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    • Day 32

      Goodbye Vietnam, Hello Cambodia

      October 5, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      One last time to enjoy the beautiful view from our Airbnb over Da Nang.
      Driving to the airport we had some mixed feelings, excited for a new adventure but also sad to leave Vietnam. After a month we got very familiar and comfortable with the country, the people and how things work. And we are sure we will miss the Vietnam prices and for the most part, it being relatively low in tourists. Definetely not the last visit to 🇻🇳. Breathtaking raw nature, yummy food also for vegans, and really helpful and kind people.
      We didn’t know what to expect of Cambodia, after arriving at the newly built airport was that immigration was a bit tougher than Vietnam where they just look at the visa and stamp. It reminded me a bit more of USA or Israel border control, asking what you are doing, who you are traveling with, how long you are staying, where you stayed before etc. After making it through we were picked up by the hotel tuk tuk. Tuk tuks are a popular mode of transport in Cambodia and many other Asian countries. Basically imagine a mini horse carriage but instead of a horse there’s a small motorbike. A bit unusual but we quite enjoyed the view and wind in our face. On first impression Siem reap seems quite similar to some places in Vietnam just more normal traffic, less honking. Siem Reap only got concrete roads as of 2021 so as it’s rainy season it could have been a more bumpy ride.
      Our hotel is surprisingly nice and we got a little special surprise since we booked the „ honeymoon“ suite - cause the room was nice and only 25€ nobody panic.
      What are we doing in Siem Reap, of course see THE temples, stay tuned.
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    • Day 127

      First official day teaching

      February 4, 2020 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      As there was so set curriculum, it can be hard to teach children, let alone children that don't fully understand and speak English. We taught them the animals and some songs to go with it.

      Lane and I worked at our strengths to get the most out of the kids. I started the day with high energy games and noises and Lane ended it with meditation. It was a success.Read more

    • Day 36

      Day 36

      March 12, 2024 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Siem Reap Countyside

      Today was a (mostly) solo day and I was hyped. Firstly I could lay in as much as I wanted whilst Alfie had to go to the airport to pickup Daisy (more on that later). After having a beautiful lie in til 10, I went to find some breakfast and I decided to cycle South of Siem Reap towards Tonlé Sap - the largest freshwater lake in South East Asia. First things first, it was sweltering. The heat hadn't hit its max yet but paired with the humidity that Cambodia seemed to dominate Thailand over- I was a very sweaty dude.

      On the way, there was a temple that sat ontop of a 140m tall hill. This might not seem very high but looking around it was FLAT. Flatter than the notoriously flat Kent. If it wasn't for the haze (presumably from the Northern burning season) I'm sure I could have seen Kent too. This is why this seemingly small hill towered above the vast rice fields and small villages. A sign somewhere called it a mountain - which it definitely isn't - but given how much I struggled getting to the top I'm going with that.

      My first challenge was getting to the base of the mountain - my GPS was pretty spotty and its quite hard to navigate whilst the sun glares off your phone screen. Add the sting of sweat and suncream in my eyes and its a difficult combo. After finally finding the right road I made my way up the fairly gradual incline. Fairly gradual to my eyes but not my body. Holy shit I could barely move forward without having to stop to rehydrate and walk my bike up. I'm not exaggerating by saying that in the few minutes I sat down enough sweat had fallen on my phone that I couldn't use the screen any more. Cue 2 Spanish people casually making their way past me, seemingly without a single bead of sweat. This had me intensely questioning my plans for bikepacking this summer.

      After getting to the ticket checkpoint 2/3 the way up, it seemed that they had left their Angkor tickets at home and they couldn't go up any more. After composing myself once again I attack the rest of the hill, stopping one more time before eventually reaching the top. After yet another sit down in the shade I now had no hope for the summer - the only possibility of success being from the lack of humidity.

      I had the ruins of the temple almost exclusively to myself which made a very peaceful break, sitting on a bench amongst the trees overlooking the endless fields & surrounded by the sounds of nature. Eventually some local kids come to the trees near me - with a few strung together sticks - trying to knock peppers out of the tree. It wasn't long before the young boy climbed up the tree to grab them instead. I think seeing tourists is quite a novelty to Cambodian children as they're always very enthusiastically saying hello whenever you pass them. The view of the lake was okay but I could barely tell it was there with the haze.

      After thinking I had lost my earphone and spending a while searching for it, I had found it under my bike just as I had given up all hope of finding it. We take those wins. I cycled back down the hill in maybe a fiftieth of the time and effort and decided to cycle towards the lake. I took a back road through a very rugged dirt track which passes through a small village who definitely were living a very basic life - with nothing but fishing and farming in the area. Their houses were also built about 5 meters off the farmland on precarious wooden stilts - assumedly for the rainy season?

