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    • Day 8

      Back to Vancouver

      May 2, 2024 in Canada ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Nothing overly exciting to report, just another lengthy drive, starting with the incredibly scenic Mr Robson National Park, where we spotted a couple of cuddly black bears on the roadside, then down the Yellowhead Highway all the way to Vancouver. It was fascinating watching the mountains turn to plains and farms, then back to mountains again! Then we hit the infamous Vancouver traffic, which is probably on par with some of Sydney's worst.
      Back in Vancouver we've settled into our little AirBnB for the next few nights, and went for a little run to Queen Elizabeth Park and scoped out the marathon starting line. Additionally I made the pilgrimage to the Bloedel Conservatory, one of the more accessible filming locations from Stargate SG1.
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    • Day 87

      Halloween in Vancouver

      October 31, 2019 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Die Zeit bei den Baers ging vorbei und die Rocky's riefen nach mir, doch mein Zug ging erst am nächsten Tag von Vancouver, weshalb mich Hans zur mall brachte, wo ich in den Bus stieg. Vereinzelt sah ich schon verkleidete Leute. Das beste bisher war ein etwas fülliger Mann als Schneewittchen. In Vancouver angekommen, stand ich nach 5min laufen, vor einem süßen Haus in einer ruhigeren Straße. Ich klingelte und Aaron, ein Mitbewohner von Stefan, einem Sohn der Baers, machte mir auf. Er zeigte mir das Gästezimmer, das Bad und die Küche und wir quatschten eine Weile. Ich packte meine Wasserflasche und die Bananenbrotstücke von Karin ein und machte mich auf Erkundungstour, da Aaron zur Uni musste. Die Sonne lachte mich an und ich schlenderte durch den Queen Elizabeth Park. Auf einer Bank vor einem See machte ich Mittagspause. Anschließend erkundete ich weiter den Park, guckte kurz ins Tropenhaus auf dem Berg, sah über die Stadt und bewunderte die Farben in der Sonne. Ich machte mich auf den Weg zum botanischen Garten, wollte dann aber keinen Eintritt bezahlen und hatte noch vor in einen thrift shop zu gehen, um nach einem Schneeanzug zu gucken. Deshalb lief ich zur Oakridge mall, wo ich erstmal WLAN genoss und nach thrift Shops und Halloween Veranstaltung guckte. Ich holte mir noch einen Apfel und ging dann zur main Street in einen Thrift Shop. Leider hatten sie keinen Anzug und keine Jacken, die dick genug wären. Ich schlenderte ein wenig die Straße hoch und runter, telefonierte dann mit Steffan, wann er zu Hause sein würde und kaufte mir eine heiße Gemüsesuppe. Außerdem holte ich eine riesen Birne und Bananenbrownies, die aus 100% Banane bestehen, ein kleines Stück ist eine Banane. Irgendwie gruselig, wollte es Mal probieren. Schmeckt übertrieben nach Banane und macht ziemlich voll, hat aber eine total komisch gummige Konsistenz.
      Bei Stefan quatschten wir eine Weile, bis er mich zu seinem Mitbewohner Jeff schickte, der 5 min entfernt auf einer Party war. Also lief ich zu einer wildfremden Party und wurde total herzlich begrüßt. Ich quatschte mir diversen Leuten, aus Frankfurt, China, Amerika. Ein paar waren verkleidet, es lief Musik und es gab Tacos. Auch eine Jungs WG, die jeden Donnerstag Leute von ihrer Kirche zum Taco Essen einlädt. Alle mitte- Ende 20. Jeff musste nach ca einer Std weiter, ich blieb jedoch noch.
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    • Day 144–145

      Queen Elisabeth Park

      September 19, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Morgens bekam ich erstmal die gute Nachricht, ich habe den Job im Crazy Raven auf Cypress Mountain! 🥳🥳
      Ich startete den Tag mit einer Freeletics-Einheit im Heywood Park, gefolgt von einem gemütlichen Frühstück. Danach stand das Auffüllen meines Wassertanks auf dem Plan, was mich jedoch eine 30-minütige Fahrt kostete. Anschließend fuhr ich zum Queen Elizabeth Park, wo ich einen entspannten Spaziergang machte und die Natur genoss.

      Am Abend traf ich Paul, einen Deutschen, der ab dem 01.11. einen Mitbewohner sucht. Die Miete liegt bei 1.200$ im Monat – ganz schön happig! Trotzdem hatten wir ein nettes Gespräch und beschlossen, in Kontakt zu bleiben. Wenn ich bis Ende September keine andere Unterkunft finden, wäre es eine Option, mit ihm zusammenzuziehen

      Den Tag beendete ich wieder in North Vancouver, an meinem gewohnten Schlafplatz.
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    • Day 19

      Breka Bakery Breakfast

      May 18, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      After a 1 night stop in an AirBnB, Sean wakes up early to collect the rental car, making it back (just in time) to pick Becky up before the AirBnB check-out time. Now we have a car again, our first stop is breakfast.Read more

    • Day 3

      12.06. - ganz im Zeichen der Natur

      June 12, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute gab es etwas Flora und Fauna zu entdecken. Zuerst besuchten wir das Tropenhaus mit verschiedenen Vogelarten und tropischen Pflanzen. Danach ging es dann zum botanischen Garten die unter anderem einheimischen Pflanzen anzuschauenRead more

