Czech Republic
Kutná Hora District

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    • Day 21

      Trip durch Tschechien

      August 11, 2022 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Auf unserer Fahrt durch Tschechien bemerkten wir nach einigen Kilometern, dass hier selbst Landstraßen mautpflichtig sind. Also haben wir noch schnell online eine Vignette( 19,-€) geordert. Ich hoffe es war noch nicht zu spät. Vertraue niemals Google , da hatten wir mautfreie Straßen angegeben 😬.
      Anmerkung: Der LKW vor uns fährt bestimmt nicht nach Russland.
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    • Day 56

      Day 56: Kutná Hora, Czech Republic

      August 15, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Today we travelled to Kutná Hora (about an hour from Prague) to visit the Sedlec Ossuary, St. Barbara's Cathedral and the Church of the Assumption of our Lady. They were all pretty neat and very old.

      The ossuary is the final resting place to 65,000 people and they arranged the bones artistically to make decorations or furnishings. When you walk around the cemetery outside, you also see people buried from 2015 so it's pretty recent even though the church has been there since the 12th century and the cemetery is rather small.

      We also walked around the town a bit which was nice and reminded me of Old Montreal with all the cobblestone. We walked a good amount today too as we couldn't figure out the bus schedule and since it's such a small town, no one we spoke to really understood English.

      By the end of the night, we went back to the same restaurant for the third time in a row so I'm sure they will know us by name soon enough.
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    • Day 38

      More of them bones

      January 21, 2017 in Czech Republic ⋅ 🌙 -9 °C

      Up again this morning, went down for breakfast. This morning they had frankfurt soup with sausage, I presume it was leftovers from the day before. We enjoyed a bit of vegemite and toast.
      Today we went on a tour to Kutná Hora which was an hour drive from Prague. We were a little disappointed with the previous two tours so we decided to try a new company. We were lucky as there were only 9 of us on the tour. The main reason to go out to Kutná Hora was to see the bone church that we had heard so much about. It is a church and inside it is decorated with bones. It was a very strange feeling being in there knowing that there were 60,000 skeletons used in the church. The ironic thing is people travelled from all over Europe to die and be buried in this cemetery as it was thought to be holy grounds and they have ended up as a tourist attraction. After the church we visited other things around the town. Talking to the guide they don't usually get snow and it is the coldest winter they have had in 5 years. Today it wasn't as cold. She said yesterday was -14 so no wonder we felt it. We had lunch at local pub, the kids had a chicken schnitzel that was as big as the dinner plate. I had beef cheeks and Dave had potato and mushroom soup & creamy beef. Tatiana tells us that they don't eat many vegetables and they eat what we had for lunch for lunch and tea. A bit more of a walk around town before heading back to Prague. It was a lovely day with a lovely group of people, a good way to finish. We saw the sun setting on the way home.
      When we got back we walked along the river as it was such a nice evening. We had planned to go out for tea as it was our last night but as we had such a late lunch none of us felt like eating. Tonight we have the daunting task of packing everything into our bags.

      Photos 1, 2, 3 - Sedlec Ossuary (bone church)
      Photo 4 - My lunch, it doesn't look that good, but it was yummy.
      Photo 5 & 6 - Charles Bridge at night
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    • Day 100

      MARIE PANNY Kirche zur Maria Himmelfahrt

      August 14, 2022 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nach dem Besuch des Osariums gehen wir weiter zur Kirche Marie Panni welche auch die Kirche zur Maria Himmelfahrt genannt wird. Die Kirche ist vergleichsweise einfach aber wir erleben diese Basilika ganz besonders, denn dort wird gerade für ein Konzert welches am darauffolgenden Tag stattfindet, es ist dann Maria Himmelfahrt, geprobt wird. Der Klang in der Kirche ist ein schönes Erlebnis und wir sitzen in der Bank und haben somit ein richtiges Konzert erleben dürfen. Nach dem Kirchenbesuch fahren wir noch Geld wechseln und mein Schatz überrascht mich mit einer wunderschönen roten Rose. Danach fahren wir zur Übernachtung auf einen See wo wir Spaghetti kochen und dann übernachten leichter Nieselregen stellt sich abends einRead more

    • Day 100

      Kutna Hora Basilika zur heiligen Barbara

      August 14, 2022 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nach dem Besuch des Schlosses fahren wir weiter Richtung sedlack, Johannes GPS war falsch programmiert und leitet uns ständig in die gegengesetzte Richtung.
      Zum Glück ist mein Google brav unterwegs und führt uns in die richtige Richtung.
      Kurz vor Sedlec erblicke ich in der Ferne eine sehr schöne Kirche und wir biegen links ab um diese zu besichtigen. Die Barbara Basilika hat bei uns einen ganz besonderen Eindruck hinterlassen.
      Die 120 tschechischen Kronen Eintritt haben sich ausgezahlt und die ganze Ortschaft hat viel mehr als nur diese eine Kirche zu bieten. Danach fahren wir weiter.
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    • Day 101


