Sulphur Mountain

Managed to get a few photos on the way to Sulphur Mountain including a young Elk grazing by the roadside.
Weather is closing in around the mountain and we quickly discovered that it was snowing asRead more
Managed to get a few photos on the way to Sulphur Mountain including a young Elk grazing by the roadside.
Weather is closing in around the mountain and we quickly discovered that it was snowing asRead more
Nach einem kurzen Frühstück heute Morgen habe ich mich mit dem Bus auf den Weg zur Banff Gondola gemacht, eine Gondel die einen innerhalb von 8 Minuten zum Sulphur Mountain befördert. Es warRead more
Silvester war stressig. 4 Tage in Folge kamen Reisebusse, die alle Cabins gebucht hatten und für die wir Abends Lagerfeuer, Marshmallows und eine Nachteanderung anbieten. Es wurde also jedes MalRead more
This morning we woke up and participated in an exercise class at the hotel fitness center. Then we took a gondola up to the top of Sulphur Mountain to enjoy the scenery. We took a lot of photos, andRead more
Canmore & Banff
You might also know this place by the following names:
Sulphur Mountain