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Top 10 Travel Destinations Petrópolis
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    • Day 225

      Sol ☀️

      March 20 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Zum Abschluss des brasilianischen Sommers steigen die Temperaturen noch einmal kräftig an. Dies habe ich in Rio und Petrópolis noch ausgiebig genossen, bevor es heute Abend weiter nach São Paulo geht.

    • Day 9

      More Petropolis and Beer

      September 9, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      So we continued walking and driving around town. Stopping at the Crystal Palace which was a glass house for Princess Isabel. Later it was turned into a multi arts function centre. The day we were there it was a dance crew.

      Later, since the car was parked close, we stopped at the Bohemia beer factory and had ourselves an original.
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    • Day 9


      September 9, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      First activity in Rio... Leave Rio. We headed for the mountains to aclimatize ourselves first since the last two locations were relatively cold. We headed for the historic city of Petropolis and we're really glad we did.

      The main reason, as we learned, was Brazil had a brief history with a monarchy from 1822 to 1889 but the legacy that was left can be found almost everywhere in Petropolis as well as Rio.

      Starting with Dom Pedro I, he declared Brazil's independence from Portugal. Less then a decade later his son Dom Pedro II took over and Petropolis was the summer home for him and his family. He did a lot for the people of the Brazilian Empire, but so did his daughter Princess Isabel who was known for abolishing slavery in Brazil.

      Our first stop however was Quitandinha Palace, which was originally built as a casino in the 40s before in the same decade Casinos were outlawed in Brazil. Now it stands as an extremely opulant building and, while I wasn't expecting to be impressed, it was unexpectedly huge on the inside and the definition of grand. Outside is a pond which is in the shape of Brazil.

      Next was the Imperial Palace of Dom Pedro II. He loved this area so much, when they were forced to leave Brazil he would write in his letters and ask "How is my beautiful Petropolis?". But we couldn't take pictures there. We even had to wear these funny little slippers for our shoes and scuff around the ground like we were on ice.

      The Catedral São Pedro de Alcântara was next and this is a neo-gothoc cathedral and the final resting place of Dom Pedro II, his Wife Teresa Christina and Princess Isobel.

      It was so fascinating to learn about the history of this area and it helped put into context all the old style buildings in Rio.
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    • Day 482

      Eine Schlange und zu viele Moskitos

      December 10, 2020 in Brazil ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Die drei Wochen in El Nagual vergehen schnell. Wir legen Bete an, bauen eine Recycling Station, machen Pralinen, Brot und Bier und besuchen den Wasserfall. Die tropischen Moskitos die sich auf einen stürzen sobald man bei der Gartenarbeit schwitzt, was bei diesem feucht warmen Klima unvermeidlich ist, werden zu einer echten Plage. So sind wir trotz Verwendung von Anti-Mücken Spray mit etlichen Stichen übersät, die wir aufkratzen und so alles noch schlimmer machen. Wir merken, dass Permakultur eine echte Knochenarbeit ist und man all dem Kleingetier bei der Arbeit schutzlos ausgeliefert ist.

      Eines Nachmittags entdeckt Aliza eine Schlange im Gebälk unseres Zimmers. Als wir panisch unsere Gastgeber rufen versichern sie uns dass das über 2 m lange Tier harmlos und ungiftig ist und sich von selbst verziehen wird. Das tut sie auch einige Zeit später. Allerdings taucht sie am nächsten Tag wieder auf und lässt sich weder durch Musikbeschallung, noch durch klopfen mit einem langen Stock vertreiben. Mit der Zeit gewöhnen wir uns an diese sehr ruhige und zurück haltende Zimmergenossin, die gegen sonstige Erfahrung unsere Nähe sucht und nicht vor dem menschlichen Lärm flüchtet.

      Nach 3 Wochen ziehen wir weiter Richtung Süden. Wir haben in dieser Zeit von unseren fleißigen Gastgebern unheimlich viel über Permakultur und Nachhaltigkeit gelernt.
      Hier wird wirklich alles wieder verwendet und eine echte Kreislauf Wirtschaft betrieben.
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    • Day 474

