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    • Day 95

      The most beautiful beaches

      February 21, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      The last stop in Brazil - Itacaré! After Morro de São Paulo I thought I already saw the most beautiful beaches but the hidden beaches around Itacaré are even more astonishing! Beaches with almost no people, tropical with palm trees everywhere.
      Now I know why this region is known for its amazing beaches! 🌴 🦀
      On one of the treks which you should book with a guide as it Leads through the rainforest and off the beaten trek.. we were even able to see a tarantula. The biggest spider I have ever seen! Apparently however the biggest spiders are usually the non toxic ones as they only feed on other smaller spiders. Lucky!
      During my time in Itacaré I also met wonderful people. Our group was a colorful mix of cultures between Europeans and South americas and we all got along so well :) Almost every night we had caipirinhas - they are soo cheap in Brazil :D one night I was even able to try a cacao caipirinha which was definitely something new and was served in the cacao fruit itself! So happy I met these beautiful people and gained so many new friends. We all just had so much fun together! 🥰 my Buddy‘s 💕
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    • Day 7

      Itacaré - Bens Place

      January 7, 2017 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Nach 14 Stunden Busfahrt (dies sind auf der Weltkarte in Brasilien vielleicht 2 mm, das Land ist einfach tierisch groß!) sind wir nun endlich in Itacaré angekommen. Im gebuchten Hostel Arara wurden wir sehr freundlich mit einem Reisgericht empfangen, genau das Richtige nach der langen Reise. Zimmer war leider - sagen wir mal sehr bescheiden. Haben uns dann ein neues Hostel gesucht, namens Bens Place. Super Zimmer, schöne Anlage und mega freundlicher Besitzer mit süßem Hund namens Lucy (findet sogar David).

      Heute ging es vorm Frühstück zum Sonntagsmarkt um geiles Obst und Gemüse zu kaufen. Lecker!
      Tagsüber chillimilli und abends BBQ mit der ganzen Truppe.

      Heute geht es nach Rührei und Ananas zum Surfen. Fahren mit Boot und Brett zum Pontal Beach.
      Fazit: waren mit nur 7 anderen Personen an einem kilometerlangem Strand. Kein Wunder, Wellen waren nämlich überhaupt nicht gut zum Surfen und zum Baden wars da auch nicht so ganz optimal. Aber Natur war schön.

      Heute haben wir erstmal gechillt, dann waren wir Obst kaufen und haben ein paar Strände abgecheckt für morgiges Surfen. Auf dem Weg dorthin wurden wir jedoch von den unschlagbar günstigen und leckeren Angeboten des Zig Zag Restaurants angelockt und haben jeder ein Foodbaby mitgenommen. War der Hammer!

      Surf-Day am Prahinha Beach inklusive 1,5 Stunden "irren" im Dschungel, da wir ein paar mal falsch abgebogen sind. Hier ist ja auch einfach nichts ausgeschildert... Nicht nur schwierig für uns Deutsche. Mit den Surfbrettern unterm Arm und Brasiliens erbarmungsloser Sonne war der Ausflug echt hart. Aber schön wars, als wir dann da waren. Wenige Leute am Strand (haben sich sicher alle verlaufen) und guter Platz zum Surfen. Unsere Hostelnachbarn Caro und Maxi waren mit von der Partie. Abends um 10 Uhr eingepennt.

      Heute gabs noch einen Surf-Day am Tiririca Beach und danach Planung für den weiteren Reiseverlauf. Argentinien rückt näher! Geil! Und heute Abend ist Pizza Nacht! Der Hostelbesitzer "Chefee" hat auf der Dachterrasse einen Pizzaofen. Der braucht einige Stunden zum Aufheizen. Der Chef macht Pizzateig und wir hauen drauf was wir rauf haben wollen. Haben dafür sogar ein Stück Gorgonzola gekauft - voll der Luxus! Guten Hunger und gute Nacht!
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    • Day 12

      Ben's Place - Rooftop Terrace

      January 12, 2017 in Brazil ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Heute Abend wird auf dem Dach Pizza im Steinofen selbst gemacht. Holz hacken, Ofen befeuern, Teig machen, Sachen drauf - los gehts.
      Alle machen mit: Tabea, Caro, Rory, Maxi, Julia und David und natürlich El Chefee.Read more

    • Day 19

      Barra Grande, Bahia

      October 26, 2014 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      En taxitur till fel hamn, en båttur från fel hamn till fel hamn, en taxitur till rätt hamn, en skumpig busstur på delvis obefintliga vägar och ytterligare en båttur har lett oss till Barra Grande. Det är en ganska liten men växande turistort, och det märks att huvudinkomsten här är turister till skillnad från Ilha Grande som som främst gav intryck av att vara en fiskeort. Här finns kilometerlånga sandstränder och massor av palmer.
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    • Day 21

      Taipu de Fora

      October 28, 2014 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      I måndags hyrde vi en fyrhjuling och körde till Taipu de Fora som anses som Brasiliens sjätte finaste strand. När det är lågvatten bildas en naturlig pool då ett rev stänger ute havet och vågorna. I poolen blev vattnet jättevarmt och det fanns en hel del fisk att simma och titta på.

