Chacras de Coria

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    • Day 41

      Horse Riding at Sunset & BBQ at Ranch

      December 12, 2019 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Today we had a walk around Mendoza centre, it's a big place! We stuck to a small route that took us past alot of Plazas where people where chilling with picnics, mate and wine 🍷 (mate as in the tea drink) but also with their mates 👍 We stopped off for lunch with buskers playing, while we people watched for a few hours. Around tea time we headed off to the ranch with Franco (our tour guide and also part time DJ) the ranch was based in Luján de Cuyo on one of the many vineyards, part owned by Francos company where they also kept the horses. We got partnered up with the horses, me with 'Salchicha' (meaning Sausage in English, he was a fast horse but seemed to have a angry grudge against Franco or his horse 😂 his ears went down everytime they approached and wasn't happy them passing us! No idea why! 😳 😂). Zach was partned with 'Rostillo' he was a slow horse for sure, and only sped up when he saw Franco looking at him haha, but he was the most experienced horse of the bunch 😂 After a short lesson we headed off to the hills overlooking the Andes mountains, Franco leading us. I was a beautiful trek that took an hour to the top, over rocky landscape, with cacti 🌵 everywhere! We reached the top just before sunset to watch the sun disappear behind the Andes, then we headed back down for a well deserved late night BBQ with alot of meat (best steak ever, I'm not a steak person but it was amazing 😋) wine and fruits for after. We even got a view of the last full moon of the year. After some good socialising, getting to know our small group we headed back to out hostel around 11.30. Best trip here so far!Read more

    • Day 19

      Day 19, More of Mendoza

      February 26, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ 🌙 72 °F

      Mendoza was a surprise! I spent the day on a walking tour (Mark was taking a rest) and had not expected a city in the heart of a desert to be so green and leafy. Almost totally destroyed by an earthquake in 1861, it was rebuilt by a French-trained architect and has large squares, wide streets, and broad sidewalks. Lots of smaller parks also. Least ‘Spanish colonial’ city in Argentina. Very clean/no graffiti. Also one of the ‘11 great wine capitals’ of the world (and why we are here😎). My guide, Ignacio (Nacho) was a very enterprising young guy who decided at age nine to teach himself English and was fluent enough a couple of years later to win a scholarship to space camp in Huntsville. He is finishing up university while building a thriving tour business. Very impressive. We are staying in a little suburban town, Las Heras, with cute shops and restaurants (and wine stores🍷) and an outdoor market filled with jewelry and pottery. Hard to figure out the crazy economy with so many lovely consumer goods. But anyone with USDs is in luck.Read more

    • Day 380

      Sweet Sunday Wine Tasting Mendoza

      January 21 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Rented a bike and visited two Bodegas. After the first wine and 6 glasses the cycling became a challenge. The second was a luch and another 4 glasses. Have to say that the white wine (Torrontes) with a specific grape from Argentina was spectacular.Read more

    • Day 18

      Day 18, New Friends in Mendoza

      February 25, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ 🌧 81 °F

      Most of the day was spent navigating taxis, flights, rental cars getting to Mendoza. The ordinary-ness of travel. But the evening was magical! Because we always enjoy the opportunity to be in someone’s home while visiting another country, we booked a dinner through Airbnb experiences. It totally exceeded every expectation. Pilar and Fabricio made us feel welcomed from the moment we met. Pilar is trained as a lawyer and Fabricio is CFO of a company that exports garlic. 🧄🧄🧄Delicious meal, and wine, including steak grilled over charcoal. But the best part was the conversation and laughter. I truly believe we will be friends forever.Read more

    • Day 14

      Weinberge um Mendoza

      May 25, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Gestern zu Pferd, heute auf dem Drahtesel. Wir schnappen uns Fahrräder, um die Stadt zu verlassen und Wein 🍷 und Olivenöl zu genießen.

      Absolute Empfehlung geht an Bike and Rollers Rental BCR. Man bucht die Räder easy über WhatsApp, die Räder haben eine gute Qualität und kommen mit Helm, Schloss und Luftpumpe. Sie werden einem vor die Tür geliefert. Der Preis ist absolut fair und als wir müde wurden, hat er uns aus Maipú mitsamt den Rädern eingesammelt und zurück in die Stadt gefahren.Read more

    • Day 8

      Wine Tasting In Lujon De Cuyo

      October 24, 2022 in Argentina ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      For our 2nd day of wine tasting, we headed south to Lujan de Cuyo. We rented bikes at Vistalba Bikes for $9 USD pp/day and they helped us reserve tastings at Carmine Granata and Bodega Pulmary. After Saturday's wine tasting to 4 wineries, we thought we'd be wise and book only two for the day.

