Politischer Bezirk Villach Land

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    • Day 66

      Mount Lussari

      August 24, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      11.7 km, ascent 1095m, descent 0, rating medium
      Unfortunately our climb today did not deliver the jaw dropping views described in the guide book, due to very thick cloud, fog and drizzle. It did however provide lovely cool walking conditions for the long steep ascent. It was a very special moment when the fog momentarily cleared to reveal the gorgeous village of Lussari, perched on the next mountain over, just as the church bells rang across the ravine echoing off the surrounding alps. When we arrived the village was alive with day trippers who had taken the ski lift up and by 5 o’clock there was hardly a soul around - in fact we were the only people in the entire lodge/hotel. As the sun set, different mountains came into view and it was stunning. Only one month ago (in the middle of summer) they had 20 cm of snow fall here!Read more

    • Day 110

      Dober dan Slovenia!

      June 23 in Slovenia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      After a coffee in Tarvisio, I completed the loop around the mountain to enter Slovenia and reach the border town of Kranjska Gora. I was aching and tired, so I decided to get some luxurious rest in a hotel. I moaned in delight in the hot shower. The last one was a couple of weeks ago.

      Kranjska Gora is a cute town, with ski lifts and biking trails going into the Julian Alps. On my walk to lake Jasna, I met Annemarie & Annika, two dutch women on the trail. We talked and walked, and as the lake was so picturesque, we had dinner there.

      Sleeping in a soft and clean bed felt like a celebration. Maybe a good way to celebrate a ride of 4000 kilometers now.
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    • Day 63

      Kranjska Gora

      August 12, 2019 in Slovenia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Die nächsten zwei Wochen verbringe ich an einem Ort. Es wird also vermutlich erst mal ruhiger hier. ;)
      Ich bin gestern zurück nach Slowenien gefahren (was für 93 Kilometer Luftlinie über fünf Stunden und 3 verschiedene Transportmittel erfordert hat). Hier ist nun Familientreffen geplant, worauf ich mich schon freue. Zudem muss ich mir allmählich Gedanken machen, was als nächstes kommen soll. Gar nicht so leicht, so eine Alpenüberquerung zu toppen! ;) Tipps und Ratschläge werden immer gerne genommen!
      Heute bin ich dann erst mal gemütlich mit dem Sessellift auf 1100 m gefahren, um von dort zum Ciprnik, 1750 m, und zurück zu laufen. Bisschen im Training bleiben muss man ja. ;) Die Aussicht war phantastisch, aber meine Knie hätten glaube ich ganz gerne mal eine Auszeit vom Abstieg.
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    • Day 316


      July 9, 2020 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Man braucht ja Ziele im Leben habe ich mal gehört.. Eines auf unserer Tour war zum Beispiel , möglichst schnell zu Woytes am Bodensee zu kommen . Hier generierten die Kinder die höchste Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit der bisherigen Tour.

      Von diesem Beispiel inspiriert stellten wir das Ziel einer Italienischen Pizza direkt nach Grenzüberquerung in Aussicht. Hat wieder geklaopt.

      Nach der Stärkung in Travis haben wir uns entschieden, den Alp Adria Radweg zu verlassen und über den Predil Pass nach Slowenien zu fahren. Diese Entscheidung war nicht ganz leicht, sollte es doch noch einmal 600 Meter zusätzlich nach oben gehen und laut Homepage und Anruf bei der Botschaft, dieser Grenzübergang für deutsche Staatsbürger nicht zu passieren sein. Wir haben allerdings einige gefragt , die sagten das es möglich sei. Also wollen wir den Anstieg riskieren unter dem Wissen, eventuell oben abgewiesen zu werden und wieder umzudrehen.

