Cockle Bay

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    • Day 16

      Hiking the Grand Canyon

      November 16, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      Yes, Australia has its very own Grand Canyon. Not quite as grand as our canyon, but incredibly beautiful. Lauren picked us up around 7:30am and we drove about 90 minutes to the trailhead, where we encountered one other car. One. As in 1. If this hike was in Colorado, you’d need a reservation for it.

      The trail started with a solid number of stairs going down, down, down. Each step triggered a terrible thought, “You’re going to have to walk back up these.” Despite having had surgery in late May, the recovery for my ankle has been slow, and the hardest challenge in daily life has been stairs. I figured the worst that could happen would be a really slow ascent on the way back. Or a search and rescue helicopter.

      We’d been waiting to see black cockatoos, and Lauren pointed one out. I didn’t even know there were such birds, but they are really pretty. Kim tried to get a few pictures, but he was elusive, so she gave up. As we continued to lose altitude, we entered into the dampness. Ferns and mosses were abundant, and water seemed to drip from everything. We caught up to a small waterfall, which I imagine is a large waterfall, when there is rain here, but it’s been dry. I walked gingerly down the wet and slippery stone stairs, trying to stay upright while taking in the views. After traipsing through a small cave with our torches, we rounded a corner to find a wispy waterfall. I named them Schweitzer Falls, since we could walk behind them. Actually, the trail took us around the backside of the falls, and continued to follow the river downward. We came to an information placard that showed the surrounding cliffs. We were actually halfway between the top of the canyon wall and the floor. From this location, rock climbers will gear up and drop to the bottom. The whole area looked like Jurassic Park, with luscious, large green ferns, and deep, menacing looking holes below. We walked just a bit further and decided to turn around, so as not to push my ankle too hard.

      As I suspected, the walk back up the canyon was taxing but doable. There was so much to see that stopping regularly was built into the ascent. After passing the falls again, we ran into a a couple who were looking for birds. He had a camera with a serious lens on it, and Lauren struck up a conversation that went something like, “How you going? Looking for the cockies? We saw black cockies on the way down.” “Yeah, we heard them and thought they might be cockies. We’re from Victoria and our cockies sound a little bit different. Our black cockies are smaller than yours.” I will spare you the other 50 ways they used the word cocky, but it was weird to hear that word in the wild.

      The trail became more populated on the way up, and we passed several other hikers. As we got to the top, we ran into a couple with their abseil gear on their backs. They were headed down to the very bottom of the canyon; wish I could have seen that GoPro video.

      We popped out of the canyon and drove immediately to the little coffee stop we saw on the way in. Kim was delighted to see gluten-free ANZAC cookies. I told her she had to have one, since she was in Australia. ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps. The story I’ve heard is that the ingredients don’t tend to spoil, so they were easily shipped to the military personnel. I was also told that they are the first things kids learn to cook, since the recipe is fairly easy. I don’t know if any of that is true but they sure are yummy! The coffee place was a tiny trailer parked in a woman’s driveway. Somehow during our conversation with her, she invited us to take a look around her backyard. The well-groomed lawn was adjacent to a healthy vegetable garden and a moderately sized chicken coop, from where she collects butt nuggets. The picture says it all.

      We motored down the road to the Three Sisters overlook. The Three Sisters are another rock formation in the area. According to indigenous legend, they represent three sisters who lived in the Jamison Valley as part of the Katoomba tribe. Apparently, the overlook is a popular tourist attraction, as heaps of commercial buses filled the street and car park. We walked around the overlook but decided against the two hour, round trip trail. I was a little too tired for that. Instead, we decided to grab lunch. Lauren navigated through Katoomba to the Glass House. The cafe is in a converted glass greenhouse, surrounded by pine and gum trees. Colorful flowers bloomed on the property, making for a pleasant dining experience.

      It felt like a full day, but we arrived back to our Air BnB by 3pm. We ran a couple of loads of laundry and packed up some of our items. We’ll be headed to Long Point for a very relaxing weekend.
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    • Day 94


      January 5, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      morgens musste ich ausm Hostel auschecken. Gegen mittags dann mit nem freund (Vincenzo) getroffen den ich das letzte mal gesehen habe als ich in Sydney war. Nachmittags dann Hostel gewechselt. Muss sagen mag das neue Hostel deutlich mehr! Ich glaub ich war noch in einem Hostel in Sydney was so zentral war. Gab mal wieder ein Zimmer Update vom 16 bed mixed dorm in ein 12 bed female dorm. Um 7 gabs free bbq im hostel. War um halb 8 oben und da gabs nix mehr denke aber eh dass es nix vegetarisches gab. Hab dann noch ne Zeitlang mit einer aus den uk und einem aus Malaysia geredet. Danach bin ich einkaufen gegangen weil brauchte ja was zum frühstücken für morgen. Die aus den uk(Molly) hat mich gejoint. Auf dem Weg zum Supermarkt haben wir eine Straßenkünstlerin gesehen. Sie war richtig gut. Danach sind wir noch zum darling Harbour gegangen da gab dann ne Feuershow und noch mehr Musik.

