Barrio Prado Viejo

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    • Day 8


      June 16, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

      Nachdem ihr jetzt etwas länger nix von gehört habt, berichten wir euch über unseren Aufenthalt in Barranquilla. Wir sind erst knapp 3 Stunden per Bus von Cartagena nach Barranquilla gefahren, dann nochmal ca. 30 Minuten per Taxi zum Hotel. Wer eine witzige Geschichte über die Taxifahrt hören will, darf Marie gerne darauf ansprechen 😂
      Dieser Teil der Reise diente mehr der Erholung als der Entdeckung. Unser 5-Sterne Hotel hatte wirklich viel zu bieten: Pool, Bar und Restaurant im 10. Stock und richtig moderne und schöne Zimmer. Und alles für einen sehr guten Preis 👍🏼
      Da es auch nicht sooo viel in Barranquilla zu sehen gibt, haben wir die Zeit also genutzt um am Pool zu entspannen und richtig ordentlich zu essen 😋
      Als nächstes steht der Trip in den Tayrona Nationalpark an, wir sehr aufgeregt und sehr gespannt was uns erwarten wird 🥳
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    • Day 4

      Busfahrt nach Barranquilla

      February 9 in Colombia ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Mit dem nachtbus sind wir 14 Stunden von medellin nach Barranquilla gefunden. Die stadt ist an der Küste und versprüht einen komplett anderen vibe als medellin (auch komplett anderes Klima) . Jedoch ist hier der Karneval, der einen Monat lang dauert und morgen beginnt der Umzug, wir sind schon sehr gespannt.Read more

    • Day 305


      May 5, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

      Uih - sehr schön mal in nem schicken Hotel 🥰🤩, haben uns nur beide eine Erkältung mit den Klimaanlagen eingefangen.... - und die Krönung in UK im kolumbianischen Fernsehen geschaut 😊

    • Day 18

      PHONE STOLEN - Barranquilla Carnival

      March 26, 2022 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Pretty annoying that i have to do the whole getting a new phone thing, with all the TAN-Generator shit and insurance fuckup. BUT i was now longer comparing the thought:

      "Would you instead of having had these experiences there, change into not loosing your phone?" I´d say no - fuck this phone.
      You can reach me very good via e-mail: - I´d be happy to hear from any of you.
      You can also reach me with the same e-mail adress via iMessage or facetime.

      Arriving at the apartment wich rented out mattresses, around 20 people from all over, slept into hammocks and mattresses in the acomodation where usually maybe 6 people find place.
      Our room with –15m2 had 4 mattresses on the floor and one hammock above :D

      The hole city turned into a gigantic street party. Every corner had their own loud music playing and selling drinks or food.
      We were really happy that me made the decision to come, so the three of us went to the main parade with hundreds of different trucks and dancers.
      Also there were probably hundreds of pickpockers. On the way to the toilet i first noticed a women, trying to open my purse...

      We continued walking down to the end of the parade, were the local people were standing in line to take fotos with us gringos :D One gave me her –3 year old daughter for a picture in my hands :D awkward but hilarious!

      We walked the street on were we came to the first party in and outside a bar. Great music, suddenly amazing disco classics got us dancing like crazy.
      I danced with all different kind of people, some were getting really close and by the time we went on to the next spot, i grabbed into my pocket where no more phone was...
      We tried to locate the phone immediately from the other guys phone, wich didnt work because i somehow couldn´t log in to my icloud... dont ask...
      There was no other chance of finding it, so i accepted it dejected.

      Somehow I managed to get over it and continue the crazy night with Jonas, Mikkel from Denmark, Alain from france, Jun from Berlin and Laura from Munich. We had a blast and moved from party to party until 5 in the morning.
      Back in the packed accommodation, my matress was already occupied by Mikkel and Alain wich left a bit earlier, but slept deep. I tried to search again with my laptop, but the device was shut down.
      First i tried to sleep on the floor, wich was to hard, then i squeezed onto the 1m wide mattress with Mikkel :D in the room without windows but ventilator. I immediately fell asleep.
      Next morning the guy who run the place organized breakfast (eggs, bread, coffee and fruits) for everybody. He made the business of the year, demanding for each mattress or hammock 100.000 Pesos... I heared from 5 more people who got rubbed this night. I got lucky not having felt the assault. One got first thrown flour into his eyes (with all the kids were throwing around) and than got sprayed at with a foamy spray, when they took his phone.

      Must sound weird but it still was such a great time in Barranquilla and I wouldn´t want to miss this.

      After breakfast, Jonas and me decided to take the Bus back to Costenho beach, to chill and calm down.
      We are now staying the second night in this BEAUTIFUL Bohemian Beach hostel, directly located in at the beach in between palmtrees, with only super chilled people (aswell as a couple from Karlsruhe :D )
      Many people stay here for months and work remotely from here, because it feels like paradise.

      Tomorrow morning we leave our big bags here, to explore the Tayrona National Park for a hike, with one night inside.

      Not having the ability to take pictures sucks...
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    Barrio Prado Viejo

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