      Bei einbrechender Dunkelheit und keinen Platzierungsmöglichkeiten für unser Zelt haben wir uns sicherlich rechtswidrig hinter einem leer und zum Verkauf stehenden Haus blickgeschützt auf die Wiese am Fluss gelegt...
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    • Day 397

      Kranjska Gora & Plancia ⛷️

      July 18, 2023 in Slovenia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir Slowenien so schnell wie möglich verlassen, da es einfach nicht unser Reiseland wird, aber wir wollten noch einen Stop in Kranjska Gora und Planica machen 🤗
      In Kranjska Gora haben wir einen netten Stellplatz ein bisschen außerhalb gefunden und haben uns das kleine nette Örtchen angeschaut. 😃 Auf einem Trimdich Pfad sind wir zum Jasna See gelaufen, dass war echt cool und der See wirklich schön, aber völlig überlaufen 😒 durch ein sich ankündigendes Gewitter sind wir im Geschwindschritt zum Lkw 🚚 und haben es gerade so geschafft. 🙂 22.30 haben wir dann unseren ersten Strafzettel nach fast 400 Tagen im LKW bekommen... 20€ und am nächsten Morgen 0600 Uhr müssen wir weg sein. Höchststrafe für uns 🫣
      Naja 05.58 setzen wir die Jungs ins Fahrerhaus und fahren nach Planica. Schnell stellen wir den lkw ab, wir wollen ja auch niemanden wecken 😒 aber dann stehen wir so schief, dass wir kaum frühstücken können; alle Gläser rutschen und selbst meine Weinflasche hab ich eingebüßt 😢 Dort wandern wir, Dank Martins gutem Hinweis, zu einer Hütte...eine wirklich schöne und entspannte Wanderung. Dort angekommen ergattern wir einen Platz unter einem Schirm, denn ein Gewitter kündigt sich an. 🌩🌬 Dann wird es richtig wild; die Schirme fliegen wild durch die Luft und wir können Kinder und Hund grad noch so ins trockene retten... Natürlich macht keiner eine Ecke Platz und zu guter Letzt wird Jimmys Sonnenbrille noch geklaut. 🫨 an den Schanzen beobachten wir noch den Sprungnachwuchs und die Jungs sind total begeistert 🤗😁
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    • Day 64

      Feistritzer Alm

      August 22, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We saw the bears .... as a photograph on the wall of the mountain hut! They now have 4 pairs in the district and this year, one was seen just outside the hut. A few years back they thought the bears were definitely heading to extinction in these areas.Read more

    • Day 27–28

      Bled (Hiking - Part 3)

      June 30 in Slovenia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      I already wrote this but penguins vanquished my essay so forgive me if I sound pissed (I am).

      30th June, last day in Slovenia having been surrounded by by gorgeous mountains. Often being encircled by Italian, Slovenian and Austrian alps. It would’ve been a crime against humanity not to do a hike. My original hiking plan of reaching base camp of mount Triglav a measly 2,550m Elevation, with a 10hr hike and 1500m of elevation gain was slowly dashed against the wall as I witnessed the fitness levels of my younger sister (sorry Luci but be fitter). After some investigation and putting off the hike for 2 days due to record high 37 degree temperatures I landed on a seemingly chill walk that had good views through a daffodil meadow and grass paddocks. The Mt Golica summit walk, a supposedly chill 2hr walk (4hr return) to the summit (1967m) and back.

      The information on this hike was very sparse and I’d only heard of it through word of mouth of Slovenians. As such even finding the starting point was somewhat of an adventure. However, I found it and we started at 900m elevation. The hike quickly became very very steep (hiking poles would’ve been very helpful), with the trail becoming somewhat confusing in places. Luckily we figured out that the trail was usually lined with these white and red bullseyes to mark where you should be walking.

      The hike started off slow with Hugh and myself stopping every 40m for Luci to take photos of something. Luckily for us and very unluckily for Luci this was short lived as her film camera ran out of battery. As we progressed up the mountain the going got tougher with steep gravel inclines with very little traction (these were much worse going down). There was a few crossroads with small red signs in Slovenian. Both mentioning MT Golica, which direction to take though? Luckily a solo hiker had passed us not long before and I hailed her asking what they said. She told us what they said and we were off. This solo hiker was a lovely grad student from Czech doing her exchange at the university of Ljubljana called Bara (Czech nickname for Barbara) and so we had a new member of our group. She had done the 10hr MT Triglav summit the day before and was doing this hike as a “easy hike.” Before she went back to Czech.