      Endlich arbeiten die mal was

      December 2, 2020 in Brazil ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Das Ecovillage El Nagual erreichen wir mit zwei Uber Autos in etwa 1 Stunde. Es besteht aus etlichen liebevoll gestalteten Häusern zwischen grünen Hügeln an einem Flusslauf direkt neben einem Nationalpark. Dauerhaft wohnen hier nur die Argentinierin Mariana und der Deutsche Erhard, die Ende der 80er Jahre dieses herrlichen Fleckchen Land erworben und mit viel Fleiß und Geschick zu einem nachhaltigen und beeindruckenden Ort ausgebaut haben. Überall sind kunstvolle Mosaike zu sehen und alles ist sehr gepflegt und mit viel Liebe zum Detail gestaltet.
      Bei der vielen Arbeit helfen ihnen Freiwillige, die eine Zeit hier für geringe Kosten leben und lernen dürfen.
      Außer uns ist zur Zeit noch ein französisches Pärchen da. Teilweise haben bis zu 30 Leute hier gelebt aber Erhard und Mariana nehmen nun nur noch wenige Volunteers auf einmal auf.
      Wir arbeiten in aller Frühe, dann nach dem gesunden Frühstück und noch einmal ab 16 Uhr nach einer langen Siesta.
      Dabei lernen wir die erstaunliche Effizienz der Permakultur kennen in der keine Nährstoffe verschwendet werden und alles in einem nachhaltigen Kreislauf genutzt wird. Aus den unverdaulichen Nahrungsresten wird Biogas gewonnen und dem Abwasser entziehen Wasserpflanzen in einem Teich Nährstoffe, die dann wieder als Dünger verwendet werden.
      Bisher haben wir Bananenstauden gefällt, Unkraut in den riesigen Gärten gejätet, Wasserpflanzen aus dem Teich geangelt und als Dünger um Palmen gelegt, Pfeffer geerntet, Blätter aus dem Fluss befördert, die natürlich auch den Pflanzen Nährstoffe geben und vieles mehr.
      Erhard und Mariana erklären uns geduldig wie alles funktioniert so dass die teilweise harte Arbeit gleichzeitig eine Ausbildung in Permakultur ist.
      Auch beim Kochen helfen wir mit und sind erstaunt was man alles nutzen und essen kann.
      In den Pausen und an unseren zwei freien Tagen schwimmen wir im vom Dschungel umgeben Fluß oder im mit Fluss- oder Quellwasser gespeisten Swimmingpool.
      Wir sind gespannt was wir in den nächsten Wochen noch lernen werden und freuen uns mit so weisen und inspirierenden Menschen zusammen eine Zeit lang leben zu dürfen.
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    • Day 67

      Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls

      February 3, 2016 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      After still aching from the climb yesterday I agree with Mark to go and visit the waterfalls which are high up in the mountains at the National park. We catch a bus at the top off the hill and head for the bus exchange. Here we have to catch another bus down and up a very narrow lane , yet again the bus driver drives like a lunatic ( I think this must be one of the prerequsites)and thank god there are not many other cars on the road as he weves his way up the mountain like Keanu Reeves in speed . We are droppped off and havee to climb a lane to the entrance of the park. A car stops as we just start and I dont have a clue what the guys are saying, but somehow manage to blag us a lift. The trek is all up hill obviously but we start to make our accent and climb through the vines and trees up a very narrow branched path with a map that is bearly readable . We arrive at the first "pool" which is beautiful and there are people bathing in it , but a lot of young noisy kids so we agree to head a little further up.
      The mosquitos are out in force here and we fight our way through the brambles taking time out in the small and few places of shade drinking plenty of water. Maybe doing this in flip flops was a bad idea and as we climb higher i must stub my toes 20 times or more, but as I have said before when you put the effort in the rewards are endless. The beauty of these waterfalls is immense and this place is filled with lots of wildlife, huge butterflys, toucans and even crocodiles(only joking). After 3 hours of trekking we agree that enough has been seen and the thought of climbing further just didnt appeal. As we headed back down we decided to take a different route and this was littered with various other waterfalls and pools . There is an option to camp here and if we had more time we probably would have done this , but we have carnival to head too tomorrow so need a good nights rest.
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    • Day 10

      Day 10

      June 3, 2018 in Brazil ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Today's plan was to go to Serra dos Orgaos National Park next to Teresopolis to hike the whole day. Therefore we got up very early and took the first bus. When we arrived we decided spontaneously to hike into the park and sleep in a shelter. The plan was to hike to a spot called Pedra do Sino. The trail was very beautiful and led through different vegetation. After 3,5 hours we arrived at the shelter, dropped our backpacks and hiked up the rest to the top. It was very cloudy and windy up there. We couldn't see very far. Later in the shelter we ate our poor food, as we were not prepared to stay overnight we didn't have enough food with us. The other people were cooking and talking very loud, but we tried to sleep very early to save our energy. It was really cold, we were on 2100 metres above sea level, and we didn't have a warm blanket or sleeping bag, so we were freezing. Then a miracle happened: Maira organized 2 sleeping bags for us from the housekeeper and a guy gave us plenty of food which were leftovers. So we could also cook and fill our empty stomachs. Happily we went to sleep.Read more

