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    • Day 7

      Tag 7: FINALE

      October 5 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Joa moai i hobs g‘schafft! 🇦🇹 🇦🇹 🇦🇹
      Die letzte Etappe hatte es heute noch mal richtig in sich. Ich bin extra „zeitig“ um 8 losgefahren weil ich auch Respekt vor der Etappe hatte. Vor allem die Höhenmeter waren heute noch mal sehr knackig. Nach den ersten 20 Kilometern komme ich meist in eine Art Flow, da rollt es dann einfach von alleine, ohne dass ich mich anstrengen muss. Das war heute leider nicht der Fall und ich hatte manchmal das Gefühl, dass Opa Hansi aus Pettstadt vielleicht noch hinten dranhängt, weil er seine Geschichte noch nicht zu Ende erzählt hatte. Hansi war zum Glück nicht mehr da, da konnten es also nur noch meine Beine sein, die einfach mittlerweile ein wenig überlastet waren.
      Als dann endlich der ersten Berge zu sehen waren, hatte ich aber genügend Ablenkungen und konnte schön in der Landschaft umherschauen und mich fragen, wie zur Hölle es eigentlich möglich ist, dass diese gigantischen Steinformationen so sind, wie sie sind. Schon irgendwie abgefahren…
      Auch die Höhenmeter waren irgendwie machbar, ich musste zwar ab und zu anhalten, weil ich echt am Ende war, aber nach der Pause ging’s immer wieder.
      Auf den letzten Metern ging’s dann mit 16% Neigung den Berg ab. Da kam mir der Fahrradtechniker wieder in den Kopf, der in Nürnberg zu mir meinte: Deine Bremsbeläge hinten die sind dran! Also bei der nächsten Gelegenheit müssen die neu. 🤓
      Naja, hat alles gut geklappt. Zum krönenden Abschluss hat es dann in Innsbruck noch mal schön angefangen zu schütten, alles andere hätte sich aber auch irgendwie falsch angefühlt 😄 Also wieder Regenklamotten raus und Abfahrt.
      Und dann ins Ziiiieeeeel 🏁
      Was für Ritt! Ich muss es erst mal ein bisschen sacken lassen, vielleicht gibts dann noch mal einen Nachtrag 😊
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    • Day 25

      Hiking in the Tyrol

      September 25, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      We woke up to another beautiful clear day today. A perfect day for a hike in the local mountains! Laura did some research last night and found the perfect destination in nearby Mutters. With the city pass we received from the hotel we were able to take a tram to the town for free. It got us pretty close to a tram that took us into the alpine area. That also did not cost us anything because we had the pass.

      Our hike destination was one of the hilltops further up the mountain. The trail was a combination of gravel road, grassy slope and narrower trail. Much of it was uphill and definitely got our heart rates up! It was a very scenic route with great panoramic views both along the 1 1/2 hour hike as well as at our destination. At the top there was a bench as well as a picnic table where we sat in the sunshine eating our lunch. Soon after our arrival another couple, from Zurich that own a trailer they park in St. Moritz in the winter, arrived and we had a pleasant conversation with them on a variety of topics.

      The hike back down to the tram was a lot less work than going up. At the bottom we walked a short distance back to the tram stop and only had to wait a couple of minutes for the ride back into Innsbruck. Once back, we found an outdoor cafe on a popular pedestrian street in town and had beverages. I ordered a Radler, thinking it was a brand of Austrian beer. It’s actually like a Shandy which is a mix of beer and lemon soda. I actually liked it! Laura had an alcohol free beer. She has come to like that as a cold drink option.

      From here we walked back to our hotel to freshen up and get ready for a dinner out. We decided to check out Vapiano, a pasta and pizza restaurant. It’s setup much like a Noodlebox in that if you order pasta, you choose your type of dish and your choice of noodle as well as other ingredients. The difference though is that you have a personal chef preparing the dish right in front of you! As the chef was preparing my dish we realized that it was a big quantity of pasta. So, we decided to order just the one meal and split it between us. Along with a 3/4 l bottle of sparkling mineral water the meal cost us about $25. Well within our budget.