      We climbed through dense pine, wet terrain, rocky terrain and eventually surfaced out of the tree-line at around 1600m elevation. There was this cabin we came across 40min from the summit serving beers, that you could actually book accomodation in if you wanted to do the Slovenian ridge line hikes - a 750km trail that can be entered and exited at various points. We came across a fellow Australian here doing similar things to what Rowan did in France, hiking with bags transported for them from accomodation to accomodation. The accomodation had a sort of semi zip line attached to it with a cart similar to a mining cart. This was winched up the hill to get supplies to the cabin. Hugh remarked how he wished he could’ve just gone up that way, which I agreed with.

      Out of the tree line the wind majorly picked up with nothing at all to protect us, our sweaty backs were facing the full brunt of the wind. Heat quickly turned to goosebump cold. As we got onto the ridge line after a deceptively long walk up the grassy mountain. We were treated to truly breathtaking views that a camera cannot do justice too. MT Golica borders Austria with the ridge line being the border between Slovenia and Austria. The view over Austria was absolutely stunning and completely unexpected.

      As we made our way to the summit, one foot in Slovenia one foot in Austria, I remarked that if Austrian border cops were anything like the Italians we should expect to meet them here. With the summit reached spirits were very high, stunning scenery and a nice break. We sheltered from the wind on Austrias side and sat for a while.

      We then made our way down the mountain taking a 40min detour to see the daffodil meadows that didn’t exist for us unfortunately. I felt very lied to by google. On the walk down it slowly dawned on us that, what goes up must come down. Unfortunately for us the hike up was very very steep and as such the hike down was quite hard on the body and legs, especially the knee joints absorbing all this impact while trying not to slip on the loose gravel. This is probably the only hike I’ve ever down where I feel hiking poles would’ve been useful. This slow realisation of yay we have summited to oh no I have to go down now, could very easily be seen on everyone’s faces. It took us about 2hr to get down.

      I took a funny video showing everyone’s moods of all of us before the climb, at the summit, and finished with the hike. You can clearly see excitement at the summit, and hunger at the end. Little Luci took a few slips on the steep gravel. With Hugh and I, coming close many many more times. Our Czech friend Bara did not slip. She did remark that this was not anywhere near as easy a hike as she was led to believe which was good to hear.

      24,000 steps, 12km (straight line distance), 1065m of Elevation gain and descent and 4.5hrs later a ravenous meal at our favourite restaurant at lake bled was had. No words exchanged just sounds of chewing and lots of “mmmmmmsss,” a truly spectacular meal, with Hugh and I having the mixed grill with what I believe to be the best set of pork ribs I have ever had and Luci having sausage and potato. With included deserts that Luci made sure to reserve a little space in her tummy for.

      The Hike was absolutely stunning and completely worth it, if it was an easy hike it wouldn’t have a great view.
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    • Day 26

      Kranska Gora

      September 1, 2023 in Slovenia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Nach einem Ruhetag in Klagenfurt, morgens die Stadt angeschaut und einen neuen Spiegel für mein Rad gekauft, heute dann bis Kranska Gora gefahren. 880 Höhenmeter, die Straße auf 600 Meter 18 % steil. So war es zumindest angeschrieben.

      Klagenfurt hat mir nicht so gut gefallen, irgendwie wirkte alles nicht ganz echt sondern eher gemacht. Der negative Höhepunkt war aber eindeutig Velden, wo ich meinen Cappuccino genommen habe. Laute und lächerliche Scheiwelt...

      Hier habe ich jetzt ein Öko Camp gefunden, die Duschen werden mit Solar betrieben, den Akku von meinem Bike nimmt die Frau vom Camp heute Abend mit heim, die Anlage hier gibt nicht so viel her 😋❤️😋
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    • Day 65


      August 23, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      14.7km, ascent 244m, descent 1123m, medium rating
      We left the hut in drizzle and fog and within 10 minutes we were in almost total whiteout on the ridge - which made navigation by markers pretty useless. We eventually managed to find a track (and not lose each other) and we started our long steep descent. Unfortunately we missed the views because of the cloud but it provided lovely cool walking conditions in the forest down to the pretty village of Valbruna, Italy.Read more

    • Day 6

      In Tarvisio bleiben wir für die Nacht

      September 1 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Lenja kann jetzt winken 🥲👋.
      Nach guter Gelato Pause am Hauptplatz wurde entschieden: Wir checken ein bei Hotel Raibl und es geht morgen weiter. Heute müssen schließlich noch ein paar Windeln gewaschen werden 😁Read more

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