Fri 12 Jan. Quorn SA

A 2 hour journey from Clare to Quorn to visit my cousin Frank. Joy took the wheel for a bit and within 10 minutes the car was beeping as she was driving too fast 😭. Pit stop in Port Germein for ourRead more
A 2 hour journey from Clare to Quorn to visit my cousin Frank. Joy took the wheel for a bit and within 10 minutes the car was beeping as she was driving too fast 😭. Pit stop in Port Germein for ourRead more
Heute hab ich mir eine Zugfart ins 20Jh. gegönnt! Mit einer 100 Jahre altem Zug und einer Dampflok vorneweg. Über den "Richi Pichi" Pass. Die heute verlassene Zugstrecke, war damals Teil derRead more
Ooh nooo..bereits klingelte der Wecker, viel zu wenig Schlaf, 6 Leute im Zimmer welche alle ins Bad mussten. Nach einer halben Ewigkeit ging es dann endlich zum Frühstücken. Die Sachen sind gepackt,Read more
And it’s finally back to Quorn and the last stop on the tour, seems like it’s going to be a busy night... with only 3 very old locals in the pub all wearing the exact same clothes from the nightRead more
Just after we packed up and checked out, it started to sprinkle, timed that well! We looped back 20 minutes up the road to Merna Mora Station to do the Wowee track. This is a short one but with lotsRead more
Thanks to our ‘Travel Advisors’ Cass, Lyn and Leanne as it was on their advice that we made a last minute decision to detour off and visit Uluru National Park. The photo’s I took did not doRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Quorn, Куорн
Traveler No more driving for Joy then! Did you stay with Frank and Elkie or find somewhere with aircon? That night sky is incredible xx
Traveler Joy did some more on the way back to Adelaide🤙🚗🚙. We stayed with Frank in the granny flat for 2 nights.
Traveler Love that sky!!! Good ploy Joy (I’m a poet and didn’t know it!) let Kenny do the driving!!! 🥂🍷🍾😍