      I make it to a checkpoint close to the lake where it was revealed I wasn't allowed to cycle to the lake and had to get a boat tour if I wanted to see the floating village. Deciding against spending over 30 dollars for something I wasn't that interested in, I found a very small place for food where I enjoyed the small breeze from the ceiling fan whilst I ate some much needed lunch. After, I thought I had a few hours of daylight left to try and explore as much as I could so I really wanted to get out into the countryside. Finding a route with written directions online I headed back to Siem Reap to start my route - cycling along the very construction site esque "river".

      It wasn't long til I abandoned the route and just used Google maps to find the closest remote countryside that I could - not having the sunlight or energy to go any further. I followed a red dirt track and eventually chose a peaceful enough spot to sit and take in the start of the sunset through the thick haze. After lying on the floor and most likely getting ants in places I didn't want them - I sit up to the noise of lots of quacking. I then see that a farmer was taking a huge flock of ducks for a walk and was probably walking them back home - very cute. Not wanting to cycle back in the dark I left the peaceful fields of ox and plants and start heading back.

      By now I was exhausted and dehydrated nomatter how much water I drank so this was a massive slug. When I get back I change into my swimming trunks as quick as I can and shower off the layer of dirt and dust before cooling off in the pool. I chill for a while before getting out ready to meet up with Alfie and Daisy for dinner. After showing me their humongous room, we head out to the night market. After catching up with eachother I come to learn that Alfie managed to head to the WRONG airport to go and pickup Daisy. In all fairness Google Maps did him dirty and shows the recently closed airport as the only airport and the new one doesn't appear atall. Alfie thought he was gonna get scammed by the TukTuk drivers instead he scammed himself having to spend the money having to go from Siem Reap to the old airport to the new airport and back to Siem Reap.

      We eat, walk through Pub Street, head to a supermarket for even more water and head back to go to sleep ready to get up early enough to catch a 6.15am sunrise at Angkor Wat.
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    • Day 19


      February 26, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Haben lange geschlafen haben eigentlich mit den Mechnaikerfreunde ausgemacht frühstücken zu gehen habens dann aber verschlafen😂. Haben unsere Sachen gebackt und haben diese dann im Hostel verstaut da unser Bus nach Vietnam erst um 23Uhr startet.
      Wir sind also mittagesssen gegangen und da wir gestern abend den scooter für heute auch noch ausgelihene haben sind wir ein Runde durch der Stadt gecroust und sind dann nochmal zum Botanischen Garten da der Eintritt sowieso frei war. Das Spanierin die wir gestern kennengelernt haben Layla ist auch mitgekommen.
      Wir wollten heute als letzen abend noch einen schönen Sonnenuntergang anschauen und man hat uns erzählt man kann auf einen Hügel 10km von Siem Reap gehen und dort einen schönen Sunnenuntergang genießen. Und es ist auch sehr schön nur sind wir leider etwas zu späht angekommen. Aber auch der Weg dorthin war sehr schön, schöne Häuser, alles Reisfelder und voll einheimische Leute die auf den Reisfeldern Zelte aufgebaut haben dort Barbecue machen echt sehr cool und schön anzuschauen. Auch auf den Hügel haben viele gegrillt oder essen mitgeommen und oben gegessen. Wir sind dann später in die Stadt etwas essen gegangen mussten dann den Scooter zuürckgeben und sind dann noch zu unseren Freunden smoothie trinken gegangen und haben dort mit ihnen noch ein Bier getrunken und mit ihnen geredet und war soo toll weil sie alle so freundlich so lieb zu einander sind und immer höflich. Sehr sehr ausgewöhliche Menschen❤️
      Wir sind dann zurück zum Hostel haben uns von allen verabschiedet und sind jetzt auf den weg nach Phnom Penh und dann nach Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam um 13Uhr kommen wir laut Plan an also bis morgen
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    • Day 1–4

      Siem Reap - Cambodia

      October 10, 2023 in Cambodia

      In Siem Reap haben wir Angkor Wat besucht - ein riesiger Tempel Komplex mit einer Fläche von ca. 162 ha erbaut im 12. Jahrhundert.

      Kambodscha ist ebenfalls das einzige Land mit einem Gebäude auf der Flagge.Read more

    • Day 5–7

      Siem Reap

      March 3, 2024 in Cambodia ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      - Bus to Siem Reap, smooth and not too long, 4-5 hours. Angry birds helped time go faster
      - all kinds of spring rolls cafe
      - Sunset at Angkor Wat was lovely, met a tuk tuk driver who was the nicest man
      - Sunrise and temple visits of the Khmer empire, a huge city from 1000 years ago, visiting felt very wild and the temples were so intricate. Despite their beauty, 4-5 temples was enough, it was far too hot by midday
      - beers at several breweries and cafes were great, Siem Reap seems to be trending toward a sustainable and environmental view with their restaurants and some shops.
      - delicious vegetarian meal, the best peanut butter pie. Also Haven restaurant, a restaurant hiring local kids to educate them and pay them was a great dining experience.
      - landmine museum and the hero rats were visited, very raw places highlighting horrible things. The rats were cute though.
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    • Day 31