      With it being such a nice night, we decided to do a last walking tour around the city before heading back to the hotel. We found a few streets we had not yet walked and discovered a beautiful church as well as a few other notables we had missed on previous walks. Back at the hotel it was time to pack up and get ready for our early start and long train trip tomorrow.
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    • Day 3


      July 24 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Unterwegs zur heutigen Unterkumpft noch einmal halt an der Skisprungschanze in Innsbruck halt gemacht diesmal konnte man auch hoch gehen. 😅

      Und ich weiß nicht was ich sagen soll ich bin vollkommen sprachlos dieses ding ist der absolute Wahnsinn.🫨

      Aber was rede ich solange drumherum seht euch die Bilder selbst an und lasst euch begeistern.😁
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    • Day 52

      … mein Schatz … 🫶

      June 20 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      … verlässt mich … 😞

      … nach den intensiven Tagen mit vielen Eindrücken, sympathischen Begegnungen und „Gefluche“ mit dem IVB-Scout-App 🥺 verlassen wir Innsbruck - Monika mit 🚂 - ich mit 🚲 … 👋

    • Day 2

      Servus Innsbruck 🇦🇹

      April 28 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      De treinreis van gisteren kende gelukkig een goed einde. Vanaf München hadden we de wind in de rug. Met een fijne treinrit door de bergen kwamen we aan in Innsbruck. 👏

      Vandaag konden we voor het eerst kennismaken met de stad en het is absoluut geen half werk. Met name de ligging in het dal maakt dat de stad er mooi bij ligt. Want laten we eerlijk zijn, elk straatje knapt er van op als er op de achtergrond mooie bergen te bewonderen zijn. 🏔️

      Het oude centrum stamt uit de Middeleeuwen en dat is te merken. Het lijkt soms wel een decor.

      Innsbruck was ook de organisator van de Olympische Spelen van 1964 en 1976. 🏅 En daar zijn ze trots op. Vlak naast de stad kun je de skischans al vinden. ⛷️ De schans is weliswaar vernieuwd maar de locatie is nog hetzelfde en het uitzicht nog even mooi. De schansspringers van dienst hebben een fantastisch uitzicht over de stad. Wij hebben mee kunnen kijken vanaf de plek waar de sprong begint maar we slaan nog wel even over.
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    • Day 30

      Final Reflections

      September 30, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      On this month long trip, we have seen a lot of interesting and beautiful historical buildings and geographies. I have talked about many of these in my blog entries. I have also been intrigued by a number of technologies that we have seen. Here they are in random order:

      As we travelled, I was fascinated by the endless designs of doors and locking mechanisms. Locking doors seem to be a technology that has been around for over a thousand years in an endless variety of designs to both the door itself and the locking mechanisms. I loved looking at the oldest wooden doors in the historical locations we visited as well as the most modern in the places we stayed. Many are quite different than those you find in our homes.

      Just like we have Doordash and other food delivery services in Canada, so too there are many in all the countries we visited. What I found interesting is that often it is individuals on bicycles with large, insulated containers on their backs, not drivers in cars, picking up the food and delivering it to their customers.

      In a few spots, we saw benches with solar panels on their top surfaces and both wired and wireless charging available on their side panels. It seems to be a great idea in locations that get lots of sunshine.

      We covered a lot of distance on a variety of trains on our trip. They make for a far more relaxing and enjoyable holiday than driving. Sometimes else is dealing with the traffic issues and the directions. It is also more enjoyable than flying because you see the countryside and you don’t have to go through the hassle of getting to and from an airport and through the security and screening process. You can waste the better part of a day for just a short flight between cities.

      I do have to say, however, that the trains are much busier than I’ve experienced on previous trips to Europe, So, I’d recommend reservations even for first class travel where they are offered. I also found trains to be a little less reliable so if you are planning a long trip with several connections, be sure to allow extra time between the connections in case your train runs late.

      All the houses and buildings that date back hundreds and even thousands of years are built of stone. The walls, the roofs, the fences around properties and the driveways are all made from stone. As well, cobblestone streets are everywhere and its fascinating to look at all the different types of stone used and the different patterns in which they are laid. To me, it is the amazing stonework that gives the cities and buildings much of their uniquely European character.

      Roads in Europe are somewhat narrower than those in North America. It seems that trucks make up for the lack of width by going higher. We passed a number in England while driving around in our rental car. I doubt they would fit under overpasses in Canada and the US. I also did not see any containers on trucks so I’m not sure what happens when they arrive by sea. They must all get loaded onto trains and then emptied in train yards and loaded onto trucks? Seems rather inefficient!

      Historic buildings are being restored to their former glory all over Europe. Air pollution has taken a big toll on over the years, It is a massive undertaking. In some cases, it means completely rebuilding. Everywhere you see scaffolding. Entire buildings are wrapped in it. Fortunately, many of the most significant, historic buildings have been completely restored. Last time I was in London, Big Ben was wrapped in scaffolding. It has now been completely restored and looks amazing!

