In einer anderen Welt

Die Luft ist dünn, das Atmen fällt schwer, jeder Schritt bedächtig und langsam. Aber mit jedem Schritt eröffnet sich uns eine spektakuläre Landschaft
Wecker um 3.30 Uhr, Frühstück, Guide undRead more
Die Luft ist dünn, das Atmen fällt schwer, jeder Schritt bedächtig und langsam. Aber mit jedem Schritt eröffnet sich uns eine spektakuläre Landschaft
Wecker um 3.30 Uhr, Frühstück, Guide undRead more
Endlich geht's los... Ich fühle mich wieder komplett gesund und es ist alles besorgt und vorbereitet für die nächsten drei Tage.
1. Tag: Güicán (2.800 m) - La Esperanza (3.600 m); 5h Gehzeit;Read more
On se souviendra:
- Qu’on a cru mourir de froid pendant la nuit (a cause de Baptiste qui prend toute la chaleur)
- Du réveil à 4h15 avec un super petit dej à base de soupe de pomme de terre etRead more
Third day, so decided to keep it til the end. And I did well, the day has been all sunny and I got a blast on the way, the landscape was amazing and I could reach my new elevation record at 4850m atRead more
On se souviendra :
- Du Trek du glacier Púlpito del Diablo
- Du départ à 4h du matin avec Jairo et de la rencontre avec Ramiro notre guide
- De la confusion dans le petit déjeuner/point de rdvRead more
The mountains give, and the mountains take away. We started our hike on the second day with grey weather and drizzle, which gradually morphed into rain, sleet, and snow. By the time we reached the topRead more
First real hike of the trek, going to the laguna grande de la sierra (4600m) and then to the border of the glacier concave (4700m). 22km trip with 1100m of elevation gain that started at 5am.
ItRead more
In our first day in Parque El Cocuy, we hiked with Jose up to Laguna Grande, a glacial lake near the snow line. The day was a bit grey, but despite limited views, we had a great time hiking throughRead more
Our final hike with José in El Cocuy was to the foot of Ritacuba Blanco, a sacred glacier. The sun was shining! It was a wonderful way to wrap up our time in the park, and we were happy we got allRead more
First day, after a quick visit of el Cocuy and filling the registration formalities of the park we went to a refuge at 3800m to acclimate and we did a small hike (3h with 300m of elevation) to warm upRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Güicán, Gueican
Traumhaft! 😍