      Förutom stränderna så finns det inte så mycket att göra här. Det är verkligen lågsäsong och inte så många andra turister, framförallt inte icke-brasilianare. Vi är enda gästerna på ett helt ok litet hotell, och vi har blivit uppgraderade till det bästa rummet med egen balkong. Imorgon åker vi en liten bit norrut till Morro de Sao Paulo där vi faktiskt hoppas på lite mer turister :)
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    • Day 215

      Staying local

      June 30, 2016 in Brazil ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Weve dehired the quad cos i want to explore the local area a bit more. We have breakfast and decide to walk down to the beach and in the opposite direction to where weve been the past few days. We get onto the beach and sit on our own little piece until the tide comes so high we nearly get washed away rucksack and all. We make our way over to the next beach scrambling over the sea defence of rocks that have been placed on the shoreline and it once again brings me back to how global warming has effected even places like here. We relax on the beach for a couple of hours me just soaking up a little sunshine while Mark goes rock pool fishing. We walk back along the beach and stop in a little bar where we get chatting to two lovely ladies who dont speak any English, but with the help of my little pocket dictionary we hold a conversation for a good few hours. Back to the room between the itermittent showers we take a shower and at ten past 4 i say to Mark we need to head along the beach to watch sunset but 10 minutes later hes still got his head stuck in candy crush and i head off on my own. Rather than walk along the beach i make my way down the street that runs parrallel and im shocked at how many top end luxury complexes stand empty. I suppose they make enough money in peak that they can justify closing down in the winter. As i make my way down to the beach i marvel at the way the upturned coco trees have been carved into faces using the roots as hair. The indian fishing nets crowd the water here and the sun is nowhere to be seen , bit im enjoying the walk so carry on. I reach the beach front bar and order a coke knowing that there will be no marvellous sunset tonight and along the beach i see a familiar figure its Mark and im even happier to see him because ive forgotten my cigarettes. We share a drink as the sky turns black and once again the heavens open but as quickly as it starts it stops. By the time weve walked back its dark and we grab a shower before making our way to a different place to eat tonight. I place our order and then a different guy comes to our table And says the owner hasnt understood us ??? maybe my portuguese isnt that good after all😳 The guy speaks fluent english and tells us he lived in the States for two years, is from Curitiba but came here to surf 10 years ago and never left. When i ask about the reef he explains the tide is controlled by the moon and its only possible to dive here when there is a full moon, which wont be for a few days. We eat dinner and for thr last time head back to our little room in paradise 🏝Read more

    • Day 214

      Shower Dodging

      June 29, 2016 in Brazil ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      We have hired the quad for one more day and have decided to head out to Saquira to watch the sunset, firstly though we explore some of the local beaches including bombara and punta de monta. I have said that i think the sun sets on this side of the island but Mark is adamant that the picture hes seen on the map has a sunset on it so off we head. Marks sense of direction is not great but sometimes its easier just to go with it than to have the argument that i dont believe in him.. We head off down the muddy track which is now even muddier as it rained all night again. We reach a dead end in the road and when i ask a guy if he knows the way he says its back the way we came and the way i said to go . On route we stop at Tapau again, because there is a reef you can swim to here at low tide but when we arrive its not possible. We have a drink at a bar on the beach and i ask the guy about Saquira and he tells us this is where we can watch sunrise. Lol im not gonna say i told you so!!!!! Back on the quad we make our way back to punta de monta where we arrive just after 4 and the view is spectacular. We enjoy a drink mine being non alcoholic because im pregnant .., only joking im still not feeling 100% and ad we sit here a group of Americans come down on the beach. They are a family and the son is getting married here on Saturday at 4pm. Im so glad tonight is such a perfect sunset as she must be so happy at the beautiful setting she has for her special day. We all share a drink as the sunsets and wish them well for the weekend. A quick shower and out for a bite to eat but im feeling really sick so we finish up and go back to the room. The room is spinning but i lay down and eventually drift off.Read more