      We spotted an old Porsche in Innsbruck, an MG in England and a Nissan 240x in Salzburg, but beyond that all you see are relatively new cars. It seems no one keeps their vehicles very long and any older than maybe ten years seem all but nonexistent.

      We found several restaurants where you choose your meals and customize them using a touch screen. When you place the order it gets sent to the kitchen and a short time later your meal is ready to go for either eat in or take out. At a restaurant in Innsbruck you are given a plastic card as you enter. You choose a meal, and a chef makes it to your specifications while you watch and wait. He then enters the details of your meal and any beverages or other side items you have ordered onto a plastic card. You take the card to the cashier when you are ready to pay. The card appears to have no chip embedded so it’s a mystery to me as to how the information gets stored?

      In the bathrooms of the apartments and hotels we stayed, I was impressed by the tankless toilets. I’m not sure if there is a tank hidden in the wall behind the toilet or whether they use a different technology. As well, in one of the public washrooms I was surprised to find a Dyson hot air blower to dry your hands built right into the water faucet!

      Well, we’re back in Vancouver waiting for our connecting flight to Victoria. It’s 2:45 AM on out time so we’re feeling a bit sleepy! And, so ends our Europe Vacation 2023!
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    • Day 9

      Wien - Innsbruck 10/8

      August 10, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Nous voici à notre dernier jour sur Vienne. Notre train est à 17h28 en gare principale de Vienne (Hauptbahnhof).

      Tout le temps de continuer à découvrir des endroits que nous ne connaissons pas encore dans cette superbe capitale.

      Nous décidons d'aller au Parc du Prater voir la fameuse Roue du Prater.
      Surprise à l'arrivée que cet immense parc en pleine ville, sorte de forêt entièrement conçue pour la forme et le bien être pour tous, des terrains de tennis, skate park, BMX park, parcs de jeux en bois pour les enfants, mini golf, énormes et longues voies cyclables, avenues pour piétons. Tant de beaux arbres séculaires. Il fait beau, c'est très agréable.
      Nous voyons défiler des marcheurs, joggers, cyclistes de tous âges, des troupeaux de mamans puissant leurs landeaux.
      Et quelques auberges de ci de là pour se poser, se reposer, se désaltérer ou manger.
      Justement nous prenons un café pâtisserie en guise de brunch dans l'un d'eux, le cadre est magnifique qu milieu de ces arbres, de cet univers sans voiture. La propriétaire gentille comme tout et leurs pâtisseries maison excellentes.
      La pause est très agréable et nous repartons par contre sous quelques gouttes de pluie ...

      Direction à pieds le quartier Hundertwasser, du nom d'un architecte Viennois (1928-2000), de son nom de naissance Friedrich Stowasser, plus connu sous celui de Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Il a réalisé un quartier entier à Vienne mais est aussi le père de nombreuses réalisations en Autriche.
      De l'art moderne, très centré sur la nature, la gaieté, les couleurs et casser les codes de l'architecture, les lignes trop droites, Hundertwasser a été très inspiré par la liberté et le style de Gaudi, et était un fervent engagé pour la défense de l'environnement.
      On a franchement bien aimé et particulièrement cette inclusion des arbres et jardins au sein de l'habitat urbain, au beau milieu des constructions de béton.

      Puis nous sommes repassé chercher nos bagages dans notre logement, et avons filé à la Hauptbahnof de Vienne.

      De jolis paysages plutôt plats autour de Vienne mais avant la nuit, avant de repasser par Salzburg, nous avons retrouvé petit à petit arbres, forêts, habitat typique autrichien en campagne et quelques montagnes.
      L'équivalent de notre SNCF nous a joué un sale tour lors d'un arrêt dans une gare en nous exhortant soudainement et en 3mn de quitter notre train qui semblait devoir rester en gare pour sauter dans un autre sur le départ pour Innsbruck. De nos places réservées avec un emplacement confortable à 4, il nous a fallu, alors que le nouveau train était déjà reparti, sans accompagnement, traverser tous les wagons avant de trouver enfin 4 places dans un wagon Familles quelque peu bruyant surtout lorsqu'on approche des 22h ...
      Petite mésaventure mais le reste de nos trajets s'est fait de manière très simple et de bon confort.

      Arrivée vers 21h45 à la gare principale d'Innsbruck, 10 mn de marche et nous avons rejoint notre petite résidence hôtelière Urban Inn très typique, entièrement rénovée, où tout l'équipement était de bon bois et/ou local.

