Zagreb - Centar

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    • Day 37

      Willkommen in Zagreb

      October 18, 2019 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Ich reise aus dem kroatischen Wald in die Hauptstadt. Zagreb ist wunderschön - wieder haben die Gebäude einen Wiener Einschlag. Ich besuche die Free Spirit Tour und kann sie wärmstens empfehlen. Nun habe ich einen guten geschichtlichen und örtlichen Überblick. Aber eines begeistert mich hier am meisten: das Essen. Es gibt hier sehr viele verschiedene Spezialitäten, alles meistens frisch aus Kroatien. Am Nachmittag besichtige ich das "Museum of Broken Relationships". Mal ein ganz anderer Ansatz eines Museums. Es werden Gegenstände ausgestellt, die aus einem bestimmten Grund bedeutend für die ehemalige Beziehung waren. Dazu wird die entsprechende Geschichte erzählt. Jeder Raum hat eine anderes Thema: normale Trennung, Tod, Krieg, Flucht.Read more

    • Day 38

      Tag 2 in Zagreb

      October 19, 2019 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Auch der 2. Tag in Zagreb war ein voller Erfolg. Mein Programm bestand aus Parks, dem botanischen Garten und einer Stadtführung mit dem Thema Homeland War. Letztere beschäftige sich mit dem Kriegshintergrund, Ex-Jugoslawien und führte in Ecken, in die man sonst nicht so gut kommt.
      Morgen geht's nach Bosnien.
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    • Day 39

      Dead centre of town

      January 2 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      The trusty guidebook sent Craig, Kate and me to Mirogoj Cemetery about 3.7km from our apartment today. We set off in 1°C and fog so it added a nice ambience to our meandering through Zagreb's largest cemetery in addition to very cold fingers and chin. Of note was the 500m of arched palisade however it was blocked off from access for some reason. The cemetery went on forever and we could not see the end through the fog. It is estimated about 300,000 people are buried here and large family sites were the norm.

      To get some respite from the cold we decided to stop for a coffee. The first coffee shop had mournful singing coming from it, and given we had seen people leaving a funeral we decided to leave them be. The next caffe bar was full of smokers so we had a lot of smoke with a side of coffee... The things you do to get warm and do a pee!

      We meandered back into town to give Kate her curry fix over a lazy lunch before walking through Tunnel Grgic which is part of a network underground tunnels built during WWII as an air raid shelter and then used again during the Homeland War 1991-1995. There was an art installation called Polar Dream in the centre section.

      We then decided on some lunch dessert at a cafe before heading home. Dinner at the advent markets for our last night in Croatia, with sausage, pizza, kebabs, donuts and kahuna gin.
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    • Day 6

      Night Train-Stuttgart to Zagreb

      August 8 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      We love a night train. I thought the children wouldn't be too bothered I was wrong 😊The excitement was through the roof the discussion of who was going to sleep where was chaotic. We all slept well and were given breakfast in the morning. We're now in Zagreb in Croatia.🩷 I've snuck a picture of me in so you can see I am actually here and that Oliver isn't just an amazing single father🤣🥰Read more

    • Day 4

      Mainly Food!

      September 22, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      We started our day in downtown Zagreb at the outdoor market. When Davor saw the statue of the lady with the basket on her head he commented, “ That’s how my grandmother(Baka), used to bring her vegetables to the market to sell!” The red umbrellas at the market are called Sestine umbrellas because they were originally made in Sestine(the village outside of Zagreb that we visited yesterday, where Davor’s aunt and uncle lived)
      Then we stopped at a bakery for me to get a mid morning snack, a slice of apple strudel!
      The 4th pic is of a government building with flags of Zagreb and Croatia. In the background is St Mark’s Church. The tile roof(kids call it the Lego roof) is the medieval coat of arms of Croatia Dalmatia and Slavonia and the emblem of Zagreb is on the right.
      Next is a fun mural painted on the side of a building.
      The highlight of the day for Davor was when we drove to a small town outside of Zagreb, and had his favorite Croatian dessert, crème schnitte ( phyllo dough with a cream in between).
      And lastly, we stopped at a grocery store on the way home. Notice the basket on wheels he is using!

      Highlight of the day: I loved the sculpture if the woman with the basket on her head since Davor said it reminded him of Baka (grandmother in Croatian). Of course it was the crème schnitte for Davor!
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    • Day 5

      Direction la capitale

      August 22 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Nous avons commencé notre matinée culturelle par monter la tour de la cathédrale de Zadar puis nous avons arpenté les rues chaudes à un rythme lent à cause de la recherche d'achats touristiques de la marmotte. ⛪ Nous avons terminé cette matinée par une pause repas avant de prendre la route pour un bout de roche en front de mer. Les plus téméraires ont fait des sauts plus ou moins périlleux pendant que les autres siestaient ou exploraient les fonds marins. 🏝🏊‍♀️
      C'est parti pour 3h de route en direction de la capitale croate : Zagreb. Après avoir déposé la voiture à l'aéroport nous sommes accueillies par un charmant chauffeur local avec lequel nous avons eu une discussion des plus lunaires grâce à l'exceptionnel niveau de compréhension d'anglais de Manon (la concernée a confondu croissant et Laponie).🚘
      Enfin arrivées dans notre Loveroom, nous nous sommes mises en quête d'une casserole pour cuisiner un plat traditionnel croate (les pâtes au pesto) pendant que la marmotte lavait ses péchés. Peine perdue, nous nous sommes rabattues sur des commandes infructueuses uber eat, nous avons donc dû sortir de notre logement pour assouvir notre faim au kiosque à frites du quartier dans lequel nous avons trouvé la cousine de la personne la plus (dés)agréable 😡 de la Croatie. 🍟🍕 Estomacs rassasiés, esprits apaisés, Ma bimbo déterré, dodo mérité 😘
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    • Day 5

