Mount Cyril

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    • Day 164

      Mirima NP

      March 30, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 35 °C

      es war ja bereits am Morgen wieder hübsch warm (35°) und fast windstill, bei 80% Luftfeuchtigkeit. Da sucht man doch gerne den Schatten.
      Wir waren im Visitor Center und erfuhren, dass der Mirima National Park, gleich ausserhalb der Stadt, auch "little Bungle Bungle" genannt wird. Da dieser noch nicht offen war, freuten wir uns über diese Info. Wir fuhren gleich hin und waren echt erstaunt. Alles in der Umgebung war flach, und dann dieser Kontrast. Mit Recht bekam der Park diese Bezeichnung. Von jetzt auf gleich tat sich eine riesige Schlucht auf. Ein kleiner Teil wurde für Besucher hervorragend erschlossen.
      Unterwegs trafen wir auf ganz kleine Kängurus.
      Wir werden wohl nochmals hinfahren, aber viel früher am Morgen
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    • Day 16

      Kununurra - Mini Bungles-Bungles

      July 22, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Der nächste Stop war wieder ein grösserer Ort, Kununurra. Der Campingplatz lag neben dem Mirima Nationalpark, den Mini Bungles-Bungles (Purnuluru Nationalpark). Die Bungles-Bungles sind nur mit 4wd erreichbar, und als ich die Reise plante, gab es in der Nähe einen Campingplatz, der eine Tagestour anbot. Leider ist dieser Campingplatz seit Monaten geschlossen und es gab auch keine Tour mehr. Daher war es willkommen, die Mini Bungles-Bungles anzuschauen, die von der Geologie ähnlich waren. Es war möglich vom Campingplatz (Hidden Valley) direkt in den Nationalpark hineinzulaufen, und er war wirklich wunderschön, weisse Baumrinden, grüne Vegetation und schwarz-rot geschichtete Felsen.
      Am Nachmittag machten wir eine Wandertour durch den Nationalpark und erfrischten uns danach im Swimmingpool des Campingplatzes. Zur Dämmerung sah man dann das eine oder andere Wallaby, was jedoch schwierig vor die Linse zu bekommen war, weil sie sehr scheu waren und das Gras sehr hoch.
      Gerne hätten wir noch eine Känguru-Aufzucht-Station angeschaut, aber leider ging es nur zu ganz bestimmten Zeiten, die nicht in unseren Tagesplan passten.

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    • Day 40


      May 23, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Nach einer kleinen Yoga-Session am Morgen peilten wir heute den Purnululu Nationalpark an. Nachdem einige Kilometer auf einer Schotterstraße gefahren sind und dabei schon zwei kleinere Wasserlöcher durchqueren mussten, standen wir schließlich vor einem riesigen Wasserloch, das einen hüfthohen Wasserstand hatte und eher einem kleinen See ähnelte. Wir beobachteten zwar einen Campervan, der das Wasserloch erfolgreich durchquerte, wir entschieden uns aber gegen die Durchquerung und drehten wieder um. Da dies der einzige Zugang zum Nationalpark war, konnten wir den Purnululu Nationalpark somit leider nicht besuchen.
      Im Norden Australiens ist bis Ende April Regenzeit, die viele Überschwemmungen mit sich bringt, von daher sind viele Straßen immer noch schwer zugänglich.

      Etwas enttäuscht machten wir uns dann auf den Weg nach Kununurra, wo wir mal wieder einkaufen wollten. Auf dem Weg dorthin stoppten wir bei einem Felsenpool, der geradezu zum Schwimmen einlud. Da der Norden Australiens nur so von Krokodilen wimmelt, entschieden wir uns allerdings dagegen, auch wenn ein Schild die Abwesenheit von Krokodilen bestätigte. Danach fuhren wir noch zum Five River Aussichtspunkt, von wo wir eine tolle, kilometerweite Aussicht über Flüsse, ausgetrocknete Täler und Berglandschaften im Hintergrund hatten. Nach unserem Einkaud fuhren wir zu Lake Argyle, wo wir die Nacht auf einem tollen Campingplatz (mit Duschen!!) verbrachten.
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    • Day 47–54


      May 23, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Well, now it's Thursday, and we've been here 7 nights already. Time flies ....
      We've been doing all things Kununurra. Seen Ivanhoe Crossing, lookout from "The Knob," walked thro the "Mini Bungles" close to town.
      One day, we drove out to the "Sandlewood Factory," which, unfortunately, is closing down as is their factory in Albany. Very sad. Everything was half price so I bought a few things.
      Then it was on to "The Hoochery" for lunch & a tasting.
      Another day, we drove to the Pumphouse, and even though it's not functioning now, it has history. There is a nice restaurant there and they have pizzas at the weekend. May go there on our last night.
      The weather has cooled a bit now, around 29-30° most days and the nights much cooler.....around 14° last night. We had the quilt up for most of last night.
      The concert on Saturday was really good. " The Screaming Jets" were good, but the lead singer was pretty high on " something." Apparently, he fell over a couple of times trying out his normal antics on stage.
      Bob Evans was also very good. ( 27 Club ).
      We liked Sarah McLeod, who was also heavy rock & lead singer with " Superjesus." She's 51 years old but really good.
      The main act was " Rogue Traders " with Natalie Bassingthwaighte as lead singer. I really had no idea she was heavy rock as well!! It's not really our genre in music, but we can appreciate talented musicians. ( Thanks Will for exposing us to hard rock!!! )
      Last night, we attended " The Comedy in The Park " at the Muster, featuring Jimeoin and three other comedians. The first two we enjoyed and Jimeoin was very good. We expected a lot more expletives but he was quite tame in that regard. Very funny. 😁
      After a busy last Saturday with seven haircuts, it's been just one or two a day; perfect for me!
      I think that's about it for now. We leave here on Sunday and have a week to get to Broome. There are a couple of places we'll stop off on on the way to our first overnighter: somewhere in the great outdoors!!!
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    • Day 39–41


