Day 96
Port Coquitlam

We spend a lovely evening together with my Canadian relatives. Margaret is my greataunt twice removed. Her father moved from Gornhofen to Canada 1924 and is my greatgreatuncle. Was really interestingRead more
We spend a lovely evening together with my Canadian relatives. Margaret is my greataunt twice removed. Her father moved from Gornhofen to Canada 1924 and is my greatgreatuncle. Was really interestingRead more
Family BBQ mit Besuch vom Nachbarn Taylor! 😍
You might also know this place by the following names:
Port Coquitlam, بورت كوكويتلام, ポートコキットラム, 포트코퀴틀럼, پورٹ کوکوٹلام, Порт Коквитлам, 高貴林港
Traveler Sehr spannend die Familiengeschichte!
I'm in this picture as an 10 year old. Ich bin auf dem Bild als 10-Jähriger
Traveler Vorne links?
Lieber Gigi, liebe Conny, super schöne Bilder, tolle Geschichte, lg Karin [Karin Wiggenhauser]