    • Day 4

      Imperial Palace Museum in Petropolis

      December 13, 2018 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      This was the summer residence of the Emporer and his family built in 1845. No photos inside unfortunately and had to wear slippers to protect the wooden floors. A remarkable huge old palace with hundreds of artifacts from the actual occupants. Fantastic garden outside.Read more

    • Day 65

      From Beaches to Mountains

      February 1, 2016 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We say goodbye to Zee and yet again I am sad to be leaving here, but I must get away from the mosquitos or I'll need a blood transfusion. We board the bus and as my language is improving these journeys are getting less stressful or so i think.....the journey up the mountain has me on tenderhooks, the driver is on a death wish but as we climb i cant help but hold on tight and look down. the winding road takes us past waterfalls and high above the immense forest below, the scenery is like something out of a movie it really is beautiful. We arrive at what i think is the central bus station and ask "punto finale petropolis centro" thank god the young guy spoke English , and offered to take us on another local bus which cost us £1 instead of £20 in a taxi.
      We arrive at the hostel and yet again i am really pleased. This is quite a big hostel and they speak pretty fluent English although I really want to try and practice the Portuguese as you have a habit of being Lazy when you can out here.
      We are informed that there is a beer festival on tonight , so after a quick shower and change we head down to the beer festival accompanied by a brazilian guy from the hostel. There are quite a lot of people around and we join the queue to get a beer , only after 20 mins to be told that we have to purchase tokens as they don't take any cash on the stalls.
      The festival has live music and the vibe down here is brilliant, the band here are playing all Beatles songs and after a little gentle persuasion Mark dances with me as we jive to music from home the crowd are shocked even though we can't dance they have never seen dancing like this !!!
      The band finish and we head back to the hostel, this time up the hill , all this travelling takes its toll after a while and i crash out on the bed fully clothed.
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    • Day 66

      Go Tell It From the Mountain

      February 2, 2016 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We have agreed to have a lazy day today and catch up on the washing etc. We mosy about the hostel and plan a churrasco(bbq) for this evening. We take a short walk to the supermarket and buy the best steak they have together with various bits and bobs and return to the hostel. We speak with the guys in the hostel and they point to the hill in the far distance and advise that the view here is amazing. Today is well in the 30's and Mark says it is too hot to do this. Me being me i ask another Brazilian guy in the hostel(Andreas ) if he would like to do this and he agrees so just after 4 oclock we set off.
      A 25 minute bus journey takes us about half way up but the rest is up to us. Oh shit what have i let myself in for???
      The cllimb is pretty hard and alll up hill, as i turn every bend all i see is another slope and the sun beats onto me with no forgiveness( iam am going to be tonights bbq at this rate.) After a 2 hour climb the end is in sight and as we round the corner I cant believe the view. I am on top of the world literally, below the smaller mountains are scattered genourously and we just sit and watch as the sun slowly and gradually takes her place. I knew that this trip would bring many beautiful things to me, but when you put the little extra effort in it can bring so many more. We have to head back down as soon as the sun is set , because we have walked through a forest and when you lose the light the track down is as arduous as the track up!
      As we start our decent I think i see people in the trees, only to find out they are Fireflys, I try to take a video but there are somethings in life you just have to look at with the naked eye and seeing these little creatur
      es light the way is a truly magical experience as i have never seen a firefly before. Halfway down I say to Andreas look at the sky ! I have never seen so many stars and i Lie on the ground for 5 mins taking in the full constelation, another magical moment. we refill our bottles from the natural spring and continue the trek down watching the city light up around us. It is really dark by now and the torch on the iphone comes in really handy. We await the bus with anticipation as im could eat a scabby horse and hopefully Mark has the BBq prepared aand has not spent the last hours emptying the hostel fridge.
      The Churrasco is superb and we sit with a few people in the hostel as Mark entertains us all with his tipsy humour and is a wonderful end to a magical day.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Petrópolis, Petropolis

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