      P.s. heute hieß es Abschied nehmen von meinen Schuhen 😂
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    • Day 3


      December 31, 2023 in Australia

      Hallo Liebe Klasse. Wie geht es euch?
      Um 08:00 Uhr sind meine Familie und Ich zum Flughafen Zürich.
      Dort erfuhren wir das unser Flug von Hongkong nach Australien 12 Stunden Verspätung hat. Wir wahren ein bisschen verärgert.
      nach dem Flug von der Schweiz nach Hongkong hatten wir statt 2 Stunden 14 Stunden Aufenthalt. Als Entschuldigung durften wir es uns in der Business Lounge gemütlich machen. Dort gab es mehr als drei Restaurants.
      Nach 14 Sunden ging es endlich nach Australien. Nach 9 Stunden Flugzeit kommen wir in Australien.
      danke für eure Kommentare.
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    • Day 4

      Hopp On-Hopp Off Tour

      January 1, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Hallo liebe Klasse.
      Heute Morgen beschlossen wir auf eine Hopp On-Hopp Off Tour zu gehen.
      Dafür mussten wir von Manly mit der Fähre nach Sydney.
      Auf der Fahrt sahen wir die Harbour Bridge und das Opernhaus.
      Bevor wir mit der Tour starteten holten wir uns noch ein Eis.
      Danach stiegen wir ein in den Bus ein, in dem Bus gab es Kopfhörer bei denen man die Sprache ein stellen konnte und dann alles über die Häuser erfahren konnten.
      Liebe Grüsse von Sol
      PS ein Foto ist für Frau Schläpfer
      danke für eure Kommentare aber warum Niammm niamm
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    • Day 36

      Day 36: Taste this! Rum

      January 27, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      Life-long learners unite! (I meant to post this a while back).

      Aguag & Destra Viking Neptune bartender’s and personal instructors on various matters related to the consummation of adult beverages continue to hold classes at Torshavn on various types of beverages. Keep your eyes on the VIking Daily for the next class. Be sure to register with Guest Services.

      Even if you are not a big drinker, or you are like me and really don’t know the finer details of one wine to another - these sessions really teach the 101 level of different types of drinks. Just take sniff and a sip and learn.

      Today’s class was about rum — So, I do have some Bacardi & Coke experience — It started in the late seventies. Enough said. I do love Myers Dark Rum as well. However, if you want to learn how to drink rum go to Belize - this past July Donna & I visited Belize - we are pretty sure that Belize Coconut Rum is running through the plumbing systems of the entire country. We did learn to enjoy a nice Belizean Rum Punch pretty much anytime of the day.

      The rums our guides sampled us through this evening were as listed below.

      1) Bacardi
      Color: White
      Country: Puerto Rico
      $19.99 at CostCo

      2) Mount Gay Eclipse
      Color: Gold
      Country: Barbados
      AU$ 54.00/750ml

      3) Myers Dark Rum
      Color: Dark
      Country: Jamaican
      $24.00 (in New Hampshire, USA, no tax)

      4) Ron Matusalem
      Color: Amber
      Country: Once based in Cuba, now Dominican Republic
      $125 per bottle

      5) Ron Zaccpa, Centenario XO
      Color: Dark Amber
      Country: Guatemala
      AU$ 222/750ml

      The saying, “You get what you pay for” is true as we journeyed up the ladder. It was a nice experience to try different rums, and learn a little bit about each.

      The reason you have to drink Bacardi with coke is to kill the torturous flavor. However, you should be shot if you mix Zaccpa with anything. It stands on its own as just a nice smooth , aaaaahhhh ….

      Class dismissed.

      #rum #myVikingJourney #myVikingStory #vikingNeptune
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    • Day 49

      Napier, New Zealand

      February 6, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Bob went to breakfast while I worked on the blog.
      I also had a moment to give my cousin, Tamra, a call to inquire about my step-father's memorial service. She let me know that it was a very nice service and that it was great to see everyone. I am very sorry that I missed the service and have not been able to give my mother a hug.

      The ship arrived in Napier at noon.

      We went to lunch early as we had to be in the Star Theatre for a 12:25 PM departure.

      Our excursion for today was Cape Kidnappers Gannet Colony. Cape Kidnappers received its name from Captain Cook. On one of Captain Cook's voyages, he had included in his staff two interpreters in order to be able to communicate with the Maori. When the Maori saw 2 dark skinned people on the Endeavor, they assumed that Captain Cook had kidnapped them. The Maori decided to kidnap them back. They were successful in getting one of the interpreters off the Endeavor. Captain Cook then fired on the Maori killing them. Captain Cook was able to rescue his interpreter.

      Our tour began with a brief tour of Napier. The city of Napier experienced a devastating earthquake in 1931. As a result, the most of the building in Napier are of the art deco style. These buildings have been listed as historic buildings so they continue to be preserved.

      After driving through downtown Napier, we began our drive to Cape Kidnapper. We had just left Napier when Bob's seatmate decided that Bob's shoulder was a excellent place to nap. We find that as soon as we get in a vehicle and it begins to move, it is like Pavla's Bell. For this population, it means naptime. Another need for the Neptune's guest is frequent comfort stops. So, we made a brief restroom stop at the Gannet Safari's office because we would be in a remote area for 2.5 hours.

