Stoney Creek

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    • Day 20


      October 24, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Die Skyrail ist eine 7.5 km lange Seilbahn, die von Cairns nach Kuranda führt. Die Strecke verläuft über den tropischen Regenwald, wobei die Gondeln (unsere hatte einen Glasboden) nur wenige Meter über den Baumwipfeln schweben.Read more

    • Day 49

      Cairns - day 3 in 100% rain forest

      March 19, 2024 in Australia ⋅ 🌫 25 °C

      So ein regnerischer tropischer Tag...
      Wir haben versucht trotzdem etwas daraus zu machen und waren nordlich im Regenwald mit dem Gondel. Es war anstrengend, hat sich gelohnt aber waere ohne Regen 1000mal angenehmer gewesen.

      Temps tropical toute la journée à cause d'un cyclone non loin qui ne veut pas s'arrêter. Nous nous sommes décidés pour l'attraction au nord de Cairns: passage en gondole au dessus de la forêt vierge avec quelques haltes et marché de souvenirs à l'arrivée. C'était exceptionnel mais cela aurait été vraiment plus agréable par un temps plus estival. Nous avons passé toute la journée sous la pluie diluvienne ☔️ et sommes claqués ce soir. Repas à emporter... de toute façon il pleut encore et toujours à 20h. Pauvres touristes.
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    • Day 10

      Roadtrip Tag 1

      February 27, 2020 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Nachdem wir den Camper in Cairns in Empfang genommen haben und eingeräumt haben (das dauert viel länger als gedacht...), fuhren wir nach Kuranda zu einem Aussichtspunkt um die Barron Falls zu sehen. Naja man sah den Wasserfall aber er war sehr weit weg. Der Weg dahin war allerdings sehr interessant und recht steil. Max hat sich bedankt für die erste Strecke ;)
      Danach ging es für uns über das Hinterland und den Städten Mareeba und Atherton nach Yungaburra. Ein total süßes Städtchen welches liebevoll hergerichtet ist. Hier kehrten wir auf den Lakeside Motor Inn & Caravan Park ein (40$). Ein sehr schön gelegener und überschaubarer Campingplatz. Hier hatten wir eine tolle Aussicht auf den See-Lake Tinarro. Neben uns waren nur 3 andere Camper da.
      In den Pool konnten wir leider nicht mehr, da es angefangen hat zu regnen.
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    • Day 82

      Bye Bye Australia

      May 6, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Unfassbar, schon wieder sind vier Wochen vorbei 😮! Morgen ist mein letzter Tag in Australien und ich muss mich schweren Herzens verabschieden 😐! Was für ein schönes und faszinierendes Land, ich komme definitiv wieder 😀!

      So, Bye Bye Australia and Hello Fiji Islands.. 😊
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    • Day 56

      Day 56 - {Insert Song About Rain Here}

      April 4, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Well it rained pretty much all night. At some point we woke up and closed the windows as the rain drops were outweighing the heat. All in all though the bed is pretty comfy and good for space. It was still raining though when we woke up though and we took the extra sleep rather than attempting to figure out the gas hob so I ate cold pizza and Matt his bran cereal (apparently not as delicious as his usual bran flakes) before heading to the Sky Rail cable car. The cable car ultimately takes you over the rainforest to Kuranda village but there's some optional stops on the way. It was a very long way but spectacular forest views.

      First stop was in the rain forest for a guided tour with Ranger Mike. (Matt and I had a probably non-PC game of guess the ranger's name but sadly it was neither Alan, Dave, Dale or Ricky) It was probably my favourite part of the Kuranda experience. The inner geek in me loved learning about weather systems, the way plants survive in the rainforest and the creatures that live there. We saw ferns which live in the branches of other trees and grow into a nest shape to catch fallen leaves which decompose to give the fern food. We learnt about strangler figs which grows in a crevice of a host tree sending its roots down and shoots up ultimately killing the host. We found a big (big by UK standards) spider - the female of the species is massive but the male is tiny. I was glad we spent the time on the tour rather than just walking around the board walk.

      Next stop was a viewing section for waterfall. By this point the weather was even more torrential which made the waterfall itself more impressive but decreased the amount of time we wanted to spend outside looking at it. I was very grateful for my '100% genuine fake' North Face jacket that I picked up in Vietnam for a fiver.