      Floating Village

      December 5, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Die Reise neigt sich langsam dem Ende zu: heute gibts nochmal einen Ausflug zu einem Floating Village nahe Siem Reap. Wir fahren dem Fluss entlang und sind bei Einheimischen in deren Flusshütte eingeladen. Wir sehen die Einfachheit der Hütten und dürfen alle unsere Fragen zum Leben am Flussdorf stellen.
      Bei der Rückfahrt kehren wir noch zu einem Krokodilzüchter ein: die Tiere sind für Kroko-Taschen etc. bestimmt :(
      Am Abend gibts ein letztes gemeinsames Dragon-Trip-Essen, gefolgt von einer Massage (um meine kambodschanischen Riel los zu werden) und dem großen Packen für unsere Rückreise nach Bangkok
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    • Day 12

      Battambang 1

      October 17, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Nous quitons la maison de pêcheurs où nous avons dormi pour reprendre la navigation le long de la rivière Sangkè en passant devant d’autres villages de pêcheurs aux habitations flottantes sur radeaux de bambou, ainsi que de nombreuses hautes maisons sur pilotis. D’innombrables oiseaux nous accueillent sur nôtres chemin, notamment des pélicans. Découverte de la pagode centenaire de Wat Chheu Khmao. Le long de la forêt inondée (ce n’est pas vraiment une rivière, mais plutôt l’eau du lac qui s’étend au dela des berges), nous trouvons d’autres villages de pêcheurs avec leurs fameux carrelés, filets ancestraux pour attraper les poissons.
      Après le déjeuner picnic sur le bateau, nous arrivons à Battambang, le « grenier à riz du Cambodge » et 2ème ville du pays,
      Après avoir réceptionné les clés de notre chambre dans le somptueux hôtel Battambang Resort et pris une bonne douche, nous terminons la journée par un arrêt sur la colline de Phnom Sampov pour observer une sortie époustouflante d’un million de chauve- souris !… Le site est aussi majestueux avec 3 boudhas gigantesques sculptés à même la roche.
      Diner en ville dans un resto qui nous accueille avec son marché ambulant de fruits exotiques.
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    • Day 11

      Les Senteurs d’Angkor / Lotus Farm

      October 16, 2023 in Cambodia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Avant d’entamer une mini- croisière sur le lac de Tonlé Sap, découverte de la réserve « Les Senteurs d’Angkor » où se cotoient plantes, fruits et parfums utilisés pour les huiles, savons et baumes : soins pour le corps et pour le bien être au quotidien.
      De bien jolies choses également à offrir en souvenir !
      Notre 2ème halte se situe au Lotus Farm où Ewen (un exilé breton), passionné de son activité, nous conte ici tous les bienfaits de la fleur de Lotus qui est bien plus qu’un symbole religieux au Cambodge ; la fleur de Lotus, on peut la boire, la manger ou s’habiller avec !…
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    • Day 11

      Phare Cambodian Circus

      March 15, 2024 in Cambodia ⋅ 🌙 31 °C

      We showered, rested and had dinner at the hotel. Doug had arranged for tickets to the "Phare Circus".

      Phare artists are students and graduates from Phare Ponleu Selpak’s ( vocational training center in Battambang. The association was formed in 1994 by 9 young men coming home from a refugee camp after the Khmer Rouge regime. They were greatly helped during that time by an art teacher using drawing classes as therapy and wanted to share this new skill among the poor, socially deprived and troubled youngsters in Battambang. They founded an art school and public school followed to offer free education. A music school and theatre school were next and finally, for the kids who wanted more, the circus school. Today more than 1,200 pupils attend the public school daily and 500 attend the alternative schools.

      Phare The Cambodian Circus is the social business extension of Phare Ponleu Selpak. - roughly translated, The Brightness of the Arts school. The circus provides job opportunities to the school’s graduates, allowing them to hone their skills, earn a decent wage and give them self-respect and freedom, breaking the cycle of poverty. Revenue generated also funds the school’s academic and artistic education programs as well as community support and engagement.

      We had underestimated the effect that the "River Festival" that was running March 15-16 would have on our transportation to the Phare Circus across town. It was an incredible crowd scene of traffic and people but we managed to get there with a tuk tuk driver working partly at the hotel who was very pleasant. It was more of a cultural show than "circus"; very enjoyable with some impressive music, theatrics and acrobatics (no net - YIKES!). We were on bench seating at the top and luckily for Doug, no one in front of him so he could stretch his legs out; otherwise it would have been a cramped hour. The talent these gymnasts showed was absolutely world-class / Cirque de Soleil level stuff.
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    Srŏk Puŏk, Srok Puok, Puok, ពួក

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