Alto Paraíso de Goiás

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    • Day 68

      Sertão Zen

      February 3, 2022 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      A Thaís apanhou o autocarro às 4h da manhã para Brasília. Supostamente ontem íamos fazer um percurso com a guia mas como a Thaís já tinha dito que não ia conseguir, mudámos o plano. Pedimos à guia para adiar o percurso um dia.
      Ela só aceitou se começasse as 7h da manhã.

      Assim foi, às 7h30 apanhámos a guia. O objectivo era fazer duas trilhas relativamente fáceis de 6 a 7km. Quando nos encontrámos com ela, desafiou-nos para fazer a trilha mais difícil nas redondezas, 18km até à cachoeira do Sertão Zen. O Valentim que quer sempre fazer as coisas mais difíceis, disse logo que sim.

      Na realidade, só a primeira parte é que era mais desafiante por ser uma subida acentuada. O resto do percurso era bem plano. A meio do percurso, parámos numa fonte natural, que chamam olho de água. É um buraco no meio do planalto onde nasce uma água completamente transparente e pura.
      Tomámos banho em várias cachoeiras, até chegar ao mirante (miradouro) do Sertão Zen, com uma vista incrível sobre a maior cachoeira do percurso e todo o vale.

      A vegetação do percurso é o que chamam aqui de cerrado. Na realidade é uma vegetação muito dispersa com poucas árvores e muito capim, sendo o capim, ervas bastante robustas. Ao caminhar pelo capim de calções as folhas vão acariciando a pele... Ao início, parece apenas uma carícia mas ao final de 9km já parecem arranhões.
      Só de pensar que tinha mais 9km, para regressar já estava a sofrer.

      Aliás não aguentei e a única forma de continuar, foi improvisar umas calças com as toalhas da decathlon. Assim com a nova moda verão 22 da Chapada, consegui fazer o caminho de regresso. As 16h, estávamos na pousada, um pouco cansados.
      Fomos relaxar uma hora no jacuzzi e ainda fomos fazer uma hora de massagem.

      Jantámos no restaurante Vegan, Cravo & Canela e antes das 22h estávamos na cama, completamente KO.
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    • Day 65

      Alto Paraíso

      January 31, 2022 in Brazil ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      A Thaís decidiu aceitar o convite que lhe fizemos e veio connosco para a Chapada dos Veadeiros, deixando o Elon e o Miguel em Brasília.

      Já saímos tarde de Brasília e tínhamos 3h de viagem. À chegada a Alto Paraíso, por volta da 15h30, sugeri ir à cachoeira da Louquinha, segundo vi era uma cachoeira lindíssima com água completamente transparente.
      Infelizmente depois de alguns km de terra batida batemos com o nariz na porta. Estava fechado por causa das chuvas. Só valeu a pena, pelo tucano que nos veio dar as boas vindas.

      Fomos então fazer o check-in na pousada. Mal chegámos disseram que a única coisa que ainda podíamos fazer era ir a cachoeira dos Cristais só para ter um gostinho da Chapada.

      Jantámos no Randevu, numa esplanada com vista sobre a rua principal. Uma rua cheia de restaurantes, lojas de cristais, com ET verdes na porta das lojas e alguns bichos grilos. Segundo os brasilienses, os bichos grilos são pessoas que aproveitam a vida de uma forma diferente, provavelmente não tem trabalho e vão vivendo o dia a dia, com artesanato, por exemplo, gostam de fumar erva e muitas vezes têm rastas.

