
Heute Morgen haben wir unsere Reise von Phnom Penh fortgesetzt. Den ganzen Tag sind wir auf dem Mekong in Richtung Vietnam gefahren und haben am Nachmittag die Grenze erreicht.
Unser Zuhause fürRead more
Heute Morgen haben wir unsere Reise von Phnom Penh fortgesetzt. Den ganzen Tag sind wir auf dem Mekong in Richtung Vietnam gefahren und haben am Nachmittag die Grenze erreicht.
Unser Zuhause fürRead more
Wir setzen unsere Reise auf dem Mekong fort.
Der Mekong ist der grösste Fluss in Südostasien, durchquert sechs Länder und gehört zu den artenreichsten Flüssen der Welt.
Klimawandel, geringeRead more
This afternoon we had another experience that we would not have had if we were traveling on our own — we visited the village of Angkor Ban, spoke with an elderly woman who lived in the town, andRead more
Wandering through the village you see so many kids they come running, wanting to do high fives saying hello. They are just so happy. It makes you reflect on how good the life is that we have.
We wentRead more
Angkor Ban is Khumer meaning commune of Sampov loun District in north-western Cambodia.
Under the rule of Khmer Rouge, Angkor Ban was chosen to be their billet. The buildings in this village wereRead more
Back on board and 2 Buddhist Monks performed a blessing ceremony. Not that we could understand the blessing but is quite interesting.
Once the monks finished the blessing we started cruising furtherRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Khŭm Ângkôr Ban, Khum Angkor Ban
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