      Zagreb, capital of Croatia

      December 7, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

      Left Budapest for Zagreb, stopped in at Lake Balanten (also known as Hungarian Sea). 600 square kilometres of freshwater and it is the holiday spot for Hungarians. Bitterly cold as the wind whipped up the lake. Small townships dotted the lakeside as we travelled to Zagreb.

      Zagreb, Central Europe, average income $20k euros per year. In a city that has faced many wars and natural disasters. The city is recovering from an earthquake three years ago. Repairs/restoration works undertaken by private owners not the state.

      Zagreb delighted with beautiful blue skies.
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    • Day 13


      March 16 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Tag 1
      Nach einem 30 minütigen Laufweg zur Busstation sind wir, zu unserer Freude, diesmal in einen normalen Reisebus gestiegen. Auf den Weg nach Sarajevo haben wir die schönste Autobahntoilette der ganzen Welt gesehen und haben uns mit einem Bosnier der deutsch konnte unterhalten. Nachdem wir dann in Zagreb angekommen sind, haben wir in unser Hostel eingecheckt, es ist sehr bunt und die Wände sind alle verschieden bemalt. Abends waren wir noch mit einem Deutschen (den wir schon aus Split kennen) in zwei Bars und nem Club.

      Tag 2
      Nachdem wir bis 12 ausgeschlafen haben sind wir mit dem Deutschen in die Altstadt, dort waren wir in einem Kaffee, haben Biertasting gemacht und waren in Museum of broken relationships. Abends sind wir mit dem Dänen (den wir schon aus Mostar und Sarajevo kennen) und dem Deutschen in zwei Bars.

      Tag 3
      Heute haben wir uns nochmal die Stadt angeschaut, waren in Läden und Vintage Shops, die uns leider nicht überzeugt haben, Kaffee trinken und sind mot der Funicular Railway, der kürzesten Standseilbahn (66m lang) gefahren (für 0,66€). Abends waren wir wieder mit den zwei anderen in zwei Bars.

      Tag 4
      Heute sind wir mit dem Dänen zum Mirogoj-Friedhof gewandert, einem der größten Friedhöfe Kroatiens (wir haben Google Maps gebraucht, um wieder rauszufinden), der wie eine Parkanlage gestaltet ist. Dann sind wir Bowls essen gegangen und waren noch ein bisschen in der Stadt.
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    • Day 14

      Exploring Zagreb

      September 14, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Today was a day to wander about and take in some of the many historical sights in Zagreb. But first, we wanted to experience one of the many bakeries near our room, so we stopped to enjoy a coffee and pastry for breakfast. It was located right across from well known, Ban Jelacic Square.

      Afterwards, we headed to the Upper Town area. On the way we passed through the Dolac open air fruit and veggie market. We walked along historic Tkalciceva Street, which is one of the oldest streets in the area. And then we went to the City of Zagreb museum.

      We spent a couple of hours there looking at artifacts dating back several centuries in the city’s long history. The museum is well organized and takes you on a journey through time from distant past to present.

      From the museum we we walked on to view several more landmarks including Zagreb Cathedral and St. Marc’s Church. Unfortunately, those two attractions are both under renovation right now. So we could only view them from the distance and unfortunately, some sections were also obscured by scaffolding.

      Following a short rest break at our apartment, we walked back to the Upper Town area to view The Stone Gate and follow some streets we missed earlier. We then picked up meals to go and headed back to our room to eat, relax and get ready for the next leg of our trip. We are getting up early to catch a train to Split.
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    • Day 24


      March 23 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      A leisurely day exploring this delightful mix of ancient and modern town. Replete from the now habitual croissant crema + coffee, we started with the market. It was massive - filling a tree lined avenue which stretched at least 1km. The food section of any market always interests and this one was quite amazing for cheeses, hams, sausages (wild boar) and fish. Big sides of roast pork were sliced on demand to create take away buns complete with a slice of roasted pig liver.
      It was time to check the rail station as we had heard yesterday that a strike was imminent. We have to be at Rome airport by Sunday night for our 0630 flight to Zagreb.
      It was all looking dodgy. We took the decision to leave today at 6pm (strike starting at 9pm).
      We took a quick walk up the town to check the view from the park and snap a few more of the beautiful Umbrella pines which are everywhere. The bark is amazing.
      Our host was kind enough to refund one day.
      We found a hotel just 500m from Rome Termini station for the night and enjoyed a slice of pizza with gin + tonic in our room at 10pm. Living the high life!
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    Zagreb - Centar

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