Bridge Creek

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    • Day 4

      Fahrt nach Revelstoke

      September 3, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Tag 4 - Die Weiterfahrt stand an. Wohin genau war bis zuletzt noch nicht ganz klar. Auf dem Weg Richtung Banff Nationalpark führen die meisten Routen über Kelowna oder Kamloops - beide Städte sind aktuell jedoch mehr oder weniger von Waldbränden betroffen. Für Kamloops sah es auf den Karten jedoch etwas besser aus - sodass wir das auf jeden Fall mal versuchen wollten. Ausweichstraßen gibt es ohnehin kaum - oder nur mit sehr starken Umwegen verbunden.
      Der Fahrtweg nach Kamloops betrug ca. 360 km. Die Strecke führte mehrere Berge hoch und wieder runter - der Motor vom Wohnmobil klang etwas angestrengt und ständig wiesen Schilder auf die Winterreifenpflicht und das Mitführen von Schneeketten ab 1. Oktober hin.
      Am Straßenrand gab es von früheren Waldbränden Hunderte an Baumgerippen zu sehen. Dimensionen, die man sich bei uns schwer vorstellen kann. Kurz vor Kamloops wurde es dann sehr diesig, die Berge waren kaum noch sichtbar und in der Luft lag Brandgeruch. Wir haben also nur getankt und uns zur Weiterfahrt ins 220 km entfernte Revelstoke - unserem nächsten Ziel - entschieden.
      Es hat sich also bereits ausgezahlt, dass wir unorganisiert unterwegs sind und - bis auf eine Ausnahme - keine Campingplätze vorher gebucht haben.
      Auf der 2,5 stündigen Fahrt nach Revelstoke konnten wir einige Löschflugzeuge beim Wasseraufnehmen aus Seen und Flüssen beobachten, haben wunderschöne Natur und sehr tief hängende Wolken gesehen und auch ordentlich Regen abbekommen. Geregnet hat es dann fast die ganze Fahrt über und bestimmt auch die Hälfte der Nacht - überfällig und dringend notwendig. Bei Ankunft im “Revelstoke RV & Cabin Resort” war es bereits 20 Uhr und stockdunkel. Wir wurden im Office sehr nett empfangen und direkt über aktuelle Bärensichtungen und entsprechende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen informiert. Zudem wurde uns mitgeteilt, dass der „fire ban“ gelockert wurde und Lagerfeuer somit nun wieder erlaubt sind - und tatsächlich konnten wir bereits einige Lagerfeuer auf dem Campingplatz entdecken.
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    • Day 5

      Tag in Revelstoke

      September 4, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Den Vormittag von Tag 5 haben wir entspannt auf dem Camping Platz verbracht. Hier konnten wir zahlreiche Luxuscamper aus den USA beim Manövrieren ihrer XXL-Wohnmobilen, Installieren der Satellitenschüsseln und Abhängen der mitgeführten Pick-Ups beobachten. Was man zu zweit mit vier Fernsehern an Bord macht ist uns weiterhin nicht ganz klar - aber eine Spülmaschine. Waschmaschine und einen Trockner hätten wir auch gerne dabei 🤭
      Am Nachmittag haben wir uns Revelstoke etwas genauer angeschaut. Das süße Städtchen ist vor allem für den Wintersport bekannt. Hier wird unter anderem auch Heliskiing angeboten. An Schnee jedenfalls mangels es hier im Winter wohl nicht. Es stehen neben großen Pick-Ups standardmässig auch Schneemobile in den Garagen.
      Daniel konnte sich dann noch mit einer etwas wärmeren „kanadischen Holzfällerjacke“ ausstatten. Da es abends nun schon ziemlich kalt wird auch wirklich notwendig - da hilft auch das kleine Lagerfeuer nichts.
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    • Day 17


