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    • Day 4

      Strandcamping Podersdorf

      May 6 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Wir sind hier nur knapp 60 km von Wien entfernt und es gefällt uns auch hier sehr gut. Umgeben von Wein und Naturschutzgebiet und wunderbaren Radwegen, haben wir uns kurz nach Ankunft auf die Räder geschwungen und sind bis Illmitz gefahren und 2 mal eingekehrt. Bei Wein und Schmalzbrot lässt es sich gut verweilen.

      Gleichzeitig ist hier auch ein Paradies für Ornithologen und andere Tierliebhaber. Ob Großtrappen, Graurinder, Bienenfresser, Przewalski-Pferde, Kamerun-Schafe, Weiße Esel sowie Mangalitza-Schweine lassen sich hier in freier Wildbahn oder im Naturpark Neusiedler See entdecken.
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    • Day 1


      October 27, 2023 in Austria ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Wir starten heute ins Burgenland nach Illmitz am Neusiedlersee. Los ging heute morgen stressfrei um halb acht, da wir beide nicht mitten in der Nacht losfahren mögen. 🥴🤤😴
      Die Fahrt war leider ziemlich übel, da es nur geregnet hat, dafür aber erstaunlicherweise staufrei 👍
      Wir übernachten im Weingut Salzl und warten dann morgen auf das Eintreffen unsere Freunde, die diese Reise initiiert und geplant haben.
      Das Wetter wird ab morgen auch viel besser und teilweise für die kommende Woche auch warm und sonnig werden🌤️⛅️🌥️
      @Britta und Steffen "…… euch Kreuzfahrern können wir natürlich nicht mithalten,
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    • Day 2


      October 28, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Heute reist der Rest der Weintruppe an 🍷 und wir verbringen bis zu deren Ankunft ein wenig Zeit mit einer Besichtigung eines Museeumdorfes und einer Basilika. Ein Gag vor der Basilika ist die Messweintankstelle. Leider hat er nicht funktioniert 🤷🏻‍♀️ Schade.
      Am Nachmittag waren wir dann fast komplett, und haben beim Salzl im Seewinkel eine Weinprobe gemacht. War sehr lustig unsere Runde, auch wenn alle müde waren.
      Jetzt ist für alle Feierabend und Schlafenszeit.
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    • Day 40

      Fachkundiges "Vögel-Watching"

      November 15, 2018 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Nach einem sehr netten Frühstück mit Johanna und Harald, hatten wir ja einen fachkundigen Ornithologen + Pflanzenexperten an der Hand, der uns an diesem Tag noch einiges über Fauna und Flora am Neusiedler See zeigte und erklärte.Read more

    • Day 6


      June 11, 2017 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We got up early despite the vastly indulgent evening and set off to do some birdwatching around the marina and the area nearby. We parked our car and wandered about. It was lovely and quiet and we had some good sightings of the usual suspects round a lake. There were many birds a long way away, and some nice sightings of ducks and ducklings and geese and goslings. We then went to St martins spa to meet up with the seewinkel guide to be given a private bird watching tour. We had a very acceptable lunch and relaxed until two when our tour began. Our guide was called Ronald and he took us in a brand new discovery jeep to various points to see the birds. Highlights were a male great bustard still with breeding plumage strutting his stuff around a meadow whilst the female played hard to get, both to him and our binoculars.
      We saw grey partridge and pheasants.
      The Pygmy cormorant was a first for us as well
      The inevitable stork and western marsh harriers were in evidence everywhere. Also buzzards and kestrel were plentiful. We spotted a pied avocet on the wing and many northern lapwing.
      There were Eurasian curlew in the field where the bustards were and we also saw the common cuckoo.
      Another highlight was the long eared owl chick.
      The Eurasian sky lark was everywhere and we more unusual western yellow wagtail as well as the common white wagtail. We saw some other common birds, stonechat, great reed warbler, common chiffchaff, red backed shrike, carrion crow, Eurasian tree sparrow,common chaffinch, corn bunting, yellow hammer, and icterine warbler.
      We had supper at the summer kitchen and then joined the dinner guests having the special meal at the hotel. It ended with a discussion about politics.
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    • Day 5


      June 10, 2017 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We went for a long walk looking for birds. We found a rare red footed falcon and saw lots of red backed shrikes. It was hot and sunny and we walked for miles along the paths near to where we were staying, eventually returning to the hotel. We saw some fantastic white donkeys that resembled unicorns as they were so pure in colour.
      on our return we had a tour of the vineyard and learned lots of useful hints on how to look after our vine. Such as only allowing one out of the three bunches on each stem to grow to be grapes and that the vines benefit from being properly trained along the wires, a metre of vine in depth gives you the best yield. They are susceptible to frost so need protecting during the flowering period.
      We had drinks in the vineyard as the sun was setting and canapés delivered by Marie who is Angela's mum. Willi the wine maker has made wine for prince Charles and for his grandchildren Prince George and princess
      Charlotte. He was very proud and deservedly so.
      We retuned to the hotel and went down into the cellar, there were two other couples with us and we had a fantastic meal. This was cooked by Iain and it was his birthday. Every course (and there were many) was accompanied by a suitable wine. We had three deserts and three desert wines and then schnapps. We were so full and so mellow by the end of the evening. Iain is an extremely talented chef and his father in law is an extremely talented wine maker.
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    • Day 7


      June 12, 2017 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      We went off after breakfast to see if we could find some hoopoes. We went down some lanes near the town and eventually found where we thought they might be. We parked up and were scanning the area when we were hailed by a park ranger who was quick to point out that we were not allowed to be in the park at that point as it was just for cyclists.. there was a fine of five hundred euros. We quickly turned round and headed out and instead went to look for bee eaters which were on the way to a place called wallern (spelled from memory).
      This was much more successful as we not only found their nesting cliffs but they shared them with some jackdaws who were most entertaining to watch. We took lots of pictures and then set off to go to Hungary along the iron curtain trail. We got a bit lost but eventually took a cycle path (no wardens around, nor cyclists) to the river separating the two at a bridge. We saw some cuckoos. It was so peaceful there. After that we went back to civilisation for lunch and had deep fried breadcrumbed cheese! It was particularly unpleasant and gave us indigestion. It was made even worse as it was masquerading as salad on the menu and it was mainly hefty calories.
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    • Day 19

      bei Illmitz

      September 28, 2021 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Nach der letzten Nacht, die ich am Neusiedlersee verbrachte, machte ich mich schnell auf den Weg nach Hause. Die nächste Schlechtwetterfront wurde angekündigt. Trotz dieser Ankündigung gings auf kleinen Straßen weiter. Umfuhr Wien und gelangte am Schloß Schönbühel an die Donau. Leider war die Schlechtwetterfront sehr schnell so dass ich schon hier oft im Regen fuhr. Zu allen übel musste ich noch Erste Hilfe an einen schweren Unfall leisten. Nach Melk wurde das Wetter noch schlechter so dass ich ab hier nur mehr die schnellste Rute eingab. (ohne Autobahn 😏)Read more

    • Day 3


      May 9, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Der Weg führt mich und Karl über verschiedene Routen zur langen Lacke nach Apetlon. Aufgrund starken Wassermangels ist dieses Naturschutzgebiet nicht richtig dekorativ, viele Vögel fehlen und die typischen Lacken sind gar nicht vorhanden. Viele ausgetrockneten Teile sind mit Salz überzogen, typisch für die Wasserzusammensetzung des Neusiedlersees, der ja salziges Wasser hatRead more

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