Albany's whaling station

Mir si in Albany es wau museum ga ahluege wosi früecher wale hei gfange. Vomne 15 meter länge u 48 tonne schwäre pottwau heisi 7 tonne öu chönne gwinne. Mir hei z schiff chönne ga ahluege wosiRead more
Mir si in Albany es wau museum ga ahluege wosi früecher wale hei gfange. Vomne 15 meter länge u 48 tonne schwäre pottwau heisi 7 tonne öu chönne gwinne. Mir hei z schiff chönne ga ahluege wosiRead more
Am morgen haben wir uns gleich auf den Weg gemacht zur Historic Whaling Station. Das ist ein Museum über eine recht große Fläche gebaut, welches die Geschichte des Walfangens zeigt. Super spannendRead more
Another attraction included in our 'flexi pass'. This is such an amazing display of our Whaling past - the time just disappears as we wander about looking. I vaguely remember having been here before,Read more
We visited the last whaling station in Australia. It was interesting to read about the history of whaling and how the whole animal was used. Not a very happy subject but one that i think needs to beRead more
Museum all about whaling and the history of whaling at that site. $35 entrance fee. Was really interesting, and other parts depressing.
Got to see a whale swimming in the ocean 🐋 which wasRead more
Heute sind wir in Albany und besuchen eine Ehemalige Walfangstation.
My favourite beach in Albany was called Misery beach and the hill was called Bald Head!
You might also know this place by the following names:
Misery Beach