Czech Republic
Place of the Republic

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    • Day 9

      Monumento a Jan Hus

      September 22, 2023 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      El Monumento a Jan Hus se localiza en el centro de la Plaza de la Ciudad Vieja de Praga. La colocación de la primera piedra tuvo lugar en 1903 y fue inaugurado, si bien no oficialmente, el 6 de julio de 1915 con ocasión del quinto centenario de la muerte en la hoguera del reformador.

      Hus mira de pie la iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Týn, principal templo husita entre 1419 y 1421. Lo rodean, por un lado, guerreros husitas y, por el otro, una serie de figuras que representan al pueblo checo obligado a abandonar el país en 1620 tras la derrota de los protestantes en la batalla de la Montaña Blanca.

      Las inscripciones, tomadas algunas de textos del propio Hus, fueron añadidas tras la fundación en 1918 de la República de Checoslovaquia.
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    • Day 4

      Day-1 @Prague

      December 26, 2023 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      After getting up a bit late in the morning, we decided to have our lunch at Govinda restaurant, which is near to Florenc. Although the path through Metro would have been much faster, we decided to take a Tram to Florenc from Kobilisy, thanks to the escalator experience. It took around 1 hr 15 mins to reach out destination, and we were trying to hurry as the restaurant shall close at 14:30.
      We huffed and puffed our way to this restaurant just to get to know that unfortunately, it was closed due to Christmas holidays. Disappointed, we were set to return to Florenc, but stumbled upon an amazing Italian restaurant - Alforno Trattoria Italiana. The ambience: Nice and cozy, the food tasted fabulous here, and the staff were very friendly.
      After having a sumptuous meal here, we set off to explore Prague around the area of Namesti Republiky - The city's central square (The name translates to The Republic Square) at the evening. We roamed around the Prasne Brany - a famous and scenic Gateway, and around the Jewish Quadrant, and the Paris street, which is was adorned with many expensive designer shops. The whole city seemed to have been immersed in sparkling light everywhere, which was very pretty to watch!
      Then we reached near the famous city Museum, where a mini-Christmas market was also available. The overall scenery was so pretty - Museum adorned in lights, lots of shops selling so many different things, the ' I ❤️ Prague ' souvenir shop, the big Christmas tree in the middle and the Ice-skating rink. We spent our rest of the evening trying out each thing available here, went up the museum stairs (museum was closed) and the street locked dazzling 🤩. Since we were trying out many things to eat as well, we were not very hungry. We decided to have something substantial so that we won't feel hungry in the night, so we wanted to go to a restaurant. We ate our dinner at 'Namaste India', which offered just the same stable food that we required - Dal-Chawal (rice and lentil soup).
      Satisfied with our dinner, we retired for the day and returned to our stay at Sîdliste Cimîce.
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    • Day 20

      Walking Tours Prague

      January 3 in Czech Republic ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

      Today, we would be kind of be retracing our steps from yesterday and decided to take a walking tour of the cities castle. This was to get a bit more history of the site as well as see a bit more of the hidden areas around the city. This worked out very well as the tour started by taking us to the suburb behind the castle that used to house the rich citizens who wanted to be closer to the king. Before that, however, we wanted to see a few of the other smaller sites that we had missed during our walks. Because we were leaving tomorrow, this would be our last chance to see them. As such, we headed to the first site and saw the Spanish Synagogue. I haven`t been inside any during my travels despite being in many, many cathedrals and Mosques, and the main reason is just that they are significantly more expensive to go inside. Due to some time constraints and a potentially large expense, we figured we would skip going inside. We did, however, have time for some food, which, for me, was another soup in bread. Although not as good as the one we had in Bratislava, it was still very good. So good we would be going back to that restaurant for dinner later. Unfortunately, dad wasn`t feeling well, so we left him to go rest at home while mum and I continued for the tours. Even still, we wandered around and saw some other sites, the main one being the book tower, but this had a massive queue out the front for a photo and we were not that fussed to see it. We also didn't leave ourseleves ebougj time for the Klementinum. So, instead, we wandered across the river to start the tour. When we got to the old part of the town, we once again walked past some very interesting designs and architectural marvels. A lot of buildings have painting or interesting designs on their facades. This was done in the Renaissance style. We then began our tour, which started with a beautiful view of the city. This is when our tour guide showed us a detail that, in retrospect, seems impossible to miss. The tallest tour of the cathedral was rebuilt in the Renaissance style after the Gothic tower was destroyed by an earthquake. This adds a strange and funny looking tip to the high point of the cathedral, especially when you see the difference in colour, as well as style. We then explored some of the former squares that led to the palace before seeing the many different architectural styles that are reflected. This also shows the difference in age and history that is present throughout the small suburb. As we entered the castle again, we walked through the main gate this time, which was the main defence throughout most of its history. We then followed our footsteps from yesterday, where we learnt about the former kings and queens of the castle, the power dynamics, and eventually wars that led to the fall of the hapsburg dynasty that once ruled the lands. It was a good way to complete the tour as we followed the history of the city from its inception to its fight for independence. After this, we headed back to the cafe for dinner, where we met dad for a quick feed. After this, Mum and I were tired from walking and figured we would call it a day.Read more

