• Dia 48

    Cloud Forest

    19 de maio de 2023, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    🌿🦜 Exploring the Enchanting Cloud Forest of Costa Rica! 🌿🦜

    Hey everyone! Just had the most amazing adventure exploring the breathtaking Cloud Forest in Costa Rica! 🌳🌺 As soon as we arrived, Craig mentioned how much he wanted to spot the legendary Resplendent Quetzal. And guess what? Our wish was granted right off the bat, in the most incredible way possible!

    Our guide, a true nature enthusiast, led us on an unforgettable journey through the lush forest. Believe it or not, just three minutes into our walk, the Resplendent Quetzal made its grand appearance! I can't even put into words how mind-blowing it was to witness this majestic bird in all its vibrant green glory. It literally took our breath away, and I could see how surprised Craig was to see this majestic bird.

    But hold on, that's not all! As we delved deeper into the forest, our guide pointed out the most fascinating creatures, like the burrowed tarantula. Now, let me tell you, seeing this incredible spider in its underground habitat was like stepping into a real-life adventure. We were in awe of its unique dwelling habits and how it adapted to the forest floor. Nature truly knows how to surprise us!

    The forest itself was like stepping into a different world. Towering trees surrounded us, their branches reaching high into the sky, creating a dense canopy that made us feel like explorers on a secret mission. And those fern trees, with their delicate fronds unfurling like intricate masterpieces, added a touch of elegance to the whole scene.

    As we walked along, the symphony of bird chirps filled the air, each one a unique sound that added to the magical atmosphere. Some chirps had a soft and melodic tone, like the gentle tinkling of wind chimes, while others were more distinct, almost like the grinding of metal. It was like being surrounded by nature's very own soundtrack.

    Oh, and let's not forget the vibrant flowers that graced our path. Their vibrant colors and delicate petals were like bursts of pure joy amidst the greenery. It felt like walking through a living painting, with every step revealing a new splash of beauty. We even spotted a Sloth rolled up into a ball of fur hidden in the branches of an ancient tree.

    And towards the end of our adventure we arrived at a beautiful waterfall. Fun Fact: Did you know that the Cloud Forest is one of the most biodiverse habitats on Earth? It's a true haven for wildlife, including the perched Resplendent Quetzal that we were lucky enough to encounter.

    🌿🌺 The Cloud Forest in Costa Rica—a true paradise for thrilling encounters with nature! 🌺🌿

    #CloudForestExplorers #ResplendentQuetzal #NatureAtItsFinest #CostaRicaAdventures
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  • Dia 47

    Dramatic Clouds and Landscape

    18 de maio de 2023, Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We left La Fortuna and drove to Monteverde. After checking in to our hotel, Craig and I went for a short walk through a lush jungle road. We were rewarded with an incredible view with a nice breeze. What a beautiful country!Leia mais

  • Dia 46

    Discovering Costa Rica

    17 de maio de 2023, Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 34 °C

    🌿🐊 Unforgettable Encounter at Ecocentro Danaus in Costa Rica! 🌺

    Craig and I are still amazed after today’s visit to Ecocentro Danaus! This nature reserve is an absolute gem, and we had a jaw-dropping experience that we just have to share with you all:

    🌳 Sloths: We were lucky enough to spot these adorable creatures leisurely hanging from the trees. Did you know that sloths sleep for up to 20 hours a day? Talk about the ultimate chill!

    🐸 Colorful and Poisonous Frogs: Our eyes were treated to a spectacular display of vibrant hues as we encountered the fascinating and poisonous frogs of the reserve. Remember, their dazzling colors serve as a warning to predators!

    🐊 The Mighty Cayman: Hold onto your hats, folks! We came face to face with a magnificent Cayman during our visit. This alligator-like reptile took our breath away as it stealthily emerged from the water. A true snapshot of nature's power!

    🦜 Toucans: These majestic birds graced us with their presence, flaunting their distinctive beaks and vibrant plumage. Fun fact: Toucans use their beaks for more than just looks—they also help with regulating body temperature!

    🦎 The Basilisk Lizard (a.k.a. The Jesus Lizard): We witnessed the legendary Basilisk Lizard hanging out but this incredible reptile has the ability to scamper across water! Hence the nickname - Nature truly has its enchanting surprises!

    🦋 Butterflies: Ecocentro Danaus is a haven for butterflies of all shapes, sizes, and colors. We felt like we were walking through a magical butterfly garden. Did you know that butterflies taste with their feet? Nature's little secret! There were a few butterflies that perched on my hands and arms.

    Ecocentro Danaus is an extraordinary place that not only captivates with its diverse wildlife but also stands as a stronghold for conservation. They actively promote sustainable practices, protect endangered species, and provide valuable knowledge about Costa Rica's rich ecosystem. 🌿🌎✨
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  • Dia 35

    Trancoso Schananigans

    6 de maio de 2023, Brasil ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    We had such a great time in Trancoso with Anne, Meg, and Allan. Each day was filled with great conversations and much laughter!