      We arrived at Carmine Granata at 11:00 am and we had a private tasting with Mariana from the winery. It was only her 2nd week working at Carmine Granata and she was extra nervous because it was her first tour delivered in English. She didn't need to worry though because she did a fantastic job and we spent almost 2 hours with her, touring the winery and tasting 5 of their wines. Each wine was accompanied by a cheese or chocolate and it was obvious that Sophia who had done the wine pairing knew what she was doing. Our favourite wine, surprisingly, was a rosé which had wonderful fruit on the nose and was a little off-dry on the palate. Mariana informed us that it was actually the cheapest wine because it was a "mistake". The yeast had died during the fermentation process, thus leaving more sugar than intended but the winemaker was quite pleased with the result so decided to bottle it anyway. Personally, we thought he should try to repeat this mistake in the future.

      We left Carmine Granata shortly after 1:00 pm for what should have been a quick 8 kms ride to Bodega Pulmary. Most of the route was on bike paths but the 2 or so kilometers that weren't, were tortuous. The road was narrow with busy traffic going both ways and no room for bikes. The sidewalks were uneven and not rideable. We got to Bodega Pulmary just in time for our 2:00 pm tasting.

      Pulmary is a relatively small, family-owned and run winery and we were greeted by the son, Ramiro Maures, a law student turned winemaker. Under his guidance, we toured the winery along with a charming couple from Italy and two young women from France, all of whom were delightful company. Ramiro started us off with a small pour of beer from the winery’s sister company, Chacras Beer Company, that produces brews fermented using the traditional Champagne method. A good start to the tour.

      The winery is certified organic, and all the harvest is done by hand. Unlike most other tastings we’ve done over the years, Ramiro was serving us unbottled wines direct from the barrel after siphoning them off with a tool called a thief. Our first taste was a young 2021 Malbec that was sitting in old French oak barrels that imparted little flavour to the wine but allowed it to gently oxidize. It was deep, inky red and very fruit forward on the nose and the palate. Next was a 2019 Cab Sauvignon that both Brenda and I thought had notes of acetone on the nose, making it quite unpleasant to drink. Ramiro stuck his nose in the cask and said he’d have to do something about that. The last barrel taste was a 2018 Malbec that had been sitting in a new American oak barrel for 6 months. American oak barrels impart strong vanilla spice and wood aromas and flavour to the wine, and all were evident in this one. In fact, a little too much for my taste. The last wine we tried was the same 2019 Cab that we tasted from the barrel, with one major difference: Somewhere in the bottling and aging process, it lost the acetone notes and became delicious.

      As a coup-de-grace, Ramiro poured us a small shot of cask strength distilled malt liquor, that was produced off-site as a hobby. This clear 60% ABV moonshine was essentially the base for single-malt scotch that hasn’t yet seen any barrel aging and has therefore not taken on any of the characteristic colour of Scotch whiskey. It too was delicious, surprisingly sweet on the palate and very, very warming.

      Of course, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the striking beauty of this region of Mendoza. The acres and acres of vines stretch off into the distance before a backdrop of the snow-capped Andes. Under today’s bright blue sky and brilliant sunshine, the scenery made for postcard-worthy photos.

      We ended our day with some vegetarian empanadas, a piece of grilled vegetable toast and a veggie burger accompanied by giant French fries at a small roadside café in Chacras.

      Our bike ride back to Vistalba bikes, along a different route, was smooth and uneventful as was our bus ride back to Mendoza.

      Another great day on the wine trail.
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    • Day 32

      Tag 31: Mendoza & 3Musketiere

      January 15 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Eigentlich könnte man den Tag auch "Süßes Nichtstun III" nennen. Nach einem gemütlichen Morgen, feinem Frühstück und nettem Ratsch mit anderen Gästen ging es erstmal ausgiebig an den Pool. Kaum verlassen wir das Wasser finden uns die hier drei ansässigen, äußerst verschmusten Musketiere für intensive Krauleinheiten :-). Da die nächsten Tage sicher öfter von ihnen berichtet wird, hier eine kurze Vorstellung:
      Lola (schläft)= einiziges Weibchen, Namensgeberin des WiFi Passwortes und freut sich, wenn die Herren streiten, dann wird nämlich immer sie gekrault.
      Guante= heißt quasi "Handschühchen" wegen seiner weißen Pfoten, ist der Senior in der Runde und der verschmusseste und schelmischte der Runde.
      Moro ( von Nicole Mordor genannt)= ein kleiner Eifersüchtling und kabbelt sich gerne mit Guante.

      Am Nachmittag hatten wir das erste leckere Winetasting, sonst ist nicht viel passiert.
      Wir sind im Wein & Hundeparadies!
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    • Day 31