      August 21 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Hüt simer uf Revelstocke gfreset.
      Unterwegs hei mir no zwöii mau e haut gmacht.
      Einisch bi Salmon arm, dert hez dr lengscht Stäg vo Nordamerika.
      Mega schöni Blueme und mega schöni Umgebig isch es gsii.
      Kurzi Fahrt witer simer bim ne mega schöne Wassefall ( Craz Cryeek Waterfall) a g'haute wo e Hängebrügg vor düre gfüert het.
      15$ het dr i Tritt pro Person kostet.
      Es het sich nid ganz glohnt, wiu i knapp 30min het me alles gsee.
      Aber schön isch es glich gsii.
      Witer simer is Dörfli öbis ga esse, das isch mega schön u herzig.
      Am abe ufem Campgroud hei mir no e chlini Sauna ka, wo mir natürlech so öbis vo sicher grad hei müese ga usteste.
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    • Day 28

      Next Stopp Revelstoke BC

      July 14 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Weiter on the road Richtung Ravelstoke.
      Ein Abstecher an die Takakkaw Falls und die Natural Bridge.
      Über den Kicking Horse Pass und den Rogers Pass ins 38 Grad warme Revelstoke.
      Nachdem wir im Campground eingecheckt haben, geht's gleich weiter zum abkühlen im Williamson Lake.Read more

    • Day 9

      Wanderung zum Gletscher

      June 26, 2017 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Alle waren ganz heiß drauf endlich mal eine Wanderung. Nun das heute geklappt, bei Kaiserwetter sind wir 325 hm und gute 8 km gegangen. Ein paar Regentropfen am Mittag machen da nichts. Wir sind den Glacier Trail gegangen, hinauf zu dem Illecilleweat Gletscher gelaufen. Der hohe Gipfel ist mit 3.200 m (ca) Sir Donald. Wenig Gletscher aber man sieht die Lavinenschäden. Während wir mittags Picknick gemacht haben, ging eine Steinlavine runter. Alles gut, weit von uns entfernt. Danach sitzen wir nun alle zusammen und machen Biertasting der lokalen Brauerei im Hotel mit Blick auf Mt. Begbie 😉!Read more

    • Day 11

      Pipe Coaster and Sky Meadows

      August 6, 2017 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      With the benefit of the hour time change waking up this morning was easier. We were down at breakfast for 8, as aiming to be at the Pipe Coaster for 9 as it was likely to get very busy later on with this being a long weekend for Canadians. Breakfast was a hot or cold buffet. We all went for the hot, which was ok, very similar to what we had included in the room rate in Jasper. Cereals and toast went down well with some bacon and eggs and hash brown potatoes. Average value for money. Coffee was too harsh for me, but Sam liked the extra strength.

      We were away just after 8.30 and the 15 minute drive to Revelstoke Mountain Resort got us there for 9. We had our tickets so went straight to the gondola queue, only couple of people ahead of us. Before boarding we were given numbered tickets (like the ones at a supermarket deli counter) which were used for allocating Pipe Coaster boarding times. Our numbers were 480-483 and the current boarding range was 400-440. The lady said would be about half an hour wait, so we went up the gondola and got our first look at people on the Coaster. We heard some screams from the forest on the way up. At the top we watched people getting into the little carts that run on a single rail down the hill. The descent was around 400m over just under 2km down to the start of the gondola. You were seat belted into the cart and controlled the speed with a brake lever, forward for faster pull back for stop. People we watched went at various speeds from the start some were cautious, others jut went flat out. At fast speed the first corner into a tunnel looked quite jerky.

      We went for a coffee and loo in the cafe to await our turn. Sam was very nervous, mainly that she would go too slow and spoil the ride for the person behind her. There was much talk of how fast to go and whether to just blast it as we only had one ride each. After about half hour we went back and the numbers were boarding anything less than 520 so we were in. Joined the queue which stopped for about 10 minutes as a a bear had been seen near the track. Some staff members went down to check it out and all was declared safe and the queue moved again. A guy scanned our tickets and explained the rules - keep 30m away from car in front, several blind corners with warning lights, slow down if they are flashing, slow down before the end.