    From a food perspective: We indulged in the region's culinary delights, savoring Bahian dishes such as the traditional acarajé, the succulent moqueca, or the refreshing caipirinhas. There were plenty of caipirinhas that we enjoyed from Val’s Drink Cart or restaurants!

    The seven days went too fast!
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  • Dia 30

    Beautiful Trancoso

    1 de maio de 2023, Brasil ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    After our time exploring a few countries in South America - Our time spent in Trancoso, Brazil, nestled along the stunning Bahia coastline, has been nothing short of magical. Our beach home became our sanctuary, a place where we reconnected with the soul of this enchanting region and experienced the vibrant energy of the Quadrado. We were excited to show Brad and Christy our home and to have some relaxing beach time!

    Upon arriving at our beach home, we were greeted by the gentle breeze and the rhythmic sounds of exotic birds singing in the rain forest. The beauty of Trancoso instantly enveloped us, with its pristine beaches and lush greenery, creating a tranquil backdrop for our stay.

    The days unfolded at a leisurely pace, with mornings spent strolling along the sandy beaches, feeling the soft grains beneath our toes and dipping into the refreshing waters of the ocean. The Bahia sun bathed us in its warm embrace, casting a golden glow upon our sun-kissed skin.

    In the evenings, we ventured into the heart of Trancoso, the Quadrado. This historic square, lined with vibrant and colorful houses, emanated an irresistible charm. The Quadrado became our meeting point, a place where locals and visitors alike gathered to share stories, enjoy local delicacies, and soak in the lively atmosphere.

    As we meandered through the Quadrado, we discovered quaint boutiques and artisanal shops, offering a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Bahia.

    The evenings in Trancoso were filled with a symphony of flavors. We indulged in the region's culinary delights, savoring Bahian dishes that delighted our taste buds with their bold spices and fresh ingredients. Whether it was the traditional acarajé, the succulent moqueca, or the refreshing caipirinhas, each bite and sip revealed a story of Bahia's culinary heritage.

    Craig and I have been traveling with Brad and Kristy for the past month. We started in Columbia, and ventured to Chile, Argentina, and Brazil. We shared many adventures, hikes, road trips, city exploring, art and cultural pursuits, and culinary adventures! It was hard saying goodbye since we spent every day with them during the last seven weeks. Hope we can organize another great adventure!!!

    As we said goodbye to Brad and Kristy, the day after we greeted Craig’s South African sisters: Anne, Meg, and Meg’s husband Allan. Another week in paradise!
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  • Dia 27

    Exploring Enchanting Rio

    28 de abril de 2023, Brasil ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Today, the four of us embarked on an enchanting walking tour through the vibrant streets of Rio de Janeiro. Our exploration led us to some remarkable destinations that left me in awe of this captivating city's history and charm.

    The day began with a visit to Confeitaria Colombo, a legendary café that has been a cornerstone of Rio's culinary scene since 1894. Stepping inside, we were transported back to the Belle Époque era with its grand architecture and opulent interior. Savoring the delectable pastries and traditional Brazilian cuisine, we couldn't help but imagine the conversations and gatherings that had taken place within these walls, where intellectuals, artists, and politicians would come together to share ideas and indulge in the cafe's delights.

    Continuing our journey, we found ourselves standing before the magnificent Imperial Palace, also known as Paço Imperial. This historical gem served as the residence for the Portuguese royal family during their time in Brazil.

    As we ventured into Rio's bustling Centro area, the heartbeat of the city pulsed all around me. The eclectic mix of architectural styles showcased the rich tapestry of Rio's history, from colonial buildings to towering modern skyscrapers. Immersed in the vibrant street life, we were captivated by the energy and liveliness of the markets and shops that lined the bustling streets.

    Next, we arrived at the majestic Tiradentes Palace, named in honor of Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, a key figure in Brazil's struggle for independence. The palace's neoclassical design exuded an air of power and prestige, befitting its role as the seat of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio de Janeiro. It was humbling to stand in a place that held such historical significance and to contemplate the immense changes that have occurred within these walls over the years.

    One of the highlights of our tour was the awe-inspiring Municipal Theatre of Rio, also known as Theatro Municipal. Its architectural resemblance to the Paris Opera House transported us into a world of grandeur and artistic excellence. As we marveled at the intricacy of the marble work, the golden accents, and the mesmerizing stained glass ceiling, one couldn't help but imagine the captivating performances that have graced its stage.