      Os ETs na cidade representam um pouco a energia e crença de muita gente nesta zona, que estando no paralelo 14, tal como o Machu Picchu, tem mais propensão para ter contactos extraterrestres. No ano 2000, quando muita gente pensava que o mundo ia acabar, instalaram-se aqui várias famílias acreditando que teriam mais probabilidade de sobreviver.
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    • Day 2

      Off to Alto Paraiso

      June 13, 2019 in Brazil ⋅ 🌫 24 °C

      A good night and up with the sun. Excellent multi fruit breakfast, all so ripe and delicious. Nino arrived around half eight to take us on a trip to Alto Paraíso.
      Several stops along the way topping up with ethanol as it got cheaper the further we got from Brasilia. On arrival we went to see Nino’s eco house which has an amazing balcony with tremendous views. We also met his children who live next door.
      Having checked in to our accommodation we had lunch at Chaupin in the delightful garden. Then we walked through town visiting the market and food stores passing the crystal, earring and clothes shops.
      Late afternoon Nino drove us 20 km out of town for a sunset, where we saw two blue and yellow Macaws or arararas.
      Back at base Fran knocked up a super pasta dish in the basic kitchen washed down by some local beers.
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    • Day 135

      Brasilia H3 – Weekend Away Hash

      May 15, 2022 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Day 3, the Hangover Trail. After two glorious days of hashing and overindulgence, it was time for one more joyful trot around Alto Paraiso. Newly named Calc-Oholic, assisted by terminal outcast of numerous hash clubs all over the world, Hazukashii, set a shiggy trail on Sunday morning. Starting at 9 am, the pack assembled at the other end of town for a short 5 km runners (4 km walkers), but elevating trail through some local farmland and points of interest.

      After the first half of generally level trail, things took an abrupt turn after the runners and walkers merged, for some rising elevation (and heart rates) to a peak, where fabulous views of Alto Paraiso could be seen, and of course, the obligatory hash group photo. Making their way back down, several false trails were discovered, but the pack soon assemble back at the cars for a very short circle. Scurrying back to town to check out (except a few who stuck around for another day), the pack cleaned up and packed their cars for the drive out to na Mata for lunch. Na Mata is an incredible place, about 4 kms off the highway, up a winding dirt road, in the middle of nowhere. When we entered, the amazing smell of smoked meat wafted over the place. The food was delicious, and many laughs were had, thinking about the fun weekend we all had.

      Many many thanks to the Brasilia H3 for hosting (and letting me join you for) this awesome event.
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    • Day 133

      Brasilia H3 – Weekend Away Hash

      May 13, 2022 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      When I first visited Brasilia last year, it immediately reminded me of Hawaii. Although there are no mountains, and far away from the ocean, it was warm, with palm trees, a large lake in the center, and calm breezes. The city has a strong Kamaʻāina atmosphere, and the Brasilia H3 has a very welcoming and engaging pack. So when they posted a weekend event, I did not want to pass on the opportunity. Working my way down from Trinidad, through Guyana and Suriname, I arrived a couple days early to catch up with friends, and was immediately put to work helping gather the required libations for the weekend. Soon enough, it was time to make the 225 Km drive north outside Brasilia to Alto Paraiso (a town with an “Alien” flair to it).

      The drive started on a 6 lane highway to the edge of the city, then down to 4 lanes for a bit, then it turned into a 2 lane road with speed bumps every 10 kms. The road was lined with many cornfields on both sides, in all stages of growth. Corn can be grown more than once a season in Brazil, so some fields were just planted, some knee high, some shoulder high, and then the ones well over you head and ready to be harvested. The winter dry season is generally best for corn, and following the process of double cropping, soy beans are planted in the summer rainy season. There must have been thousands of acres of corn growing, reminded me of home.

      Once we arrived and checked into our hotels, it was time to get things sorted for the weekend’s events . . . Packing coolers, getting ice, a quick bit of scouting trail, etc . . . then just at dusk, circling up for the Friday evening red dress run in the center of town. We had nearly 40 hashers on hand to join in on the fun . . . and the small town was enamored with the spectacle. After a warm welcome from GM Opulence, and a naming, runners trail made a 6 km loop around town. The walkers had a more leisurely stroll, to where we all joined up in a local park for a rousing circle. Introductions were made, down downs were presented, and we soon adjourned to a local Italian restaurant for dinner and drinks well into the evening. When we arrived, our special custom made event T-shirts were placed at each seat, and we had to wander around to find our seat.