      Tag 30: Auf nach Mendoza

      January 14 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Heute haben wir uns für die landschaftlich schönere aber etwas länger Strecke nach Mendoza entschieden. Eigentlich wäre wir 2 Nächte in Barreal geblieben aber wir hatten beide Lust auf etwas längere Zeit in Mendoza mit leckerem essen, Pool und feinem Wein!
      Die Fahrt ist wirklich wieder sehr schön und wir machen einen ausgedehnten Lunch Stop in Barreal. Wie kommen an blauen und braunen Flüssen vorbei, fast 7.000ern, Hochheben und wieder wilde Gebirgsstrassen! Im Laufe unseres Roastrips kommen wir immer wieder an Schreinen mit Bergen von gefüllte Wasserflaschen vorbei! Der Legende nach hat sich eine Frau mit ihrem Baby in der Wüste verirrt und ist gestorben, das Kind hat an der Brust der Mutter überlebt. Die Mutter wurde zwar nicht heilig gesprochen aber die Argentinier insbesondere die LKW Fahrer verehren sie. Sie gilt als Beschützerin aller die durch die großen Weiten reisen und legen Opfergaben wie Lenkräder, Reifen oder gefüllte Wasserflaschen ab.
      Am späten Nachmittag erreichen wir dann Mendoza und unsere wunderschöne Unterkunft! Morgen gibt's dann das erste Tasting! :-)
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    • Day 50

      Äntligen cykel-vin turen!

      November 26, 2014 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Den främsta anledningen till att vi åkte till Mendoza var för att det skulle vara otroligt vackert att cykla runt bland vingårdarna här. Så igår gav vi upp plugget för dagen och gav oss ut och cyklade.

      Det finaste distriktet skulle vara söder om Mendoza, vi tog en taxi dit då taxis här är väldigt billigt och vi var lite sent ute. Efter ett tag ser vi på vår iphone gps(otroligt tacksam för tekniken i dessa stunder!) att han kört förbi stället där vi skulle hyra cykel för länge sen. Vi tänker att han vet nog vad han håller på med och väntar en stund till. Men han fortsätter bara på motorvägen söderut! Vid det här tillfället är vi både arga och irriterade då vi sagt åt honom att svänga av och stanna flera gånger men han bara fortsatt så vi skriker och viftar och tillslut får vi honom att vända. Vi får guida honom tillbaks och dit vi ska, det blev betydligt mycket dyrare och tog mycket längre tid än vi räknat med. När vi kommer fram till uthyrningen är jag så arg och irriterad att jag får sätta mig ner ett tag haha:) Vi har fått lära oss att de inte kan erkänna när de har fel här (vilket är väldigt irriterande), den där taxichaffören skulle kört hur långt som helst utan att han inte har någon aning om vart stället vi ska till är.

      Vi var på totalt 3 vinprovningar (varav 1 vingård) och en delikatessprovning. Den första hade ekologiskt vin, det var vår favorit, otroligt goda viner och ägaren var så passionerad och kunnig! Det andra stället var vingården. Det låg så himla fint vid foten av ett berg. Guiden där lärde oss en del om hur man såg skillnad på bra och dåligt vin, vilket jag inte visste, det var roligt. Det sista stället var ett ställe som gjorde kola (vilket är väldigt populärt i Argentina), likör och choklad.

      Det var väldigt mysigt och fint att cykla mellan ställena. Alla vägar var kantade av massa träd, kändes som man cyklade i tunnlar nästan, så såg man bergen i bakgrunden. Vi träffade så mycket härliga människor, det var en himla bra dag!
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    • Day 26

      Chacras de Coria

      April 27, 2016 in Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      We spent 3 days in Mendoza. Actually we were staying in Chacras de Coria outside of Mendoza of city. When I made the booking I thought it was part of Mendoza city but I have learned that most suburbs are their own town. Mendoza is not exactly what we expected. We had heard all about the wineries and had anticipated something similar to Niagara-on-the-Lake. We were quite wrong. It was a big city. The wineries were pretty far from the city center. We stayed at Acequais Bed and Breakfast. The place had a lot of potential but a lot of little things could have improved our stay. Chacras de Coria ended up being a cute little town with lots of quaint little restaurants to choose from. We wandered through it many time during our stay. The nice part about this town was the proximity to wineries. The draw back was we were far from the city centre and bus terminal.

      The first day we ventured into Mendoza city. It was almost an hour ride by local bus which only cost $0.70 CAD! We spent most of the day exploring St. Martins Park. The city didn’t really hold our attention otherwise.

      The 2nd day was our favourite. We were able to get one free bike from our hostel and rented a second. There were about 7 wineries within 7 km of our hostel. We spent the day visiting 3 wineries; Alta Vista, Lagrande, Carmello Patti. Of the 3, our favourite was Carmello Patti. They offered a free tasting and we were greeted by Carmello Patti himself. He was charming character and gave a delightful talk in Spanish which I understood very little but was still impressed. We liked it so much we came back later in the day to buy a bottle. Too bad we can’t take a case with us. The weather was really nice today and got up to 17 degrees. We had been expecting warmer temperatures in the mid-twenties but experienced below average temperatures around 10 degrees.

      With the low temperatures, we opted to visit a thermal spa on our last day. Getting to the thermal spa was quite a challenge. It involved confusing directions, 2 local buses and some walking. We were also unlucky and had a bus breakdown which added an hour to our travel time. In the end the thermal spa was nice. I especially enjoyed the water slide. We capped of the day with a delicious dinner at El Mercadito in town. It was an amazing deal, a bottle wine, 2 mains and dessert for about $50 CAD.
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