      Final stop of the cable car was Kuranda village itself. It's just a nice town really very much geared to tourists. We had lunch at a cafe (sampling Roo pie) before heading to Kuranda Wildlife Sanctuary. It was just a small place focusing on a few types of native animals like koalas and various marsupials. I fed a wallaby and practised my Parseltongue (Harry Potter reference for the non-initiated) which must be getting better as I did manage to get one snake to move towards me. Sadly I didn't get more time to break a Brazilian viper out and we headed to catch the Kuranda scenic railway. Less scenic because of the mist in the valleys but scenic all the same. There were some interesting hairpin bends and waterfalls to photograph and a slightly dry (glad something was) commentary piped out now and again.

      Once back at the van we made a sandwich (I am seeing some positives in driving around in your house) and decided that we didn't fancy going back to the camp site and sitting in the van for the rest of the day (yes it was still raining) so we hit up Target i.e. The Australian version of Matalan for some cheap clobber. Matt has somehow ruined nearly all his t shirts and I just like buying clothes. We then went and watched Lego Batman at the cinema. I think we've been to the cinema more times this trip than we did all of last year! I'd give Lego Batman a solid 3.5/5 - funny but not as good as The Lego Movie.

      Dinner was at Corea Corea, a Korean that looked like a fast food place in a food court but came recommended. We had very good Bi Bim Baps and a lot of free Kimchee before heading back to home to drive home home. It's still raining.
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    • Day 594

      Lake Placid

      August 14, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      In Cairns angekommen, gabs erstmal ordentlich Regen. Ich bin zwar morgens an der Meerespromenade entlang, dann hat es aber erstmal 2 Stunden nur geschüttet.

      Als es besser wurde bin ich noch zum Lake Placid und zu den Surprise Creek Falls gefahren.

      Grundsätzlich, war heute irgendwie nicht viel mit mir anzufangen.
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    • Day 133

      Karunda scenic railway

      June 12, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Engineering marvel of the late 9th century. Many tunnels and trestles to weave the track up the face of the mountain and cliffs along the gorge of the Barron River. First is a trestle oeone f the many sharp bends showing a few of vintage rail cars. The second is a waterfall at the edge of the tracks. The a couple views from the train. The 5th is a stone left a a monument to the engineer who designed and managed construction. It is also sacred to the native people. The last looks gown the falls of the Barron River into the gorge. this gives a good idea of the difficulty and danger in building this.Read more

    • Day 2

      Lake Placid

      July 8, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C


      The guy where we hired the camper van told us we can swim everywhere - "There are no crocodiles"
      I was wondering because everybody else told me that we have to be very careful especially with swimming !
      So we asked the reception again if we can go in the 'lake placid'... "NOOOOO I wouldn't go for swim there.. A kanu tour saw some salties yesterday" 🐊🐊🐊🐊🐊
      Alright.. Thank you 'car hiring guy' for trying to kill us 🙄
      We went to the stoney creek, with little waterfalls where it is allowed to taking a bath.
      The bridge where we had to go was creepy because of all the signs with WARNING CROCODILES 😱
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    • Day 304


      September 7, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C


      07th to the 09th of September

      The big trip begins right here !

      Our first stop and my favorite spot to show Meike !

      We had our first, relaxing & warm time with a bit of rain on this lovely campground !

      M: Welcome in Paradies
      S: I am baaack

      M: The Kookaburras
      S: The Kookaburras (australian bird)

      M: Like Sonni
      S: Definitly the longest chat to my cousin we ever had ! While raining & lying in the camper, including candlelights & open boot

      M: Spaghettini carbonara with beeterote salad
      S: Spaghettini carbonara

      M: -
      S: Rain during the day - lot of time changing weather

      M: So happy to made the decision to travel along with Sonni - I am sure we will have a great time and even if we know each other there is much more to discover.
      S: I am pretty sure - this will be an amzing trip !

      M: "Yes, same!, Yes, I know what you mean, Yes, like me!, Yes, I think the same, Yes, we are so similar !"
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    • Day 243

      Lake Placid

      July 8, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C


      The guy where we hired the camper van told us we can swim everywhere - "There are no crocodiles"
      I was wondering because everybody else told me that we have to be very careful especially with swimming !
      So we asked the reception again if we can go in the 'lake placid'... "NOOOOO I wouldn't go for swim there.. A kanu tour saw some salties yesterday" !
      Alright.. Thank you 'car hiring guy' for trying to kill us..
      We went to the stoney creek, with little waterfalls where it is allowed to taking a bath.
      The bridge where we had to go was creepy because of all the signs with WARNING CROCODILES
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