      It was an excellent kick off day for what was an amazing weekend of hash frivolity . . . more to follow.
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    • Day 134

      Brasilia H3 – Weekend Away Hash

      May 14, 2022 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Day 2, the MAIN EVENT. Our hares, Opulence and Inbred Fred, made an early departure to go set the trail. The original plan for trail had been scouted weeks in advance, and would have made a fun and exciting loop around the valley, and finish up at a waterfall, where the circle would be held. Unfortunately, just three days prior, while on a last minute coordination trip to the park, it was discovered that another event was also planned for that park, and hash horse play would not fit in well. So, another location needed to be found . . . and super sleuth and GM of the hash, Opulence, found another park, with even more waterfalls, and made all the required arrangements . . . and it was on.

      At 1 pm, the pack gathered at a local park for instructions. Instead of the previously planned loop trail, the runners were now getting the opportunity to run an A to B trail, while the walkers drove out to the park for a shorter climb up to the waterfalls. The 8 kms runners trail took in a bit of the town, and then set off up a dirt road headed out into the countryside. After several YBFs, Check Backs, and a bit of dust, the entrance to the park was found. Dashing our way through the reception area, we soon began the slow climb up the wooden walk ways to not one, but two peaks, with views of a dozen small waterfalls. Making it to the top of the second trail, the walkers and runner mingled for a swim, and a few dozen beverages were broken out to refresh the weary pack.

      After an hour of hash hijinks, we made our way back down the trail to the reception area, where we rejoiced the day with a high spirited circle. After a few of the usual down downs, we reached out to abuse the many nationalities in attendance. First, the US hashers were called out for a group hug with the Russians (what a beautiful site). The apologetic Canadians were recognized with a brew. The Brazilians were called out and thanked for hosting this rabble of nearly 40 hashers. The Germans were called out for their lack of humor (hahahahaha, it’s the truth not just a rumor, Hahahahaha). After a few more well deserved brews, it was time to head back into town to clean up, and make our way to dinner at Jambalaya, a lovely little eatery on the hill. Another absolutely fabulous day in Alto Paraiso, Brazil.
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    • Day 164

      Sao Jorge - Chapada dos Veadeiros

      April 29, 2018 in Brazil ⋅ 23 °C

      Ce matin nous prenons la route tous les trois pour une destination peu connue mais dont l’intérêt grandit d’année en année, à savoir Chapada dos Veadeiros. Cette destination est reconnue pour avoir des vertus spirituelles car elle se situe sur la même latitude et à la même altitude que le Machu Pichu. De nombreux hippies y ont donc élu domicile ou viennent en quête de plénitude dans les quelques villages qui entourent ce parc magnifique. Après 3h de route nous arrivons donc sur place. La petite maison que nous avons louée est toute mignonne, seul le stricte nécessaire mais tout y est et on s’y sent très bien, car la décoration s’y prête. On en profite pour nous rendre à l’entrée du parc afin d’y découvrir les différents treks à faire. C’est plutôt simple, aux portes de Sao Jorge il n’y en a que 3 dont un qui est fermé en cette saison. Nous opterons donc pour les deux autres en espérant pouvoir faire les deux dans la même journée. En début de soirée on visite les villages et ses quelques boutiques, quelques personnes disposent de stands éphémères le long de l’axe principal pour y vendre bracelets et pierres de cristal dont les vertus médicinales reste à vérifier 😆. On mangera un morceau et on prendra l’apéro en terrasse avant d’aller se coucher pour trekker de bonne heure demain.Read more

