Mariatroster Bach

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    • Day 24

      Graz…iöser Abschluss

      September 20, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      An unserem letzten Urlaubstag wollten wir Graz nochmal etwas genauer kennenlernen und machten uns mit den Rädern von unserem Stellplatz (mal wieder am Friedhof) gen Innenstadt auf. Unser Abbild von Arnold Schwarzenegger, dessen Heimat übrigens die Steiermark ist, tat sich allerdings schon mit den kleinsten Anstiegen an diesem Tag schwer. Früh am Morgen besuchten J&J, inzwischen zu echten Kulturkritikern herangewachsen, voller Vorfreude das Kunsthaus Graz, ohne sich vorher über die Ausstellung informiert zu haben. Hätte sich auch als schwierig erwiesen, da es keine Ausstellung gab und wir daher lediglich die Aussichtsplattformen und die Fahrstühle von innen begutachteten. Auf den letzten Metern der abenteuerlichen Reise stand, nicht zuletzt durch einen krankheitsbedingt schwächelnden Jules, ein entspannter Ausklang im Vordergrund. So suchten wir gleich zweimal ein Café auf und verweilten in der Sonne von Graz. Dazwischen starteten wir einen zweiten Anlauf, unserem Anspruch der Bildungsreise gerecht zu werden. Graz bot mit einer der größten erhaltenen Waffenkammern ein Museum der anderen Art. Über vier Etagen war das denkmalgeschützte Gebäude bis unter die Decken ausgestellt mit Originalstücken des österreichischen Heeres aus dem 15. Jhd. Beeindruckend, meinten J&J, allerdings war die Geschichte nach der 30ten Ritterrüstung aus erzählt.
      Allmählich neigte sich der letzte Tag dem Ende zu und wir machten uns auf den Rückweg zum Bulli. Um den aggressiven Mücken, die an unserem Stellplatz auf uns warteten, zu entkommen, fuhren wir für unser Abendessen etwas außerhalb auf einen Feldweg. Nach dem letzten Gnocchis mit Soße vom Campingkocher hieß es dann „Abfahrt“.
      Nach elfstündiger Fahrt ohne Mautstrecken kamen wir am nächsten Morgen früher als gedacht an und wurden mit einem netten Kaffee im Hause Arndts erwartet.
      Hinter uns bleiben 5000km mehr auf dem Kilometerzähler, acht bereiste Länder, zahlreiche Eindrücke aus verschiedensten Regionen und Unmengen an leeren Pesto-Gläsern.
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    • Day 2

      Nur über die Mur?

      September 7, 2021 in Austria ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Wieso haben wir gedacht Graz ist eher eine kleine Stadt? Mit 295000 EW ist sie so gar die 2. grösste Stadt Österreichs, was man beim Besuch nicht vermutet. In der Stadt gibt es kaum Autoverkehr, dafür unzählige Radfahrer und die werden ermahnt nicht so schnell zu fahren😁. Gleich nach dem Frühstück spazieren wir zum Kunst Haus. Wow, da haben die Arc titelten aber viel Fantasie gehabt. Das Gebäude kann man nicht beschreiben und nur schwierig fotografieren. Schafe dass es so zwischen die Häuser gequetscht ist. Die Ausstellungen waren nicht so prickelnd und wir sind weiter. Die Murinsel hat uns gefallen, innen und aussen. Dann mit dem Lift auf den SchloßBerg ins Museum und dort oben noch rumgebummelt. Man kann zwar per Rutsche😅 in die Stadt, aber wir sind gelaufen. Das letzte Stück durch einen Luftschutzstollen. Durch viele Gassen zu Frantischek. Delikate Brötchen, dazu Prosecco und noch ein Törtchen😋. Hier und da noch ein wenig shoppen und dann eine kurze Pause im Hotel. Halb 7 Abendessen im Steirer, ein Erlebnis und lecker. Dann Graz bei Nacht, Kreuz und quer. Ein Absacker an der Bar, platt😅

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    • Day 283


      January 11, 2018 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      BIG DAY.

      So the day began at 9. I forced myself up. Vicki had of course set up breakfast. 😅

      We left soon after and we just walked around the city so we could see it in daylight. I like it way better than Vienna. It's smaller and cosy.
      She then took us to see the clock tower - to get up the mountain we had to take a lift which cost 1.50€ - happy to pay than take the gazillion stairs (I think they were shut anyway - maybe too Icey?)
      Up we went. The view was nice. Got a few pics.
      The clock tower isn't AMAZING but it's still cool. Got a photo with it too, of course. 💁🏼

      To get back down we got a train thingy like the one at the blue mountains. It was a novelty ride and I think aimed at children and elderly. I enjoyed it more than I should have 😂

      We then got on a tram to the bus station and from there 2 more buses to a little town called Thal. I couldn't have navigated our way there by ourselves. Very thankful for Vicki.

