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    • Day 284


      January 12, 2018 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ -3 °C

      So tired but made it down in time for breakfast 💪🏻
      After we ate we went straight next door to the Inter-sport shop. We had to fill in a big form about height weight etc for the snowboard hire. They didn't have a snowboard as big as Will normally gets but close enough for him to ride.
      I ride goofy but he rides regular.
      My shoelaces are pretty cool, it's a windy up button. Will has regular ones ha ha. Sucker.
      We also realised when in the store that I have been a goose and booked one day longer than I realised. I thought we had 4 days on the fields but we actually get 5. This obviously raised the price a bit but we had kept $1000 aside specifically for this little adventure and the board hire and ski passes cost $1063 so pretty close.
      We did however have to also buy goggles as well because Will and the shop assistant were insistent we must have them.
      Cheapest was 49€ EACH 😭 so that put the price up again.

      Off we went - Will was excited, I was apprehensive. Lessons were stupidly expensive so I decided to give it a go and wing it.

      The lift up the mountain took about 10 minutes. We then reached the sort of middle point which had ski lifts going up into different directions.
      I successfully made it down a small hill without dying so that helped my confidence.
      We jumped straight on the biggest lift because the rest were T-bar lifts and they are so hard to use with a snowboard.
      Another 5 minute ride up to the top.

      The fog was insane! Couldn't see where I was going so that was really scary for me.

      Will fell over first hahahaha #winner

      I then had a really big fall and smacked the back of my head so hard on the ice my beanie and goggles fell off.
      From then on I kept my goggles off my eyes. I cant stand wearing sunglasses so I'm not surprised I didn't like the goggles.
      I had a small cry on the mountain about my head lol.
      Ok a semi big one Hahah

      I carried on.

      I hate the skiers. One nearly killed me. I don't like boarding on my toes cause that's when I fall so I go in zig zags as they do except they go 10000km an hour and I'm like a bloody snail. It is the person behinds job to watch the person in front. If they hit me it's there fault.

      I rode both goofy and regular - my board kept on switching around so I let it lol.
      I made it all the way down the mountain. Granted I had a lot of pit stops but I got there. ☺️
      I took so long we went and had lunch. Haha
      It was self serve and naturally super expensive cause its the only option.
      When I went to stand up afterwards my legs were like jello.

      We went up the same lift to the same run.
      I took it slow again.
      I had another major fall but in a different spot. I prefer the ice to the snow. The snow gets on top of the board and you get stuck.
      When I fell I did like three rolls and landed on my back again but this time I really hurt my thumb. It still is so painful now as I type this 10 hours later.
      I think I have just sprained it. It hasn't swelled up but that could be because of the immediate icing I gave it hahah ❄️❄️
      Apart from when I went with mum and dad when I was 6 or something I don't believe I have yet gone snowboarding without hurting something or going to the hospital.
      1 thumb injury, 1 ass injury and I think 1 knee injury as well. I obviously have great skills.
      We will be getting helmets tomorrow - couldn't afford today. Money hadn't transferred off my card onto Wills yet.
      Once down we had another break in the cafeteria which has wifi so I sent off come emails.

      Back up we went and got down without issues - we went a different way at the bottom fork and ended up at a different ski lift which took us back up to the halfway point of the original mountain.
      My right quad was KILLING me. I had to break often. It's not hurt, I am just not strong enough to be in the break position the whole time which I pretty much have been. I'll be more adventurous with a helmet. But seriously omg. It was like a cork screw - I was at the very end of my very limited strength. 😅

      Made it to the bottom. Took a few pics and videos on this run.

      Up we went again - we got 1/5 of the way when Wills board broke. His shoe thing came off the board so we had to walk down the mountain which was difficult until we found a ski lift. Will was so annoyed and foul - he wanted my to board down the mountain WHILE CARRYING HIS BOARD to take it to inter-sport to get fixed and then bring it back to him.
      No, I don't think that's gonna work somehow...
      I did the obvious thing and asked a worker for help. Duh... 💁🏼
      He didn't have any screws so we caught the cable car down (not to the bottom cause that wasn't possible) where Will got picked up by a snowmobile. It could only fit one so I went back up and boarded down and met Will at the inter-sport. (Not the one we rented from - there is one in the snow field)
      Made it down safely. Apparently they fixed it easily.
      We went back up for one final run.
      Oh my lord.
      It was impossible to see in front of you. Wishing I didn't have a white jacket... although it's currently very brown hahaha
      And then it began to snow.
      I put my goggles back on. Hated it but I had to. Kinda glad I had to so it means the money wasn't a waste cause they were bloody expensive.
      We took it slow and made it safely - Will went ahead of me because I had to keep stopping because of my quad.
      We took the lift back home.

      We went to the supermarket and bought bread to make sandwiches with for tomorrow so we don't have to buy anything - we then got out of our wet clothes.

      We went next door for dinner.

      I am so sore omg. I can't lift up my neck when I lie down. I think I must have tensed it the entire day lol

      *** I read this back to Will and he would like me to add the fact he wanted to buy goggles in Italy at decathlon but I said no so it's my fault we had to pay so much. 😂👍🏼
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    • Day 287


      January 15, 2018 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ -5 °C

      What fresh hell Is this?

      I can't move my arms 😂😂😂😂

      We did the same rush job breakfast then I was granted another hour sleep while Will Skyped people.

      Thankful the ski lift is so close because the boots hurt my calves at the beginning while I adjust. You cant really stand straight they push you so you lean forward.
      I like the little wrist pocket in my jacket for my ski pass. It makes going through the barrier very easy - dont even have to get it out.

      Didn't have to share again. Thankful cause 11 minutes is a long time for an awkward silence with strangers.

      I hate the first hill.
      When you get off the lift you have to clip your snowboard on to go down a hill to the main section.
      It's so bumpy.
      I have to then walk to the next lift.
      Everyone looks like a dill walking in the boots. Me included.

      Less crowded today.
      We did one run. On the way up it was snowing and the proper pretty snowflakes kept landing in my hand. They brightened my mood. They were beautiful.
      I only had a tiny fall where I landed on my knees so that was ok.
      Some parts of the mountain I'm really good at others i loathe. I am good at going slanty across the mountain and around corners. Just not straight 😂

      We both hate the same stretch so we always break before it. It's just lumps and lumps of powder.

      Forgot to mention yesterday A MAN SKIIED DOWN THE MOUNTAIN BACKWARDS.
      Like holy hell. Wowza.

      Made it to the end and breaked for lunch.
      We had to sit outside but found a semi covered section.

      We did one final run. I didn't fall but Will did.

      Went to the shops after and bought some nibblies.

      I fell asleep.

      Dinner same spot.

      Came home and watched the movie "bright"
      Will recommended it - I liked it - keen for the sequel to come out.

      On the second time up the mountain the Ski lift stopped and Will was freaking out. It was kinda funny.
      He was stressing that it was broken and he would have to get a ladder down.

      We look like dicks in our helmet hats.
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