Walter Wight Pioneer Village

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    • Day 58

      Done with Dawson

      August 12, 2019 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      So slept in fairly late for us, about 7:30 a.m., so had a slow start this morning. Think we are losing a little momentum....we might need a day where we dont go anywhere, or do anything but sit in camp. When we do have a little non travel time, I am usually doing some laundry and updating my Quicken. All this sight seeing and traveling does (sort of) wear on you a little. But as any one who knows me will understand, my thoughts go to phrases like; "I might not be back here again" or better yet " if I am just going to sit around I might as well be at home". I am trying to corral those thoughts and be open to where the day might go, maybe God has an even more interesting day then the one I am planning!

      Well today was just not that interesting...we did a little sightseeing in Dawson this morning, their history, railroad memorabilia and natural sciences museum, or perhaps we should just call it a collection. This was all located at the Visitor center, as well as the Dawson Art Gallery. I always enjoy art galleries, any of them, but Tom chose a bench that had the distinction of being in the sunshine! It was a beautiful day.

      Lunch, and then a visit to Pioneer Village, which was pretty well done for a small town. They had a number of relocated historical buildings, a couple of reproductions of older buildings, and they were all staged with old historical items that might be in use at the time. It was a Monday so it was really pretty much empty, so we just strolled around. It was nice because they did let Auggie in, as long as he was not taken inside the buildings, so we just "tag teamed" him through the walking tour.

      Late afternoon we took him to a groomer to have his nails trimmed. I have been giving him some oil supplement that is supposed to contribute to healthy fur, and therefore less shedding. ( that's what i was told...) well his fur does feel healthy; I am not sure if he is shedding any less, but I do feel like his nails grew out very fast! So we took him in for a quick "pawdicure". His nails look lovely, mine look horrible!

      Drove through Chetwynd, and out to Moberly Lake, yet another provincial park campground. Didnt get lakeside, but can see the sparkle through the trees! The only problem we have is the site next to us has a dog that Auggie can see and hear.... so he is a little preoccupied with the window!

      Burritos for dinner, chocolate chip cookie with milk for dessert.

      Happy footnote: in this southern location and at this time of year, sunset is at 9 p.m. or so. Really enjoying having longer nights! Kind of nice to go to bed with a dark room, without covering up windows. It is weird to see a dark night again!
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    • Day 48

      Dawson Creek

      July 2, 2022 in Canada ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Hier beginnt der legendäre Alaska Highway! Wir kriegen gleich einen Dämpfer: Auf dieser Strecke hat es vor Watson Lake (980 km von hier) durch unmässigen Regen einen Teil der Straße weggespült! Die einzige alternative Strecke ist 500 km länger! 😓Read more

    • Day 9

      Walter Wright Pioneer Village

      August 10, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Kurz nachdem wir mit der Fahrt auf dem Higway begonnen haben, machen wir auch gleich den ersten Zwischenstopp bei diesem "Ballenberg" von Dawson Creek. Hier befinden sich Gebäude aus der Zeit als der Alaska Higway gebaut wurde also 1941-42.
      Eigentlich eine gute Idee aber alles ist mit ziemmlich Rasch vollgestellt und die Hitze wurde immer unerträglicher, weshalb wir die letzten Häuser im Schnelltempo anschauten..
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    • Day 49

      Wanderung am/nach Dawson Creek

      July 3, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Entspannter Weg am Bach entlang, aber plötzlich: Huch! Elch! Direkt vor mir!
      Der Ort selbst ist nicht so spannend.

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    Walter Wight Pioneer Village

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