Callaghan Park

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    • Day 45

      Yalgoo to Mullewa.

      August 29, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      I'm back. After leaving our camp out of Yalgoo we continued west to Pindar. After Yalgoo the wheat started although not real great crops because it has been so dry
      We looked at Wikicamps the night before and it said that the pub in Pindar serves scones with jam and cream. That turns out to be old news as the pub is closed and is now a private residence. We were told by the girl in the visitors centre in Sandstone that if we head 10kms north from Pindar we will see Wreath Flowers. So disappointed about morning tea we headed off. After driving the 10 or so ks the dirt road becomes a divided road, still dirt, just divided. We parked on the left fork and walked through àbout 30mtrs of scrub to the other fork and there they were scattered over about 400mtrs along both sides of the right fork. Even though not as good this year because of the dry, we thought they looked special. And plenty of others did as well. After a good look at the flowers and a chat with John, a 92yr old local from Mullewa, we headed off to Mullewa and booked into the caravan park for the night.Read more

    • Day 61

      Northampton and Mullewa

      August 31, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 33 °C

      We left Monkey Mia after a wonderful few days and then had a tyre blow out on the road out to the main highway. We changed the tyre and continued on to our next stay at Northampton, booking in for some new tyres in Geraldton the next day.

      After getting the tyres replaced and finding a nice cafe for a coffee, we drove on to Mullewa to look at some wildflowers and then continued on to our next stop in Mount Magnet.
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    • Day 146


      November 6, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Come for the 100km drive through cropping country, and signage mentioning wildflower trails - unfortunately we're out of season for this, to check out Mullewa and surrounds.
      We start by going to the information centre which is open. Lovely lass gives us a map to show us the walks we can do about the town, and places of interest to see. Yes it is mentioned that we've just missed (by about 4 weeks) the most amazing wildflower season...oh well, another reason to come back when it is the right time.
      We start off by going to the Gallery Cafe of local artist Helen. We get to see Helen at work on her latest painting - her colours and style very neat and precise. We enjoy our cappuccino and chai here with a muffin each, raspberry & white chocolate for Rog, lemon for me. It's nice and busy in the Cafe, can understand why - it is a very nice shop to be in, with all Helen's art work, prints and products on display. Next we go for the Heritage walk about Mullewa, this leads us to the walk (what we came for really) that takes us to John Lawes buildings - the church and rectory. They are a work of art within themselves - what a remarkable man John was with all that he achieved. These buildings are an incredible legacy, and so good that they are being preserved. Well worth the drive today! The church and museum (was where John lived) are closed, but we're in luck, the current minister can be contacted (have his phone number displayed at the church entrance) - so Roger rings him, Robert is available to let us have a look. We can only look in the church as the Museum has recently been vandalised (local youth?) and they're waiting on repair work to be done. Again our luck was with us as Robert was just leaving to go to Geraldton, then fly to Perth for a long overdue catch up with some of his family - so we have just been in time for him to give us a quick look - which is all we need. Amazing work with the church - just beautiful. Now we walk back to our ute (parked at Tourist centre) and go for a drive about to check out a couple more things before we start our drive back to Geraldton. We go check out the Aboriginal outdoor worship meeting place that John prepared, and then go to the Scenic Lookout.
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    • Day 27

      känguru, skink und blühende eukalyptus

      September 26, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

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