      So why did we come here?
      The Arnold Schwarzenegger museum of course. 🙃
      Vicki had never been either so she was happy to take us.
      It's not in the most convenient location because it's set up in his actual childhood home.
      Cute village life for the win.

      There were heaps of transformers around the place and we don't really understand why but still they added a crafty touch to the place lol.
      I know he was in terminator but Will said they were not them lol.

      Ok so up the street we went and into the house.
      The lady was nice and gave us the discount price cause Vicki told her we are unemployed hahah Cha -Ching.

      First room was about his childhoods, second was his political career, third was his Hollywood stuff and fourth was his body building. His kitchen and toilet were also on display though not with the original original items.

      Room one had cute photos, room two has awards and a big ass desk, third had some inspirational speechs and movie posters and props and fourth had his weightlifting gear.
      I actually really enjoyed it. I think everyone did.
      As you leave there is a sign "I'll be back" hahaha
      Not funny and yet really funny.
      Well placed haha.
      In the yard were more transformers.
      We walked back to the bus stop except on the way we went by a frozen lake! It was awesome to see ducks actually standing on it.
      Naturally we threw rocks and sticks at it to try break it but every time it either bounced or the sticks broke - even the thick branches which gave us a super clever idea - lets try stand on it! 😂😂

      Me and Vicki, after a lot of trial and error and hesitation were both successful. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
      Will didn't risk it - he is much bigger haha it was so much fun!
      Won't lie I felt a little like Jesus.

      Got back on the bus and did the long trip home (about 40mins)
      We went out and got a pizza before heading back to the Apartment- we also bought 4 packets of taco flavoring 😂

      Went home, packed and walked to the station.

      Super awkward moment when she was like can I give you my card details so you can give me the money for the train tickets.
      Ermmm I have in writing you saying you didn't want our money but of course we couldn't say no. It put a sort of sour vibe on the end. Not because we had to pay - of course we had to pay - we expected too but once she offered to do it herself that expectation went away and because she did we have shouted her a few things to pay her back a bit of it and as a way to show appreciation. We wouldn't have bought her dinner if we knew we were paying for our tickets.
      In conclusion Just didn't like she changed her mind rather than we had to pay.
      This negativity was all internal and we parted on happy terms at the station. 👍🏼
      Happy to leave - keeping convo going is exhausting haha

      So the journey to Hinterstroder consisted of 2 trains and a bus.
      Sooooo lucky we got the bus because we had 4 minutes from when our train arrived to find it and it was the last for the night. I am so thankful I jotted down the company name because we would have missed it otherwise. It's a 6 person van, not a bus. Not what I was looking for. It's pitch black with no lights so praise the lord. 🙏🏼
      So grateful we made it.
      The bus took us 11km to our hotel which on arrival no one answered the door for 5 minutes which was stressful! It crossed my mind we would have to sleep ourside but eventually someone came and we got into our room.

      Cue relaxation time!
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    • Day 3

      Auf nach Kroatien

      May 28, 2019 in Austria ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Nachdem die Männer die Nacht zum Tag gemacht haben - der eine hat ein Ladekabel gesucht und der andere konnte nicht gut schlafen - sind wir heute zu unserer ersten Station in Kroatien aufgebrochen. In Wien hat es geregnet und dadurch ist uns der Abschied nicht schwer gefallen. Nur haben wir wegen dem Regen auch keine Station beim Belvedere gemacht, sondern sind nur daran vorbei gefahren. Stattdessen haben wir Pause in Graz gemacht.
      Dann ging es weiter zu den Plitvicer Seen. Den Drehort von "Winnetou - Schatz im Silbersee" werden wir uns ab morgen anschauen.
      Ausspruch des Tages: Aus unserem Auspuff kommt ein Regenbogen... 🌦️🌈
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    • Day 15

      Old Town Graz

      October 1, 2021 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      There is evidence of occupation around modern day Graz dating to prehistory, but records of settlement date to medieval times. Much of what we see today dates to the 16th century and after.
      The 1st picture looks over the old town from the Schlossberg. Likewise, the 2nd picture is of the Rathaus or town hall also taken from the Schlossberg. The Rathaus is on one side of the Hauptplatz or main square of old town Graz. The 3rd picture is of the Hauplatz today. It is filled with vendors in a local market, most of whom are street food vendors.
      Graz is known for many, many inner courtyards. This is probably the best known of them all: the Landhaus courtyard. The Landhaus dates to the 16th century and was used as a governmental building. It was designed and built by the Italian architect who rebuilt the Schlossberg.
      The 5th picture is in the Burggarten, now part of a city park. The building peeking through the trees is an orangerie built by the dukes who lived in the castle on the property. Today it is the seat of the governor of Styria, the local province
      The last picture is the opera house that dates to the end of the 19th century because I just have to include it.
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