    • Day 11


      September 17, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Dopo un lunghissimo giorno di navigazione e dopo aver salutato Marlon e Ivan eccoci tornati in quel di Vancouver! In questa calda giornata ci siamo avventurati a North Vancouver presso il parco di Capilano. Questa località è famosa dalla fine dell'Ottocento per il suo ponte sospeso. La famiglia che aveva comprato queste parti di terra a destra e a sinistra del Capilano River, ha fatto qui la sua fortuna infatti, costruendo il ponte aveva creato una via per attraversare il fiume. Sono state coinvolte anche le popolazioni native Squamish con il loro capo Joe Capilano e sua moglie Mary. Oltre al ponte, ci siamo avventurati lungo il sentiero sospeso "Treetops" dove si possono vedere da vicino le canopies create dai grandi cedri rossi e le "cliffwalls", un percorso attrezzato lungo le pareti rocciose.
      Nel pomeriggio, scesi alla King Edward Station ci siamo incamminati nel nuovo appartamentino localizzato vicino al Queen Elizabeth Park dove, camminando tra distese di verde e fiori, abbiamo osservato dei giocatori di lawn bowling, una cerimonia ebraica, degli scoiattolini indaffarati finché siamo stati sorpresi dalla pioggia.
      Ultima fermata della giornata Richmond, il quartiere asiatico di Vancouver. Circa il 78% dei residenti risulta di origine orientale e questo lo si deduce dai negozi all'interno l'Aberdeen Mall e dai tanti ristorantini sparsi per la via centrale. La nostra scelta è ricaduta su "Xiang Chian mansion", un ristorante specializzato nella cucina Hunan. Con una sola parola possiamo descrivere questa cena a dir poco particolare. Piccante. Molto molto piccante!
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    • Day 43

      43. Vancouver (Part 5)

      September 26, 2023 in Canada ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Stayed in bed after 10 a.m. for the first time in 6 weeks 😅 After a 10 minute walk, I took the bus to the campus of the University of British Columbia. Nice campus and a place only 10 minutes away from the beach (Wreck Beach). Visited the Beaty Biology Museum - I like the idea of museum, resarch and university combined at one place. The museum was very built on explaining zoology with not so many exhibitions than London or Luxembourg Nature Museums. So not to exiting when you are npt so onto biology. So I watched the 45 minutes movie of the most interesting exhibition of the museum - a skeleton of an adult blue whale. What an interesting story!
      After that, I had to visit Wreck Beach - I can imagine that at the end of the school year and with sunshine, this will be the place to be when you study at the UBC.

      With another bus, I returned to dowtown at a $-shop to get rid of my canadian coins and to take the seabus to North Vancouver. There, I hafd a fantastic view on the beautiful skyline of Vancouver. Yes, I said that Vancouver hasn't a lot of street lightning, but of course that doesn't count for Downtown. Finished the day with my last supper and returned with the seabus and skytrain to my guest house - even that I said returning in the night wouldn't be a great idea. But even that my photos of the skyline in night didn't work, I don't regret to saw it in person.
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    • Day 42

      42. Vancouver (Part 4)

      September 25, 2023 in Canada ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      As announced, a storm hit the west coast of Canada, making it a rainy day. Drived 1 hour to the Greater Vancouver Zoo. This zoo had a great mix of exotic and canadian animals. After that, returned to the Vancouver Airport, where I had to say goodbye to my KIA.

      Made 7.900 km through west canada and the KIA had done a great job! More so, that a lot of the official roads only were gravel paths 😅

      Returned with the skytrain to the city, where I visited the Olympic Village Square. After a hike along the BC Place stadium and Gastown, I returned to my guest house.

      During the energy crisis, a lot of people were complaining about shuting down the lights in the night. In Canada and even here in the suburbs of Vancouver it's the same, but you can't complain as there aren't even street lightings 😂 So, no option to return later at home, more so as every street looks the same and it still was raining. Stopped on my way at a chinese shopping market, where globalization hit me once again. Even that Vancouver has a big asian community, I don't understand why they have to buy the same products or even brands with chinese logos or made in china. Don't get it.
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    • Day 1

      1. Vancouver (Part 1)

      August 15, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Arrived finally after a nearly 10-hour (and a short stop in Paris after starting in Luxembourg) flight in Vancouver. 26° C ☀️ and after checking in my little Guesthouse, took a Hop-on Hop-off City Trip including Vancouver Lookout, Granville Island and Gastown with the famous steam clock.Read more

    • Day 2

      2. Vancouver (Part 2)

      August 16, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Today, I visited the Stanley Park with the famous Vancouver Aquarium. There, I saw for the first time sea otters - hopefully I will see them later in the wilderness, too. Beside them, the aquarium showed a lot of tropical fishes, seals, sea lions, amphibians, etc. After that, I took a bike ride to discover the Stanley Park Seawall. So many beautiful views! Saw some watee birds and even harbour seals. The day ended with a scenic flight over Vancouver with a water plane. Amazing views, even though the takeoff and landing in water was not so spectacular as i thought.Read more

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