Shubie Park

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    • Day 24

      Unser Haus ist da

      June 24, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Endlich können wir unser Womo in Empfang nehmen. Mit etwas Verspätung zwar, aber sonst hat alles geklappt. Vom Office von Caravan Shippers geht es mit den Papieren zum Zoll und mit diesem Stempel zum Hafen. Nach der Übernahme geben wir den gemieteten Truck ab und ein Uber bringt uns zum Hafenparkplatz zurück.
      Nun müssen wir das Womo mit Gas, Diesel, Wasser und Lebensmitteln ausstatten.
      Das Wetter ist zwar nicht gut, aber wenigstens regnet es nicht.
      Am frühen Abend kommen wir dann auf dem ersten Campground an.
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    • Day 164

      Shubie park

      September 11, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Today I went to Shubie park for a hike. What I got wasn't really a hike though - it was mostly just a nice walk.
      I was also a bit annoyed by the dogs and their owners there. A large, wet dog ran up to me after bathing in a lake and wanted to be petted. Another one put her face in my lap and made my pants wet with her salvia. And the owners said nothing to stop them.
      Later, I had a wonderful chat with two Canadian ladies. They sat next to a lake that I wanted to photograph, and we somehow started talking. We discussed what it means to be Canadian, different ways to measure traveling distances, the environment, and politics. They also told me about the "Halifax explosion", the world's largest pre-atomic explosion.
      During my walk, I also saw a surprising amount of tiny squirrels.
      Once I returned to the city, I had a late lunch at an Asian dessert restaurant called Sugar Marmalade.
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