    • Day 1–4

      Unterkunft in Prag 2024

      May 10 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Angekommen in Prag, erster Eindruck, gar nicht mal so übel. Hotel ist das Numa / Libusa Apartments mit immerhin 4 Sternen. Sauber, übersichtlich, aber dafür in Mitten von Prag. 500 m bis zu Metro und 400m bis zum Frühstücksbistro. Gute Wahl für einen Kurztrip!!!!…
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    • Day 2

      Chiesa di Santa Maria di Týn

      May 3 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      La chiesa non ha una facciata libera ma è circondata da edifici. Ci si accede passando da una casa.
      I due campanili sono chiamati "Adamo" e "Eva", uno più massiccio e alto mentre l'altro più snello è basso.
      A volte all'interno della chiesa fanno anche concerti
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    • Day 1

      Anreise nach Prag

      June 11 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Mit 15 Minuten Verspätung starten wir in Wolfsburg. Den Umstieg 🚂 in Berlin schaffen wir gerade so mit einem Sprint 🏃🏻 von Gleis 5 zu Gleis 1 (inklusive einem Sturz von mir vor dem Zug) um dann nach ein paar Minuten Zugfahrt zu stoppen. Baum auf den Gleisen, Streckenumleitung.
      Mit mehr als 2 Stunden Verspätung Ankunft in Prag 🇨🇿.
      Nach dem Check-In im Hotel Inside by Melia
      geht’s auf die erste kleine Entdeckungstour in die Altstadt.
      Nach den selbstgebackenen Haferkeksen 🍪und Nussecken im Zug freuen wir uns auf ein typisch tschechisches Abendessen und ein Bier🍺
      Nur noch einen kurzen Absacker in der Hotelbar - so war der Plan - bis der Feueralarm kam. Der stellte sich dann zum Glück als Missgeschick in der Küche dar!
      Was für ein turbulenter Beginn unserer Frauenreise 👩🏻‍🦰👱🏻‍♀️🧑🏻‍🦰👩🏻‍🦱
      Bin gespannt, wie es weitergeht. 🍀
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    • Day 2

      Spa Besuch

      June 22 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Was macht man im Urlaub, natürlich auch mal ins Spa gehen. Wir hatten dann einfach mal ne Stunde gebucht . Bei 42° C Biertemperatur war das Bierbad kuschelig warm, eine willkommene Abkühlung waren die beiden Zapfhähne (helles und dunkles ) zur inneren Anwendung.Read more

    • Day 4

      Prag 3

      July 1, 2019 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Gestern Abend nach dem ausgiebigen Essen sind wir noch an die Moldau gewandert um die angestrahlte Burg im Dunklen zu sehen. Heute morgen noch einen kleinen Spaziergang durch das Jüdische Viertel von Prag gemacht.Read more

    • Day 1


      December 4, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ 🌧 1 °C

      Arrived yesterday late and arrived at the Hotel Ibis in old town Prague. A few minutes walk from the main square. Today did the main sights of the clock, square, bridge. Clock tower being renovated so no access.Read more

    • Day 90

      Prague … kind of

      June 19, 2022 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☀️ 93 °F

      Miles: 5.5 Steps: 14503
      Flights stairs: 13

      Our first official day in Prague and it hit 100° out of the blue. The next three days we’re here should be normal temp, so we decided to change up plans and go somewhere nice and cool instead of sightsee in this heat — so we went to the mall!

      After 3 months on the road we needed a few things, plus it’s just fun to see the “normal” side of a city like this. We’ve been to a couple malls now in Europe and they’re HUGE. This one was 5 stories tall.

      Hopefully the weather report will be right for tomorrow and the heat is going to break .. so I’ll have some awesome experiences & pics of the city.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Náměstí republiky, Namesti republiky, Platz der Republik, Place of the Republic, Náměstí Republiky, Place de la République

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