      Histoire d'avoir l'impression d'être en vacances, nous nous sommes autorisés une petite sortie dans la rue voisine après avoir déposé nos bagages, un petit verre d'accueil en terre tyrolienne 😍
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    • Day 22

      Train to Innsbruck & Touring Innsbruck

      September 22, 2023 in Austria ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      We packed up and headed from Budapest to Innsbruck by train today. The first leg was originally going to take us to Vienna, and we would switch there to a train to Innsbruck. However, we had comfortable seats on this train, and I noticed that it was actually going as far as Munich via Salzberg, so we elected to stay on the train. In Salzburg we had a short wait for the final leg of the trip, which was about 1 3/4 hours in length. We were lucky to get seats because the train was very busy and we did not have reservations. We chose two seats that were reserved. However, the individuals that reserved those seats didn’t show up for the ride so we had the seats to ourselves.

      It was just before 6 pm when arrived in Innsbruck. It was raining so we put on our rain jackets for the 15 min walk to our hotel. At the hotel, we took a short break and then went out for dinner. We found a nice place just around the corner, but they were sold out and we didn’t have a reservation. So, on we went, looking for other options. Eventually, we settled on a pizza/pasta restaurant just across the street from our hotel. It was a good dinner at an affordable price.

      The following morning we headed out to find a spot for coffee and breakfast. We ended up at “The Breakfast Club”, but just as was the case with dinner last night, we needed a reservation. Luckily, they had a place for us in a second location nearby. We each had a coffee. Laura ordered French toast for breakfast and I had rice pudding. It was good.

      Using an app with a walking tour, we started visiting some of the sights in the city. It was raining lightly but we had umbrellas from the hotel and our rain jackets. We visited the Triumphal Arch, built in 1765 to celebrate a wedding between Archduke Leopold and his bride, Princess Maria Luisa of Spain. And, Eduard-Wallnofer Square, Maria-Theresien Straße (a pedestrian only shopping street), The Golden Roof (constructed in the 1400’s to be a residence for the rulers of Tyrol) and the Town Tower (built in 1444). We then picked up some food at a grocer and went back to our room for a lunch break.

      During lunch we looked at what else was of interest to us in Innsbruck. With the weather not being great, we decided to head to Schloss Ambras, a castle built in the 16th century and converted to a museum in 1880. Archduke Ferdinand II lived in the castle and while doing so designated an area to be used to house his collection of art and other items. The museum has existed ever since and is now considered to be the oldest in the world. We were absolutely amazed by the collections we saw in the museum. Especially, the collection of armour worn, and the weapons used, in battle and jousting competitions in the 16th century. As well, we were able to tour the rest of the castle and see the original Spanish Hall, the Chapel and a number of other rooms as well as the grounds surrounding the castle.

      One art item, The Fools’s Plate, caught our attention. It is a detailed painting on a wooden plate created around 1528 and is an incredible document of the carnival of the early 16th century. We watched a short film and learned all about the hidden meanings in the painting. At first glance, it seems to be a confused jumble of almost 60 figures in numerous scenes. A closer look, reveals an ingenious system as well as precisely thought out connections in the painterly design.

      We spent pretty much the entire afternoon on the visit to the castle. We tried to grab a dinner at an IKEA located near the castle, but we were a bit too late getting there. Instead, we went to a kebab restaurant in town instead. We toured a bit more on foot afterwards, saw the Imperial Palace and walked along a stretch of the river, doing a loop between two bridges across the river. By the time we were back at our hotel, we had again clocked 20,000+ steps!
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    • Day 4

      J3 - Zurich

      March 4 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Après une bonne nuit de sommeil, un rangement d'affaires efficace et une barre de céréales en guise de petit déjeuner me voilà dans les rues de Zurich. Jeanne arrive un peu après 11h et nous avons prévu de nous retrouver. J'ai donc une petite heure devant moi. Je décide de me poser pour de pas refaire la même visite avec Jeanne juste après. Je m'installe donc au bord du lac de Zürich. J'observe les nombreux cygnes, poules d'eau, mouettes et canards, qui ont toujours une seule idée en tête : manger. Sur les conseils de Kira (encore merci 🥰) j'écoute un épisode du podcast le Précepteur (qui traite de philosophie) sur Bourdieu et la reproduction sociale. C'est intéressant et ça permet de canaliser mes pensées, qui ont tendance à faire des leurs quand je les laisse aller 😌

