Tortuguero Canals, Costa Rica

Throughout the night on our journey to Costa Rica, there was a huge lightning storm which lit up the sky. It had passed by the time we arrived in port but the air was still very humid.
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Throughout the night on our journey to Costa Rica, there was a huge lightning storm which lit up the sky. It had passed by the time we arrived in port but the air was still very humid.
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Von der nahegelegenen Hafenstadt „Moin“ geht es mit dem Langboot knapp 80km immer nordwärts über Wasserkanäle und mitten durch den dicht bewachsenen Regenwald. Manchmal ist der der Kanal mitRead more
3 stündige Boots-Sause durch Flüsse & Kanäle zum Eiablagestrand der Meeresschildkröten
You might also know this place by the following names:
Moín, Moin, CRMOB