Da Vinci Park

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    • Day 1

      Home to Meriton World Towers Sydney

      October 26, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Hello Fans & Follows...welcome back everyone after a long 4.5 year drought! It's been a long time and I've missed you all.
      The alarm went off at 0440 and up and at em I got, showered and throwing in some last minute things into my case Scotty and I left for the airport, 0605. Apart from the obvious morning traffic on Tonkin Hwy and Perth's ongoing roadworks we arrived at T1 just before 7am. Checked in and ordered eggs benny, coffee and a bloody Mary. A kick start into this well earned holiday!
      It turns out Scotty got around to T3 tried to check in and his business class ticket had been cancelled! Apparently you can't book a BC ticket on frequent flyers. So after nearly an hour of talking to the Malaysian Qantas call centre because the frontline staff couldn't help him he purchased another ticket. This would only happened to Scott hey Robyn?
      After priority boarding on our Virgin flight Marty was asleep before we got to the end of the tarmac! Kerri and I had a good laugh the whole flight and before we knew it we were landing in Sydney.
      First on, last off we headed to the baggage carousel next and outside to meet the limo.
      Who would have thought that an 11 person stretch limo would struggle to fit all of us and our luggage! Surprised anyone, haha!
      After heading straight for the Meriton World Towers the driver dropped us around the corner in Pitt St, What happened next was a spectacle for passing city commuters. Rolling out onto the pavement was a sight as we all discovered that overweight middle aged and beyond are not very good sitting low down to the ground! Have I painted a picture?
      A short walk around the corner to our accommodation, Kerri checks us in then we walked into our apartment on the 69th floor with breathtaking panoramic 270' views of the Sydney skyline. Stunning!
      A couple of cold chooks and some salad for tea we chatted about the day and what a great first day! Looking forward to our adventures ahead!
      It's good night from moi, and it's good night from them...
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    • Day 2

      Day 2 - Sydney

      October 27, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Hello Fans and Followers, day 2 started early with some bubbles, as ya do when your on holidays and we all waited for Brett to arrive. A quick tour of the apartment and we all headed off into the Sydney streets in search of some lunch. We walked in and out of a couple of places then settled for a dumpling house The Laughing Buddha that didn't make their own dumplings but got them out of a packet. Didn't understand that! After a walk through a part of the city we of course found an Irish pub Maloney's where we had one drink. Back to the apartment we went to get ready for the evenings proceedings which was dinner at the Munich Brauhaus in The Rocks.
      After a mix up with what time Brett was to meet us back here at the apartment we headed down to the street to meet him but he hadn't left so we decided to meet him at the town hall. Well, that walk was never ending! After finding Brett & Julie, Nev, Brett, Julie and Scotty hopped on a tram and Brett told mum, Kerri, Marty & I to call an uber from down the road as mum couldn't get up into the tram. So we walked and walked and walked and walked...eventually we got to the rocks.
      The night was fantastic with much beer swilling, eating, singing along with the oompah band, laughing, beer drinking & nail hammering competitions we finished up about 10 and called an uber.
      After 4 confirmed rides cancelling on us one of the workers told us that where we were standing we wouldn't get an uber because they won't stop outside the Argyle because it has a bad reputation for trouble.
      Back to the apartment we were all in for a much needed rest and some sleep! What a day!
      Well it's good night from me and it's good night from them!
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    • Day 3

      Day 3 - Sydney

      October 28, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Hello Fans & Followers, day 3 started very hazy through blood shot eyes as yesterday was a very big day on the consumables 🍻 🤪
      We were all going to have a rest day today as we board Ovation of the Sea's tomorrow but mum, Nev and Scotty decided to head to Manly on the ferry while Kez, Marty & I did have a rest day! We sat back and chatted and watched the world go by above and below the Sydney skyline, helicopters doing their joy rides, aeroplanes soaring through the sky, boats and yachts zipping through the maze of waterways and people going about their lives like busy ants building their nest. This is a view that never tires!!
      Mum, Nev and Scotty got back and told us of there day! The ferry to Manly they say was the usual spectacular ride and the ale & food at the Bavarian was good! Scotty though got shat on by a very large bird but I say that is good luck for Saturdays lotto syndicate.
      Marty & Nev headed down to Maloney's again for $10 jugs so we won't be seeing them for a while and Kez, Scotty, mum and I are chatting and having a crisp wine!
      I have really needed this R&R day to get recharged for the cruise tomorrow! Thanks Scotty for the harbour photos!
      Tonight it's uber eats a wine or 2 and a relatively early night. Until tomorrow Fans & Followers it's good night from me and it's good night from them
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