      Je rejoins ensuite Jeanne à la gare. Nous décidons de nous balader dans les rues de Zürich. Nous rentrons dans quelques églises, de styles différents, mais toujours avec de magnifiques horloges à l'extérieur, on est en Suisse quand même ! Nous voyons également de jolis orgues et vitraux. Nous trouvons que la ville est très calme, est ce que c'est parce qu'on est lundi ? Pour manger le midi nous décidons de retourner où je m'étais installée le matin, il y a beaucoup plus de monde (j'étais seule le matin). Pour notre plus grand bonheur le soleil pointe le bout de son nez, nous restons donc un long moment à observer les oiseaux, qui se battent pour la nourriture qui leur est lancée. Après cet agréable moment nous poursuivons notre visite de la ville. Nous nous posons sur la place de l'Opéra durant un bon moment pour discuter, avant que je passe chercher mon sac à l'auberge, direction la gare. Jeanne m'y accompagne, nous nous disons au revoir (nous nous reverrons peut être à Ljubljana mais rien de certain) et je monte dans le train.

      Le train longe le lac de Zürich puis un autre lac dans les montagnes, c'est superbe. Malgré ces jolis paysages mes doutes et questionnements refont un peu surface. Mais j'ai la chance d'être bien entourée (merci Ninon pour l'appel ❤️) ! Je décide aussi d'inscrire ces différentes émotions dans mon carnet pour mieux les gérer et ça me fait du bien ! Après 3h30 de train me voilà arrivée à Innsbruck.

      A l'auberge j'ai la chance de tomber sur un réceptionniste très sympa qui me surclasse dans une chambre de femmes avec la fille arrivée juste avant moi (apparemment il y aurait un garçon qui ne sent pas très bon et un peu bizarre dans ma chambre). Il me dit que le prénom Zoé signifie vie et que mes parents ont très bien choisi 😉 Je crois que je ne le savais même pas, voilà que je trouve mon prénom encore plus chouette ! Nous discutons un peu sur les choses à faire dans la ville. L'auberge est super, salle de bain juste pour la chambre, lits confortables... Le luxe ! Je suis contente car elle coûtait plus chère que les autres, mais ça me fait du bien.

      Après un bon repas (soupe, pain, fromage, et plus d'appétit que les autres jours) je me couche dans mon lit très confort, prête à passer une bonne nuit.

      Demain visite de la ville !

      Je vous fais de gros bisous
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    • Day 12–13


      September 16 in Austria ⋅ 🌧 46 °F

      On the road again! Quick breakfast for me and tea for Paul - he's feeling better today! We are off to Innsbruck, Austria. Quite a drive today through the rolling hills, cliffs, and vineyards of Northen Italy. Really beautiful views from the coach. We got to Innsbruck, which is in the Tyrol region of Austria. We walked to the city center where you can see the famous Golden Roof. It's a very cute shopping village with souvenirs, bakeries, and a Swarovski store (crystals of all kinds), which is one of the largest Swarovski stores worldwide. Paul and I bought some souvenirs, and I treated myself to a very delicate crystal necklace and matching earrings. We were supposed to have 2 and a half hours of free time to walk around but it was pretty rainy and it was forecasted to get worse so we all met up after an hour and drove to the hotel. Dinner was included at the hotel, a traditional meal of turkey schnitzel (breaded meat) and potatoes and for dessert, an apple strudel. It was all really delicious, and the servers were so attentive. After dinner, Paul and I joined the people in our group who chose to go to the optional experience of a traditional Tyrolean dance show, with full on professional yodelers, dancers and many different types of unique instruments. It was so cool and also so funny (to me) because it's like what you see on TV or think about when you think about Austria or Germany, but it was in a real life show. The performers were all very talented, and it really was a great experience all in all. We got back to the hotel pretty exhausted and fell asleep promptly. Tomorrow, are heading to Germany. We really loved what we experienced in Austria; it's a very clean and picturesque place.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Innsbruck, إنسبروك, İnsbruk, Innschbruck, Горад Інсбрук, Инсбрук, ইন্সব্রুক, Ίνσμπρουκ, اینسبروک, אינסברוק, Ինսբրուք, INN, インスブルック, ინსბრუკი, 인스브루크, Pons Aeni, Insbrukas, Insbruka, इन्सब्रुक, انزبرک, Инзбрук, อินส์บรุค, İnnsbruck, Інсбрук, Insbruc, 因斯孛鲁克, 因斯布鲁克

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