      Next, we passed through a gate and entered a cattle/sheep station which also has a very exclusive resort and golf course. The resort was beautiful. We were told that the green fees for this course is $1,000. Definitely beyond our budget for green fees.

      A portion of the cattle/sheep station and the adjoining property have developed into a conservation area where effort are being made to remove non-native predators of native birds. The importation of non-native predators is a huge problem for the kiwi species because they cannot fly. It is estimated that there were once about 12 million kiwi, but by 1998 the population had plummeted to fewer than 100,000 birds. By 2008 that figure had fallen even further, to about 70,000. Today it’s estimated there are around 68,000 kiwis left and unmanaged kiwi populations continue to decline by 2% every year. The conservation efforts in the Cape Kidnappers area has been very successful in increasing the number of Kiwi. Due to limited area in Cape Kidnappers that is good habitat for the Kiwi birds, this area has now reached capacity for Kiwi population. Consequently, they are now relocating Kiwi to re-populate other areas.

      As we came to Gannet colony, the entire bus said a collective, "Wow". We watched the birds for about 30 minutes before returning to the Gannet Safari office where we were treated to an excellent snack.

      We then drove back to the ship. We were greeted at the ship with 1930's area music and a display of automobiles with their owners dressed in period attire.
      The ship departed shortly after our return.

      We enjoyed a glass of wine on our balcony while watching the sail away. We were able to observe the gannet from the water as they were fishing.

      Since we spent so much time on our balcony, we were late getting to the World Cafe so the two of us ended up having dinner on the Aquavit Terrace.

      Although we would have liked to have more time in downtown Napier, overall it was a great day.

      You all may be wondering what is happening with our blog as you get notification of a post. I start the post on my phone during our tour. I make quick notes. In order to transfer my notes, I have to post it on my phone. I then edit it on the computer. At times I have not had an opportunity to process/download photos, so I have to post the footprint and edit it later. I will try to be better about having all information ready before I post/edit the footprint.
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    • Day 40

      02.15.2024 Tasman Sea

      February 15, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      We returned late last night from the Penguin Parade so we were slow moving today. Glad it is a sea day.
      Myron went to the Spa and Diana worked updating the photo books. It’s an arduous task but I don’t want to wait until we are home as it would probably never get done.
      We attended Russell Lee’s lecture “When OZ went to Paraguay-the Amazing Story of New Australia”.
      Don’t you just love his titles? He makes his lectures so fun. Oh and a fact, his tie always represents what he is talking about.
      We had lunch in the World Cafe where a
      nacho bar was set up and joined Gail, Juan, Jeff and Megan. It was yummy! Dinner was just the two of us in the Restaurant.
      The Viking guest choir performed tonight in the Star Theatre so Myron was back on stage singing. The Viking Singers were there as well putting on a performance.
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    • Day 44

      02.19.2024 Sailing the Australian Coast

      February 19, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      Yay! A sea day. So nice to not have to be anywhere today. It’s cloudy, hot, and humid.
      Myron attended a few lectures while Diana updated the photo books.
      We went to the main pool but it was way too humid without the roof open so we moved to the Spa after about an hour.
      A little spa pool time, snow grotto and steam room for Myron.
      Dinner tonight was at the Chef Table with Burt, Todd, Mike and Lauri. A California cuisine dinner. We went to the Star Theatre for the comedy magic duo of Phil and Cass.
      Time for bed. Good night!
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    • Day 34

      Night Sky: Southern Cross

      February 11, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      So lucky to have had Howard Parkin, our resident Astronomer, on board to explain the stars to us each night. After many weeks, we finally had a wonderfully clear sky with fantastic views of the night sky from the top deck of the ship. The Southern Cross, 2 Pointer stars (Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri), and Southern constellations were right in front of us.

      We also managed to see the Milky Way, the 2 Magellanic clouds and an upside down Orion's Belt, and much more. It was one of the best nights of star gazing, thanks to the bridge crew for turning off the lights. It's amazing how bright the stars are without the ambient lights from the moon and city lights.
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    • Day 33

      Lane Cove Sydney

      February 26, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      I dag har vi sagt farvel til vennene i Appin. Huff, det ble tårevått! Når blir neste gang? Blir det et neste møte?

      Etter avskjeden dro vi innom en kjempeflott campingbutikk med alt du kan drømme om (hvis det er det du drømmer om da, vel og merke.. ) Tanken er å kjøpe et litt større telt som vi skal ha i tilknytning til bilen vi har leid på vestkysten. Så idag var vi kun på en liten rekognosering.

      Da vi nærmet oss Sydney tenkte vi å finne et hotell i sentrum. men fant ut at vi ikke ville bruke $ på det. Har derfor havnet på en campingplass som vi faktisk har vært på før. Lane Cove holiday park.

      I ettermiddag har vi vært på Manly beach og gått langs stranda. Været har vært litt bob bob, men godt og varmt.
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