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  • Day 39

    Fri 12 Jan. Quorn SA

    January 12, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

    A 2 hour journey from Clare to Quorn to visit my cousin Frank. Joy took the wheel for a bit and within 10 minutes the car was beeping as she was driving too fast 😭. Pit stop in Port Germein for our picnic.

    As expected Quorn was hot hot hot and above 40 degrees C today but we still walked into town for a look around. We found a lovely place for coffee and then barbecued steak and salad with Frank and Elkie in the evening. We put the world to rights over a few bottles of wine but to be honest the Australians have exactly the same problems as us with the economy, it's just like being at home, apart from the weather.

    So glad we drove up to see them, lots of beer, wine and laughter.

    As Frankie and Elkie live so far outside the city, with no light pollution the stars were absolutely amazing, we have never seen anything like it.
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  • Day 23


    September 21, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Mick holt uns wieder ab und wir machen uns auf den Weg zurück nach Adelaide, wo morgen unsere letzte Australien-Etappe beginnt.
    Der Weg ist das Ziel und so machen wir Zwischenstopps an kleinen Orten wie Quorn und Melrose.
    Quorn, mit 1.300 Einwohnern schon fast eine Großstadt 😜, ist erst 150 Jahre alt und wurde wegen der Eisenbahnstrecke des Ghan errichtet. Der Zug fuhr und fährt ins rote Zentrum Australiens, nach Alice Springs, und hatte hier in Quorn seinen Endpunkt. Ein kleines niedliches Museum am ehemaligen Bahnhof erinnert an diese Zeit.
    Später wurde die Bahnstrecke bis Darwin verlängert und heute beginnt der Ghan in Adelaide. Die Strecke bis Darwin beträgt 2.979 Kilometer, dauert zwei Tage und zwei Nächte und wird ausschließlich von Touristen benutzt. Der Zug fährt ein- bis zweimal in der Woche, die restliche Zeit wird die Linie vom Güterverkehr benutzt.
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  • Day 312

    Richi Pichi

    July 16, 2014 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Heute hab ich mir eine Zugfart ins 20Jh. gegönnt! Mit einer 100 Jahre altem Zug und einer Dampflok vorneweg. Über den "Richi Pichi" Pass. Die heute verlassene Zugstrecke, war damals Teil der Verbindung nach "Alice Springs"(Norden).Read more

  • Day 12


    January 7, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Weiter geht's. Über Port Augusta, wo wir nochmals groß eingekauft haben, ist es heute bis nach Quorn gegangen, kurz vor den Flinders Ranges, wo wir uns einen kleinen Caravanpark gesucht haben.
    In diesem kleinen Ort kommt man sich vor, wie in den 1950-ern. Es ist hier herrlich still, nur die Papageien machen noch ordentlich Lärm. Sobald sie aber zu den Schlafplätzen aufbrechen, ist auch dieser Lärm vorbei.Read more

  • Day 12

    Quorn to Adelaide

    January 13, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    Ooh nooo..bereits klingelte der Wecker, viel zu wenig Schlaf, 6 Leute im Zimmer welche alle ins Bad mussten. Nach einer halben Ewigkeit ging es dann endlich zum Frühstücken. Die Sachen sind gepackt, Truck ist beladen, nun ab nach Adelaide. Am morgen jedoch, besuchten wir einen Park und marschierten die nächsten 6km. Es war wunderschön, man konnte sogar erneut wilde Kangaroos sehen.!!🥳
    Einen Zwischenstop gab es bei einer Weindegustation von Knappstein. Ich mag Wein nicht so besonders, probierte jedoch trotzdem nur ein „schlückchen“. Ein Wein von 10 hat mir geschmeckt, der war so süss. Njaamii. Wir fuhren zum Lunch auf einen „alten Friedhofplatz“, der mittlerweile in einen schönen Park umgebaut wurde. Es gab Burger für die „normalos“ und einen Veganen-Glutenfreien-Burger-Bagel. Danach fuhren wir eine Ewigkeit und kamen endlich in Adelaide an. Abschiedtime..mag ich nicht so..somit beschlossen wir alle die können noch zusammen zu Abendessen. Wir trafen uns um 20:00 vor dem Hostel und verbrachtet einen tollen Abend zusammen. Was für 7 Tage, tolle Gruppe, super Menschen, Danke.!♥️
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  • Day 34

    Back to Quorn

    June 18, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    And it’s finally back to Quorn and the last stop on the tour, seems like it’s going to be a busy night... with only 3 very old locals in the pub all wearing the exact same clothes from the night before!!!Read more

