Back to Vancouver

Nothing overly exciting to report, just another lengthy drive, starting with the incredibly scenic Mr Robson National Park, where we spotted a couple of cuddly black bears on the roadside, then downRead more
Nothing overly exciting to report, just another lengthy drive, starting with the incredibly scenic Mr Robson National Park, where we spotted a couple of cuddly black bears on the roadside, then downRead more
Die Zeit bei den Baers ging vorbei und die Rocky's riefen nach mir, doch mein Zug ging erst am nächsten Tag von Vancouver, weshalb mich Hans zur mall brachte, wo ich in den Bus stieg. Vereinzelt sahRead more
Morgens bekam ich erstmal die gute Nachricht, ich habe den Job im Crazy Raven auf Cypress Mountain! 🥳🥳
Ich startete den Tag mit einer Freeletics-Einheit im Heywood Park, gefolgt von einemRead more
After a 1 night stop in an AirBnB, Sean wakes up early to collect the rental car, making it back (just in time) to pick Becky up before the AirBnB check-out time. Now we have a car again, our firstRead more
Heute gab es etwas Flora und Fauna zu entdecken. Zuerst besuchten wir das Tropenhaus mit verschiedenen Vogelarten und tropischen Pflanzen. Danach ging es dann zum botanischen Garten die unter anderemRead more
Stayed in bed after 10 a.m. for the first time in 6 weeks 😅 After a 10 minute walk, I took the bus to the campus of the University of British Columbia. Nice campus and a place only 10 minutes awayRead more
As announced, a storm hit the west coast of Canada, making it a rainy day. Drived 1 hour to the Greater Vancouver Zoo. This zoo had a great mix of exotic and canadian animals. After that, returned toRead more
Arrived finally after a nearly 10-hour (and a short stop in Paris after starting in Luxembourg) flight in Vancouver. 26° C ☀️ and after checking in my little Guesthouse, took a Hop-on Hop-offRead more
Today, I visited the Stanley Park with the famous Vancouver Aquarium. There, I saw for the first time sea otters - hopefully I will see them later in the wilderness, too. Beside them, the aquariumRead more
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Traveler So nice to return to Vancouver on a sunny evening. The weather here makes a huge difference to the atmosphere of the place.