Kingy Bay

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    • Day 91

      Los gahts richtig Norde

      September 28, 2024 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      So di letscht Nacht im ne warme Dihei hemmer gnosse aber mir sind ready zum s Australie Kapitel so z schlüsse wie mers au ahgfange hend und zwar früürend im Auto😂 Nene mir sind guter Dinge das mer dasmal nöd früred, aber mir hend halt nümm dä Luxus vo Schlafsack und Matratze. Da mer die hend müsse z Cairns lah gits jetzt halt eifach Schneemann look und chli Rugge weh😅
      Aber zrugg zum Tag, am Morge simmer i en Nationalpark wommer mega viel Känguru gseh hend und zwei Koalas. Vier Känguru hend sogar es Baby im Bütel gha! Insgesamt simmer öppe 1h eifach im Wald gstande und hend d Kängurus bim esse beobachtet😍 Wo mer denn zrugg zum Auto hend welle het eus en Vogel begrüesst und er het eifach nöd weg welle. Erst nachdem mer en berüehrt hend isch er weg gfloge🤔
      Wiiter ischs gange uf Lancelin, det hemmer di hübsche Sanddüne ahgluegt und denn simmer wiiter zu dä Pinnacles Desert. Isch ebefalls en Nationalpark wo mer mit em Auto die verschiedene Felse chan go ahluege. Am Ahfang hemmer nöd denkt das euses 2WD Auto das schafft aber moll isch tiptop gange😁
      Als Abschluss simmer no ah en Strand wills det sött Seehünd ha aber leider neein. Bis jetzt hemmer mega Glück was d Tierwelt ahgaht bis uf: Wombat, Seehünd und Ameiseigel hemmer alli chli grössere Tier gseh. Us dem Grund simmer jetzt chli uf dä Suechi🤫 Dä Sunneundergang hemmer irgendwo ufme Hügel vom Autodach gluegt und denn simmer zu eusem Schlafplatz gfahre. Und was gsehmer wommer det härä fahred?! En Ameiseigel!😍😍 Mir hend eusne Auge nöd traut und eus tierisch gfreut🥳 Hüt hemmer allgemein en richtige Glückstag gha, will mir hend hüt gseh: mega viel 🦘, zwei 🐨, en 🦊, en wilde 🐰, ä Emu Familie und en Ameiseigel 😍
      Zum Znacht hemmer no di restlich Pizza vom Resti gässä und denn hemmer eus ahgleit mit allem wo mer hend. Wie d Nacht usecho isch gsehmer denn morn😅🙂
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    • Day 163

      Dongara Northshore Beach

      November 23, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Drive here and park with the caravan. Go for a walk about and check out the beach - high tide. This fills in time so we now can go back into Dongara to the Tourist Information Centre. We also stop at the Seaspray Caravan Park on our way - to find out its pricing.Read more

    • Day 14

      Dongara via Mingenew

      June 3, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Camping at Miners Campsite at Coalseam National Park was very comfortable. The wind had died down and our tent was positioned with great views of the range. Our warmest camp night last night at camp number 7.
      Remembering the yummy pies in Mingenew, we headed for this little town on the way to Dongara. The pies were nice but after Everett butchers in Kalgoorlie and Food Van pies in Coolgardie, the Mingenew bakery was a little disappointing.
      We arrived in Dongara to a beautiful studio accomdation, with views of the beach. Luxury of showers and washing machine, running water and flushing toilets is so nice and never taken for granted.
      Dinner will be at the pub and then sleep in a bed, in a warm room.
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    • Day 16

      Dongara Irwin Inlet Trail

      June 5, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Accessed the beach from our accommodation via 1km of 4WD track, then along the beach to Seaspray Cafe for elevenses/lunch.

      The Greek lady who owns the cafe lived in Singapore where she ran a fish and chip restaurant called Red Emperor. She also had another eatery in Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok, but lost it all, all $1.6 million when 9/11 happened, and many expats were recalled from SE Asia. We spoke Singlish, accent and all lah. She remarked about the mess kids are allowed to leave behind, and we decided that she should have a Messy Kids Surcharge. There was a single young lady in the table next to us who joined in this conversation, and being a teacher, she spoke with informed authority about "kids today". Greek lady then sat down and told us about her traumatic experience of being kidnapped in Singapore, and held in her apartment for 2 weeks until her big hunky Kiwi boyfriend came to her rescue and almost threw the kidnapper off the 16th storey balcony 😱. She screamed for boyfriend to not throw kidnapper, neighbours all gathered, and police attended. Unfortunately, boyfriend and her did not work out as she went loopy (her words) after the ordeal. We also heard of her Singapore friend who married a Texan oil tycoon who died from a massive stroke 2 days after she visited them. A most interesting lady, to say the least.

      We needed the long walk along the peaceful Irwin Inlet back to the accommodation to get over that experience and stories at the cafe.
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    • Day 15


      June 4, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We went to Poppies Cafe for breakfast. A sweet little cafe in an old church, set amongst huge Moreton Bay Fig trees. We then bought some prawns, scallops and Red Emperor fish wings from Seaz Seafood Supplies down at the marina. It was prawns, avocado and crusty bread for lunch back at the accommodation. The rest of the day was spent resting after doing 2 loads of laundry.
      This is how wonderful it is to be in accommodation, as written in a WhatsApp message,
      "You know what!! You know what!!
      Talking about cold, 🫣
      We can just press a button, put the heater on, and heat. Heat in a few minutes.
      AND talking about 🏕️ camping,
      Here, we can drink lots in the evening, hot cups of tea, and then not scared.
      Not scared that we'd need to go to toilet at night.
      Just get up, and go.
      Got lights
      Not cold
      No need to unzip and venture into the cold and scary unknown dark.
      No need to dig holes!"
      When the wind blows, no flappy fabric sounds. The walls stay perfectly still. We realised that we have been pitching our tent to loosely, and that pulling it tighter and more taut before we peg it reduces flap. Much like our bodies, really.
      Running hot water. In fact, just running water!
      And no flies, ants, strange bugs and things that go bump in the night.
      All this rest is good, all the conveniences and luxuries much appreciated.
      But, where is all the fun?
      Happy to leave this 5 star accommodation and get back to our million stars camping tomorrow at Leseur National Park.
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