    The grand finale of our walking tour brought us to the iconic Escadaria Selarón, also known as the Selarón Steps. Climbing these vividly colored steps adorned with a mesmerizing mosaic of tiles from around the world was a truly magical experience. As we absorbed the vibrant atmosphere and snapped photographs, we felt a profound appreciation for the artist, Jorge Selarón, whose passion and creativity brought this staircase to life. The Selarón Steps epitomize the artistic spirit and cultural diversity that make Rio de Janeiro so captivating.
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  • Dia 26

    Sugarloaf Mountain Tram

    27 de abril de 2023, Brasil ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Today, four of us embarked on an exhilarating adventure aboard the Sugarloaf Mountain Tram in Rio de Janeiro. As we ascended to new heights, we were treated to a mesmerizing journey filled with awe-inspiring sights, intriguing facts, and a breathtaking sunset.

    As the tram steadily climbed, the sprawling panorama of Rio de Janeiro unfolded before our eyes. The glistening Guanabara Bay stretched out majestically, reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun. We were captivated by the captivating views of Copacabana Beach, its curved shoreline kissed by gentle waves. The city's iconic skyline, with its impressive array of high-rise buildings and lush mountains as a backdrop, painted a stunning picture of urban beauty and natural wonders.

    Throughout our ascent, we couldn't help but marvel at some interesting facts about the Sugarloaf Mountain Tram. This engineering marvel has been transporting visitors to its summit since 1912, making it one of Rio's most cherished attractions. The tramway consists of two cable cars that transport passengers from Morro da Urca to the peak of Sugarloaf Mountain. Its sturdy construction and reliability have earned it a well-deserved reputation as a safe and thrilling mode of transportation.

    Reaching the top, we were greeted by a magnificent spectacle: the sun gracefully descending towards the horizon. The sky transformed into a vibrant canvas of hues, with shades of orange, pink, and purple embracing the cityscape. It was a breathtaking sunset, casting a warm glow upon the landscape and filling us with a sense of tranquility and wonder.

    As the daylight waned and the city lights began to twinkle, we took the time to appreciate the remarkable feat of nature that surrounded us. The unique topography of Rio de Janeiro, with its mountains merging with the sea, was a testament to the city's extraordinary beauty.

    Our time atop Sugarloaf Mountain was filled with awe-inspiring moments and shared laughter. We captured countless photographs, attempting to immortalize the incredible vistas and the magic of the sunset.

    With the memory of the stunning sunset lingering in our minds, we returned to the vibrant streets of Rio, filled with a renewed appreciation for this captivating city. The Sugarloaf Mountain Tram had offered us a glimpse into the unparalleled beauty of Rio de Janeiro, leaving an indelible mark on our journey.
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  • Dia 24

    Amazing Street Art

    25 de abril de 2023, Pimentão ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Today, the four of us embarked on a cool journey from Santiago to the picturesque seaside town of Valparaíso. Our bus ride transported us to a world of coastal beauty, rich history, captivating street art, and charming terraced streets. Let me recount the memorable moments and enchanting sights we encountered:

    The bus ride itself was an opportunity to soak in the stunning landscapes as we left the bustling city of Santiago behind. As we neared Valparaíso, the sparkling waters of the Pacific Ocean came into view, hinting at the coastal wonders that awaited us.

    Upon arriving in Valparaíso, we were immediately captivated by the town's unique atmosphere. The hills unfolded before us, adorned with vibrant and whimsical houses, creating a kaleidoscope of colors. The terraced streets and neighborhoods, seemingly stacked upon each other, added to the town's charm and character.

    Valparaíso's rich history was palpable in every corner we explored. The town's port served as a key trading hub in the 19th century, attracting people from all over the world. The influence of this diverse cultural melting pot could still be felt in the architectural styles and the vibrant energy that permeated the streets.

    One of the highlights of our visit was the incredible street art that adorned Valparaíso's walls. Every alleyway, staircase, and building facade was transformed into a canvas of creativity and expression. The murals, ranging from bold and colorful to intricate and thought-provoking, told stories of the town's past, its people, and their dreams. We found ourselves lost in a world of artistic wonder, capturing photographs and admiring the talent that adorned the streets.

    As we wandered through Valparaíso's labyrinthine streets, we discovered hidden gems at every turn. Quaint cafes and restaurants enticed us with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and delicious local cuisine. The sound of street musicians filled the air, adding a melodic backdrop to our exploration. The town's bohemian spirit was palpable, inviting us to slow down, embrace the moment, and appreciate the small joys of life.

    We couldn't resist climbing up the terraced neighborhoods to catch a glimpse of Valparaíso's breathtaking vistas. As we reached the higher points, we were rewarded with panoramic views of the glistening sea, the bustling port, and the rolling hills cascading down to the shore. It was a moment of serenity and awe, reminding us of the boundless beauty nature has to offer.

    Valparaíso, with its eclectic mix of history, art, and natural wonders, cast a spell upon us. The seaside town's undeniable charm, its vibrant energy, and the warmth of its people left an indelible mark on our hearts.
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