    • Day 165

      Sao Jorge - Chapada dos Veadeiros

      April 30, 2018 in Brazil ⋅ 24 °C

      Courte nuit, nous nous réveillons à 6h, l’objectif étant d’être à 7h30 à l’entrée du parc. En effet il y a un certains nombre de places limité par jour pour visiter ce parc. En arrivant c’est la surprise, il y a une queue de 100mètres pour rentrer, nous sommes en week-end férié mais quand même ... Après quelques minutes d’attente et un petit film de sensibilisation au respect de la nature nous faisons nos premiers pas dans le parc. La végétation y est dense mais pas très haute, de nombreuses espèces d’arbustes nous sont inconnues, notamment certaines variétés de fougères. Nous nous arrêterons régulièrement pour ramasser quelques cristaux, ça sera d’ailleurs la compétition à celui qui trouvera le plus gros et le plus transparent. Sans surprise c’est romain qui remportera haut la main la bataille avec une pierre d’une rare beauté (d’une transparence pareille à celle d’un diamant et d’une forme laissant imaginer l’Amérique latine), bref le rêve. Le premier tracé « saltos/corredeiras » de 10km, le plus technique nous amène vers de magnifiques cascades, tandis que le deuxième « cânion 2/cariocas » de 11km, lui nous amène à de fabuleux canyons creusés dans la roche, d’où l’on fera de beaux sauts de plusieurs mètres (un de plus de 10mètres). La paysage est varié et les sentiers très bien balisés, nous y traverserons quelques ponts suspendus comme dans Indiana Jones, bref l’aventure la vraie ☺️. Après cette bonne journée de marche nous dînerons avant de se prélasser dans une pousada au coin du feu pour y trouver un peu de wifi 🤯.Read more

    • Day 4

      Brancas i Cachoeira Sao Bento

      June 15, 2019 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We rose early and were picked up at 7.30 to go back and take breakfast with Fernando. He wished to have a talk with Fran & Debs.
      After breakfast we went for a walk to another lake on the estate while others meditated and chatting occurred. Later there was time to sketch, read and watch the birds tucking into the avocado. Before we left Fernando took us by car to Morra de Prece, a viewing point with extraordinary panorama over the deep valley and hills into the far distance.
      We had an excellent lunch at Crave e Canale again then drove the short distance to Sao Bente. Here there was a 3km walk to the falls, much along a boardwalk through the forest, where many trees were identified though birds were scarce. We did though hear an owl.
      At the falls the waters were deemed too chilly for a dip. Just up the path though were hammocks from which to view the dusk descend and the nearly full moon.
      Evening meal accompanied by singer / guitar was a fitting end to a quite different day.
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    • Day 166

      Sao Jorge - Chapada dos Veadeiros

      May 1, 2018 in Brazil ⋅ 25 °C

      Aujourd’hui est, où disons plutôt, aurait pu être la journée pas de chance. Nous partons sous le coup de 8h bien décidés à aller à Santa Barbara ou les bassins naturels y sont connus pour être d’une pureté rare avec une eau turquoise. Malheureusement c’était sans savoir que c’était à 3h de route, hors nous pensions que c’était une heure et tout comme la veille il y a un nombre limité de visiteurs par jour. Nous changeons donc de plan et optons pour une autre destination que nous pensions plus proche, c’était sans savoir qu’elle n’était pas indiquée sur Google Maps et que les indications données n’étaient pas forcément des meilleures à l’office du tourisme local. Heureusement le parc est magnifique et les paysages y sont incroyables. Bref après plus de 3h de route et je ne sais combien de demi -tours, voitures arrêtées, nous arrivons enfin à destination « cataratas dos coutos ». Cet endroit nécessite beaucoup moins de temps de marche, pour autant les sites y sont vraiment fabuleux. Il regroupe un large fleuve qui dessert deux cascades majeures dont une gigantesque, ainsi que plusieurs bassins pour la baignade. Enfin, comme la cerise sur le gâteau, un canyon gigantesque clôture ces enchevêtrements de cascades avec un saut dans le vide impressionnant, seul le drone s’y risquera, pratique n’est ce pas 😊. Après une journée de rêve nous rentrons à Sao Jorge, prenons un verre dans le centre et rentrons nous coucher des étoiles plein les yeux.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Alto Paraiso De Goias

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