      Our turn came and I went first. Got belted in, also foot straps to hold feet in. Waited at the red light and had photo taken by automatic system that also took one a few seconds into the ride - an action shot. Light went green and was off, pushed brake forward and set off building up to full speed. At first corner did jerk across a lot and had to hold the stick to avoid being thrown out of the cart, or at least that's what it seemed like. Guess seat belt would have held me in but didn't seem tight enough to stop me. I tried to keep the speed up but many of the down slopes were just before curves and meant taking them at high speed and feeling like going to be flung out, so I ended up braking a bit into some of them. Was good fun, but preferred the luge as this really did seem like could get flung out. Got off at the end and waited for the kids and Sam. Ed was next, then Tash, then Sam. All of us had fun, but Ed and Tash would have gone again, Sam and I were less keen. Queue wait time was now about 3.5 hours though so we didn't go again. Bought photos of us all on first descent looking terrified or deep in concentration depending on your viewpoint. Then went up gondola again as we had tickets to go further up the mountain on the upper gondola.

      The view from the top was a bit obscured by hazy smoke. Again there had been reports of a bear earlier under the chair lift, but we didn't see any sign. There were some mountain bikers around the spot where the bear had been so they had probably frightened them off. At the top there was a small cafe doing drinks and snacks. We bought some drinks as it was very hot again and sat in the shade and drank them. There were some hikes you could do up there but we decided to go back down after taking some photos and headed right down to the bottom. We weren't sure what to do next, so found the location of the tourist info place in the middle of town and headed for that. We parked right outside and walked in. A helpful lady gave us a map and suggested some things to do, driving up to the top of the mountain to the Meadows in the Sky seemed like a good option. It was likely to be very busy between now (11.30) and 2 or 3pm, so we went into the town to look at shops and get some food,. The lady recommended a clothes shop she thought Tash would like. We found a cafe doing lunches and had various burgers and a nice drip coffee again. Then went to a book shop and got some books, then a cup cake shop which also sold some arty stuff - Tash got a water bottle. Then hit the clothing shop next door, where Tash tried on lots of things and bought a few and Ed tried on various T shirts and got some. We had also gone to a souvenir shop and got some humorous t shirts with Revelstoke on them and magnets and other souvenirs.

      After the clothes shops we headed back to the car as it was about 2.30. Filled up with petrol - had to get it pre authorised inside again, think this is the norm in BC now. Then headed to the national park. There was a short queue at the gate but as cars came out we were let in after about 10 minutes. The drive up was about 20km and winding up the mountain. Various signs warned to be careful of wildlife but we didn't see anything. At the top the car park was tiny and full. Circled round a few times then dropped others off and headed back down the road a little way where there were spaces alongside the road. Met the others and waited for the shuttle bus up to the very top (about another km to walk). At the top Tash started to get obsessive and panicky about insect bites. There was a fire station at the top that used to warn of fires in the area that could be seen. The views were good, though bit smoky in some directions, The wild flowers in the meadows were also in full bloom and very pretty. Took various photos then caught bus back down to car level. Thermometer on bus stop showed high 30's in the sun.

      A small lake near the car park that would disappear over the coming weeks as it evaporated was pretty. Ed got his shoes and socks off and climbed on some rocks and paddled in a bit. Then we headed back to the car and drove down again back to the hotel. Near the bottom we caught up with a man on a bike with no shoes on who was weaving across the road at about 50km/h. He then stopped suddenly and we almost hit him - he was looking at some roadkill and looked like he was going to take it with him in his rucksack.

      At the hotel we freshened up then headed back into town where there was live music in one of the streets. The band was decent and we listened for a bit and got ice cream and slushies from the cinema on that street. Tried to get a pizza and after ordering in one place were told would be about an hour wait so we went up the road and ordered again, 15 minutes later we got our pizzas and sat and ate them on seats listening to the band. The crowd was growing and more seats kept being brought out. Was a nice atmosphere and event. After 8 we headed back to room and looked for a good nights sleep ahead of long drive tomorrow.
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    • Day 11

      Goodbye vineyard and hello mountains

      June 22, 2017 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Time to move on we have enjoyed our time in the vineyards but it's time to move onwards and upwards quite literally we have a 174 mile drive north to the mountains today 😀

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