    • Day 213

      Big Rain

      June 28, 2016 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      We wake and take breakfast and i enquire in reception about a quad. We got a price in town yesterday but here is cheaper, so he calls the company and a young girl comes out and gives me instructions for riding the quad. Mark is not in the bestt of moods after the football yesterday and as we make our way to fill up with gasoline hes shouting at me for my driving .... go slower go faster watch that bump... The more he nags the more i aim for the pot holes. Filled up with gas we set off, but they have had so much rain here its difficult to avoid the puddles and half way through the journey Mark demands i stop and that hes walking back. We have a heart to heart on the side of the road with people stopping to ask if weve run out of petrol. We make our peace and Mark gets back on (im sure hes just sulking because he cant drive)
      Just 5 mins into the journey and it starts to rain, not just little rain but tropical rain. We try parking underneath a tree to take some shelter but we are both soaked so we push on until we reach Taipu De Fora. We arrive here soaked to the skin and park up the quad and make a run for the nearest shelter which surprise surprise is a bar. We order a beer as the barman just laughs at us. We really are a sight. Just the one beer here as its well expensive and within 20 mins the sun is back out. We walk along this idyllic beach and its hard to believe that this is the last week of 6 months away. As we walk along the beach we spot a fish struggling on the beach so he trys to pick it up to put it back in the water but just cant get hold of it a guy walks along and we get chatting to a Canadian who has lived here for over 30 years who picks the fish up and tosses it into the sea. We chat with the Canadian for 20 minutes or so before recommending a place for us to eat just 100 yards up the road, he walks along with us and although the place looks like is closed he shouts the woman who runs down and throws the doors open. Mark orders the octupus which looks delicious but im unable to eat, my stomach is all over the place. Dinner eaten and we sit patiently waiting for the rain to die down just as we think its stopped it hammers down again so we take the resolve to just grin and bear it. We jump on the quad and make the long journey(well 30 minutes but it seems longer ) back to base. I drop everything so i can get in the shower first, im covered in mud where the quad has splashed through the puddles, or should i say lakes? Washed we sit out on the front laying in my hammock just chilling for a few hours before heading for something to eat. Because its low season there is very little open , but we find a nice little place and order. I can literally only eat half of mine, so Mark finishes mine off and he takes the other half of his pizza back for supper. Im glad just to get into my bed and fall straight asleep.
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    • Day 390

      Tour na Ilha

      January 15, 2017 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Mit ein paar netten Leuten aus dem Hostel machen wir eine Inseltour. Unser Pickup ist hinten gemütlich ausgepolstert mit Kissen und Strohmatten.
      Ich klettere auf Bäume, auf denen Riesen-Bromelien wachsen und vom Leuchtturm aus haben wir einen wunderschönen Blick über die (Halb-)Insel!


      Tô aqui = ich bin hier
      Estrada da Liberdade - Entrada proibida = Straße der Freiheit - Zugang verboten 🤔
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    • Day 216

      Last Bus Trip In Brazil

      July 1, 2016 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      We wake this morning and my heart is heavy at leaving this beautiful place. At breakfast we speak with 2 ladies who we met at punta de monta the other day. She explains that she and her wife have just bought a plot of land here and plan to build a house. She must see my colour change from brown to green, im so envious. We finish breakfast and exchange facebook accounts with her inviting us to stay should we visit the island again. Like ive said before im not a great lover of revisiting places but this place is still so untouched maybe its a possibility. We bid our farewells, and head to the room to pack before making our short walk to board the boat back to Camamu. With a tear in my eye we leave the island and arrive in Camamu just 30 minutes later. The reality of being half way through our adventure is dawning with a harsh reality today, and as much as i love and miss my family and friends i know i cant return to life the way it was. We arrive in Camamu and there is a bus here, but it is full so we wait an hour for the next one. This place is a little market town and the traffic moving through the small area is constant. Our bus arrives and no sooner have we boarded the bus we pull up around the corner and the driver has a 30 minute break. We reach Bon Despacho and from here have to get a ferry its very similar to the isle of wight ferry and takes about an hour. By the time we arrive in Salvador its dark and we get of the boat to the worst downpour yet. Maybe this is preparing us for England. Theres no other option but to get a taxi and we bundle ourselves in soaked to the skin. The traffic is bedlem and nearly an hour later we arrive at our hostel. Its literally a case of ordering pizza and getting into bed. The journey home has begun xRead more

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    Maraú, Marau

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