      May 15, 2024 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      Well, I started the morning with a 7am yoga class overlooking the infinity pool. It was great!
      Later, we drove out to the Durack museum and the old homestead, which was moved stone by stone as they flooded the area to make the fabulous Lake Argyle. An amazing feat of engineering, which is around 16 times the size of Sydney Harbour. The homestead and museum are really worth a look, and there have been many improvements since we last saw it. After we drove across the dam wall, to get some good photos. Saw the Ord River Hydro powered scheme and am so amazed at the force of water going through.
      Back to the park for our last swim here. The caravan park is really nice. New ablution block all with ensuite style toilets and showers.
      On Thursday morning, we drove 70km to Kununurra. We were a bit too early to get into the caravan park, so we went straight to the supermarket (Coles) and did a shop. After that, we settled into the Kimberlyland caravan park. It's a lovely park alongside the lake.
      We had a swim in the pool as it is very hot atm. The water is a good temperature and very refreshing!
      That night, we had arranged for friends Pauline and Doug (for those who know them) to join us for a BBQ, and it was so nice to catch up with familiar faces. We had a lovely night sitting outside. Perfect temperature. They are staying with friends in Kununurra and are here for the Ord River Muster as we are. We have booked the main event on Saturday night, which features " The Rogue Traders" ( Natalie Bassingwaite),
      "Screaming Jets" and a couple more entertainers.
      On Wednesday night, we're going to a comedy show featuring among other comedians, Jim Oin.
      Today was spent familiarising
      ourselves with town and visiting the "Ivanhoe Crossing," which was really flowing fast. Too fast to cross!
      We're here for 11 nights, so posts will be infrequent. Looks like I'm going to be busy haircutting as the only hairdresser in town is booked out for six months, and the barber can't cope either! A local put a note in the laundry for a travelling hairdresser in the park. I gave her a call, and she has 6 haircuts lined up for me tomorrow!
      Take care everybody! Ciao for now.
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    • Day 376


      November 13, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 39 °C

      Second leg of the journey was a long drive to Kununurra which is past the border to WA. We had a little stop to see Gregory’s tree which is a Baob tree and has original carvings on and a quick snap at the border crossing...Read more

    • Day 346


      November 13, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 39 °C

      Another long drive in the beast, passing through miles and miles of the outback, with hardly any cars seen.
      We made it to the WA border and through quarantine once they'd taken our cucumber and kiwis.Read more

    • Day 71–72

      Kununurra Day 4-6

      September 24, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Tuesday we headed off early to El Questro, the first station along the iconic Gibb River Road, which is pretty accessible. We'd decided that the Gibb drive wasn't going to be part of our itinerary this time - most of the stations were closing up for the season about now, many of the water holes were running dry or close to it, and the extremely high temps would have made for a less than ideal 10 days. It just gives us a reason to return in the future! First stop was Zebeedee Springs, a hot spring located on the private station property. We spent a relaxing few hours there, enjoying the fernery around us, and met a Kununurra local of 12yrs and her daughter. When I asked what brought her to Kununurra - she was a contestant on Farmer Wants a Wife, and moved up here after the show to be with her farmer/cattle transport driver - they're now married with 3 kids! Turns out you can find love on reality TV. The springs close at 12pm to allow private tours to come through, so we headed to the station proper for lunch. Lots on offer to do here with more time - helicopter rides, horse riding, heaps of gorges and walking. We'd planned on walking into Emma Gorge in the afternoon, but noticed a sign saying it had closed for the season, so instead stopped in at Molly Springs on the way home to Kununurra - running water year round and some smalls falls. Eva and I had a lovely swim, then we all chatted with a former mango farmer from Darwin, who after 4 yrs of no fruit had decided to retire and travel. Home just in time for dinner.

      I worked Wed and Thurs, and so it was more big pool days for Ben and the kids. Wednesday o had aomher break so we lunched at the Wild mango Cafe in town - complete with mango smoothies, obviously. We also got to meet the resident freshwater crocodile Gummy on a few occasions. He's often found hanging out at the edge of Lake Kununurra which has its shores on the Kimberleyland Caravan Park where we stayed. Friendly guy, not too snappy or threatening at all 😁
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    • Day 50

      Mirima National Park

      August 20, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Mirima National Park in Kununarra.
      Considered the mini bungle bungles.
      Amazing views and got to also see some rock art 😀

      Caravan park (hidden valley $18 per night) is right next to it, so the trails was basically next to my car 🚗 😀Read more

    • Day 40

      Kimberley flowers 2

      June 16, 2017 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Stopping frequently so Angela can take a pic of another flower or shrub. Would like to have been here In about four weeks as many plants are showing a lot of buds and some flowers just beginning to bloom.Read more

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