  • Day 40


    February 18, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Today we left Adelaide behind and went to Clare Valley where the rest of the group had a wine tasting at a Taylor's Vineyard.
    After the vineyard we went to the city of Clare and had lunch at Pancho's
    After lunch we drove to Quorn, a former railway town on the South- to North coast train called the Pichi Richi trail, on. However, the area gets to much rain so now the train is not going through here anymore. On the way to Quorn we stopped at Goyder's line, an arbitrary line made by a man named Goyder who said you won't be able to grow anything north of the line. Turned out he was right.
    After arriving at Quorn we went to Warren Gorge to look for rock wallabies, and luckily we managed to see a couple. On the drive we also saw an Emu with his 9 chicks (babies).
    We had dinner and celebrated Katha's birthday. On the way back from dinner, we saw hundreds of parrots fly across the sky in a cacophony of noise. Quite amazing.
    We all went early to bed as we have a sunrise hike tomorrow morning.
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  • Day 11

    The last 4wd track and onto Quorn

    October 16, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

    Just after we packed up and checked out, it started to sprinkle, timed that well! We looped back 20 minutes up the road to Merna Mora Station to do the Wowee track. This is a short one but with lots of steep ascents and descents. We were out and about for 2 hours, it was a really nice way to start the morning, although I did get a bit anxious with some of the descents. Ben and Pup weren't worried though. We checked back in with the station so they knew we made it out alive and took off down the Moralana scenic drive. It cuts between the ranges and Wilpena pound. The landscape and terrain continues to change so often, it's bizarre! Once we got back on the highway, we stopped off at Hawker again, pretty hungry by this point. The Hawker hotel had some lovely spots in the sun for us. Schnitty (the regular chicken kind), and a burger with the lot. Verrry good pub feed! Back on the road for just shy of an hour to Quorn where we're staying tonight. It's a nice town, bigger than I was expecting, but still not huge at all. We set up the camper and charged up our phones/caught up on all things internet related while Pup had a nap. The caravan park backs onto the bush tucker garden so we went to have a look. Pup was confused why he was exerting energy, but I think he enjoyed the walk after been very much car bound the last few days. Ben attempted to grab a few things from the IGA, but no luck with what we were after. It's gotten verrry fresh with the cool breeze coming through. Crumbed steak and salad for dinner, then shower time. We were considering going to the Quorn Silo light show, it's on each night, they project stories and images on the silos and you can sit back and enjoy. It's a bit too cold for our liking, so we're rugging up inside instead.Read more

  • Day 79

    Final wrap

    August 19, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    Thanks to our ‘Travel Advisors’ Cass, Lyn and Leanne as it was on their advice that we made a last minute decision to detour off and visit Uluru National Park. The photo’s I took did not do justice to this place. Finished the day off with a Sunset Dinner, it was one of the best days of our trip :-) We travelled nearly 500km the next day to get to Coober Pedy where we booked in CPark for 3 nights, it was a great Park. The ‘town’ itself was nothing like I imagined, but it was full of surprises as many places you enter at ground level and inside they have created some beautiful spaces and homes from the underground opal tunnels. We were told to “book a tour of the town” well there is only one tour company operating and they were booked out so we got ourselves a self-guide Tourist Map and BB added extra point s of interest! These extra’s included both the Hotels, the Big Winch Restaurant, the Bakery (great vanilla slices) we went there twice, Race Course, Italian Cafe for breakfast (which was very authentic our brecky was cooked by Indians), the Football Oval. The Golf Club was like no other, a good Clubhouse on top of a big opal hill but it appeared to not be in use, some of the Tee’s are only suitable for young and fit mountain goats. The course itself would be stinking hot most of the year and windy being so flat with not a blade of grass or a tree or bush in sight. Driving around we accidentally came across the now abandoned ‘Coober Pedy Bowls Club’ Not sure who they would have played apart from each other? Maybe that was the problem? The Greens are near rotted through with the sun, the Clubhouse a substantial brick building is reasonably new Opened in 2006, So sad to see the greens and clubhouse boarded up broken glass and rubbish everywhere and all going to ruin. Apart from these extra’s we did all the other touristy things on the town map, including Oldtimers Mine, lots of Churches, drove out to the Breakaways and Dog Fence and of course visited many of the Opal Shops in town. Never was a fan of Opals but they grow on you so ‘we’ bought a solid opal on a gold clasp to put on my chain. It would be hard to spend money in that town as there are relatively no shops. There are no lawns to mow or gardens to take care of so I wonder what they do on week ends? Just one small supermarket, no Garden Nursery so there is no way could I could ever live there. Leaving Coober Pedy we weren’t sure where we would end up but in the end it was easy quick stop at Glendambo decided to give that place a miss a stop at Pimba for lunch (great hamburger) it was too early so we kept going and ended up at Stirling North (Pt. Augusta) another big driving day but BB did not mind as we had ‘radio’ coverage for quite a bit of it :-) We are now at Quorn and our trip is just about done. Meeting up with friends for tea at the Pub tonight, BB is playing Bowls tomorrow and for something different we are going to a racetrack on Saturday the Quorn Cup :-) Home sometime Monday!Read more

You might also know this place by the following names:

Quorn, Куорн

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