Sydney Day 2

Today is David’s Birthday and he chose to go to Bondi Beach which we did on the open top bus. It was sunny today and very windy but glad we went....been there , done that and didn’t buy a teeRead more
Today is David’s Birthday and he chose to go to Bondi Beach which we did on the open top bus. It was sunny today and very windy but glad we went....been there , done that and didn’t buy a teeRead more
We all had a lazy morning and a very leisurely walk around the botanical gardens followed by a late afternoon boat trip to see Manley. You catch a fast boat from circular quay which takes 18 minutesRead more
How many movies can a woman watch on her way to Oz? A lot!! Dune. Infinite The Protégé. King Richard. Wimbledon. 4 episodes of Byron Baes. An episode of The Last Kingdom and Baile Salvaje. AndRead more
Onze laatste dag in Sydney en ook Australië zit er bijna op :( Gelukkig was het vandaag redelijk droog en soms zelfs zonnig, dus we hebben alles gedaan wat we graag nog wilden doen. Chinatown,Read more
Da es richtig voll ist an so einem Feiertag, heißt es nicht lange bleiben, sonder nichts wie raus aus der Stadt. Zudem ich eh nicht der Sydney Fan bin, ich gehöre definitiv zur MelbourneRead more
We arrived in Sydney. The first flight from Heathrow to Hong Kong went so smoothly and we slept so well that we got a bit arrogant for our second onward flight to Sydney. Little did we know that itRead more
We spent the day in Sydney, Australia wandering around this beautiful harbor city. We spent our morning in the historical area founded by convicts. Stealing a handkerchief or a loaf of bread inRead more
Sitting opposite the ship having the best coffee! Can see the bridge the ship and the opera house. Kids are still whinging and brady has hot chocolate all down his tshirt! 😬 good times 🤣
I saidRead more
Ein einzigartiges Erlebnis!!!
Where legends have eaten.
You might also know this place by the following names:
The Rocks