      August 15, 2022 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Unser Parkplatz liegt nahe einem Wanderweg, der uns zu alten Ruinen nahe einem Bach führt. Morgens marschieren wir los und erkunden die Gegend Absatz des Pfades führt uns Johanns App zu einer nicht vorhandenen Ruine. Es hätte wahrscheinlich ein Feldweg zum ursprünglichen Wanderpfad zurückgeführt, wir haben sicherheitshalber umgedreht. Heute ist Fruchttag wir genießen mittags Früchte in flüssiger und fester Form.Read more

    • Day 7

      Poděbrady - Týnec nad Labem - Kutná Hora

      August 5, 2022 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Beginn der Pionierfahrt. Zum ersten mal fährt ein Hotelschiff diese Strecke der kleinen Elbe bis nach Týnec nad Labem. Nachmittag Ausflug nach Kutná Hora. Hier erleben wir zu Fuss den Stadtkern, die imposante Barbara-Kirche und das Silbermuseum.Read more

    • Day 100


      August 14, 2022 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Wir besuchen das Rosarium in Sedlec, es nennt sich auch Knochenkapelle.
      Etwas mühselig gestaltet sich für Johann die Online Kartenbestellung, ich organisiere es und danach besuchen wir diese sehr mystische Kapelle.
      Die Karten beinhalten automatisch auch den Besuch der Maria Himmelfahrt Kirche. Im Osarium dürfte man wieder Filmen noch fotografieren, wir setzen uns über diese Vorschriften hinweg und haben somit diese Erinnerung auch auf Bildern. Ein kurzer Besuch der jedoch sehr viel Eindrücke hinterlässt immerhin sind dort 50 000 Gebeine von Menschen gelagert, teilweise vom Krieg und teilweise deshalb, weil sich viele dort begraben haben lassen, weil angeblich Erde aus Jerusalem vorhanden ist.
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    • Lunch in Kutna Hora

      September 4, 2018 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Lunch is 3 courses of Czech cuisine at Dacicky:-
      1. A delicious tomato soup with fresh baked bread with caraway seeds. Yum
      2. Pork with spinach and mashed potato.
      3. Fruit tart
      All washed down with our choice of lager since we had walked so far today.Read more

    • Day 10

      The Lovely Bones

      June 10, 2016 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      This morning's wake up was a tad difficult... We headed out with our bags around 8.30am. We had around an hours drive to a small town called Kutna Hora, population 20,000. This town is famous for a small church called the Cemetary Church of All Saints. More commonly known as the 'bone church', the site is the final resting place of around 40,000 people, and the Ossuary is full of skulls and bones. Some are decoratively displayed, in other areas there are just mountains of skulls. I overheard someone describe it as morbidly glorious, and that is absolutely the best description.
      After we left the church and cemetery area, we grabbed some snacks and water, then jumped back on the bus for a 3 hour drive to our next service stop.
      Arwen chucked on her playlist on the bus. There were some real gems in there (the Bloodhound Gang and Linkin Park) with plenty of variety (Bieber, Elton John), very enjoyable!
      We stopped at the most random place, it was pretty much a theme park... with a restaurant inside a plane, an Excalibur themed section, and lots of arcade games.
      Ebony and I wandered around in search of the pizzeria which was mentioned on the sign out the front, but got a bit lost, overwhelmed and confused... Eventually we found a restaurant which sold pizza, just a short walk away, and headed there.
      Pizza was delicious, and service was super speedy, which we later found out was not the case for everyone else. Best bit, free wifi! Whilst watching some rather embarrassing snapchats from the night before's festivities, I got a call from Mum and Sam! "Happy day before your birthday, Marn!"
      We wandered back to the coach, and headed on our way to Vienna!
      We only had about 20 minutes to check in, get organised and dressed up for the night's optional extra, a Mozart and Strauss concert, so we ran in and really hussled to get ready!
      We jumped back on the bus and headed to the old Stock Exchange Building for the concert, found our seats in this beautiful building, and were ready for some amazing classical music.
      It was only a small orchestra, but they were incredible. There were no amps or microphones, just incredible, live music. When they first began I got goosebumps... There was also 2 opera singers and some ballet dancers, and the costumes were stunning.
      During intermission we actually got to go and speak to the performers and take photos with them, so that was really cool!
      From the concert, we jumped back on the bus and headed to Prater Park, a massive theme park in Vienna. A few of us had dinner at a little restaurant there (burgers!) and then went for a bit of a wander around the park. T, Ebony, Sharnne and I went on a ghost train - it was bloody scary, T and I had to hold each other and we all screamed like little girls, it was hilarious.
      From there we headed to the meeting point so we could get a lift on the bus back to our hostel. I would have liked to spend more time there, but we were all pretty tired. The plan was to head up to our rooms, get changed, then head down to the hotel bar, but I laid down on my bed and pretty much passed out. I woke about half an hour later, just got changed and jumped back into bed. I think the big days (and nights) have caught up with me!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Okres Kutná Hora, Okres Kutna Hora, Kutná Hora District, مقاطعة كوتنا هورا, Кутна Хора, Districte de Kutná Hora, Distrikto Kutná Hora, District de Kutná Hora, Kutná Hora-i járás, Բերոունի շրջան, Distretto di Kutná Hora, კუტნა-ჰორის რაიონი, Daerah Kutná Hora, Powiat Kutná Hora, Кутна-Гора, Округ Кутна Хора, کوتنا ہورا ضلع, კუტნა-ჰორაშ რაიონი

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