in the morning and flew almost 3.000km over the country to Manaus, the capitol of the Amazonas state in Brazil.
    We saw a beautiful sunset and strolled through the streets of the city center, which is completely different to our hometown in Germany.
    Tomorrow morning we leave Manaus and are heading for our next adventure. There will be boats, jungle, wild animals and much more but most likely no internet connection so the next update here might take a few days 🤓🌿🦜🦟🕷️
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  • Day 6

    🐒 Amazonas Jungle 🌿 pt.1

    June 21, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    On Wednesday, 21st June, our big adventure started.
    We were picked up in the morning from
    our hotel in Manaus and crossed the Amazonas river.
    In picture 2, you can see what happens when the rivers named “Rio Negro” and “Rio Solimões” (which is the name for the Amazonas river in this part of Brazil) come together. Due to the fact, that the temperature of them differs about 10 degrees to each other it is hard for them to merge but once they do, it is called Amazonas river again.
    After that boat ride, we drove with a minibus for almost 3 hours and another boat ride about 30 minutes to arrive at our jungle lodge within the Amazonas Jungle 🦜 at the Tupana river with no internet or network connection (pictures 3-6). 🔋
    Because the tide of the river differs between rain season and dry season about approximately 70cm, our new home for the next days were stilt houses which made live a little wobbly from time to time🙃
    Also electricity was only available during certain time slots 🔦and of course there was no access to warm water. 🥶The tab water is coming from the Tupana river and is being filtered - but still a bit brown in color 🙂
    There is no air condition, but the fan gave its best for bearable nights. 💨😴
    It is very hot - and with hot we mean sweaty since the humidity is about ~90%… the skin is sticky, clothes and hairs are clammy all the time. 🥵

    On our first day, we took a boat tour and saw some rare monkeys 🐒and birds🦜.

    To be continued.
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  • Day 7

    Jungle vibes 🦜 21.06.-24.06.2023

    June 22, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    During the previous days, we did a lot of Jungle activities.
    - paddled with an canoe over the river and into the bushes. 🛶
    - walked thru the Jungle and sweat more then what could be replenished by some water out of lianas 🥵
    - our guide showed us how to climb up on a tree to collect some açaís 🫐 (picture 4 - try yourself 🤓)
    - got half a million mosquito bites (Kathi, Torsten: zero)🦟
    - visited a local family on their farm. This was quite interesting. We didn’t took any photos there to respect their privacy
    - fed a pink dolphin, who is living in the river🐬
    - saw more animals: Tarantel 🕷️, Aras Papagei 🦜, Piranhas 🐟, baby alligator 🐊
    - saw an amazing sunrise 🌅
    - spent one afternoon and night in the jungle, having a dinner which was cooked over an open fire and slept in a hammock 🛏️

    All in all it was one of our most exiting experiences. We can really recommend to spend some days in nature and away from phones/internet 🤩
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  • Day 10

    Life is better at the beach 🌊

    June 25, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    We spent our final days at the beach “Porto de Galinhas”. 🐓
    Not much happened these days 😌💆‍♀️💆☀️🏝️
    We read a lot, enjoyed the beach, good food and played with the waves and decided to learn surfing in the future. 🏄‍♂️
    There was rain on Tuesday all day long. 🌧️Much rain. So we decided to rent a car 🚗 in short notice at a very serious looking car rental station and drove to an amazing waterfall, 1,5h away. 🫧

    Tonight we are heading back home. ☹️ ✈️

    Our takeaways from Brazil in a nutshell:
    - fruits are fruitier around here🍍
    - rain doesn’t make the air cold
    - we felt save all the time 🛡️
    - mosquito protection did its best but Kathi got over 50 mosquito bites 🦟
    - Brazil seems not to have postcards, stamps and post offices at all 😆 🤷‍♀️📪

    - special thanks to our amazing guides in the jungle, Carlos and Jerry 🐒
    - thank you Igor for the great restaurant recommendations and your English speaking ability, which is hard to find around here 😅 🍝
    - deepL translator was very helpful on many occasions, especially by renting a car
    - google photo translator was very helpful by ordering food in a restaurant with only having a Portuguese Menues 🇵🇹

    We are looking forward to explore more countries in Middle and South America 😊 But first, learning Spanish (which would have been a little more helpful here than englisch)🤪 🇪🇸
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