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    • Day 18

      Ziel in Dänemark erreicht

      June 1, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Gestern Abend beschloss ich, dass ich heute bis nach Kopenhagen fahre und habe mir ein Zimmer für 2 Nächte gesucht. Über Airbnb bin ich dann bei Christian gelandet. Ein sehr netter und zuvorkommender Gastgeber.

      Morgens ging es dann relativ früh los durch Koge, am Schloss "Vallo Slot" , der Küstenfestung "Mosede" und am "Oscar unter der Brücke" vorbei.

      Angekommen in Kopenhagen war ich sofort begeistert von den schönen Wohngegenden und Gebäuden. Außerdem ist es ein Traum dort Fahrrad zu fahren, mit den breiten Fahrradstraßen und Fahrradampeln. Kein Vergleich zu Berlin.

      Am Abend ging es dann nochmal raus mit dem Fahrrad zum essen, auf ein Bier - auch wenn es erst Mal nicht danach aussieht - und kleiner Sightseeing Runde.

      Morgen bleibt dann das Fahrrad stehen und ich schaue mir die Stadt in Ruhe zu Fuß und mit den Öffentlichen an.

      Zudem war ich das erste Mal über 100 Kilometer unterwegs. (17 Kilometer davon ohne Gepäck - kann Fahrrad fahren einfach sein 😄)

      +108 km (1.363 km)
      +444 Hm (9.241 Hm)
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    • Day 19


      June 2, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Gut ausgeschlafen ging es heute zum zweiten Teil der Stadtbesichtigung, nachdem ich gestern noch beim Streetfood Markt "Reffen" , der kleinen Meerjungfrau - dem Wahrzeichen Kopenhagens- und "Nyhavn" war.

      Ich schlenderte gemütlich von der zentral gelegenen Wohnung nach "Christania" - eine alternative autonome Wohnsiedlung, in der man keine Fotos machen darf -, machte eine entspannte Hafenrundfahrt, besuchte den Vergnügungspark "Tivoli" und besichtigte zwischendrin die ein oder andere Sehenswürdigkeit.

      Zum Essen gab es "Smørrebrød", ein typisch dänisches Gericht. Im Grunde eine belegte Scheibe Brot.

      Kopenhagen ist wirklich eine wunderschöne Stadt und einen Besuch Wert. Ich bin froh hier einen Stop eingelegt zu haben.

      +0 km/Hm
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    • Day 84


      June 26, 2017 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Had a wonderful sleep in until 12.
      We both showered then Will tried to have a bowl of cereal but the milk was chunky.
      Dad made a comment last time we spoke saying this journal is like a food blog - that's only because we have so many damn adventures regarding food!! We just can't get it right. Lol

      We left the house around 12:45 and walked to our meeting spot which was a random dragon fountain outside the town hall.
      We got some KFC for lunch.
      What we are finding with the whole of Europe is that they don't do "food to go" they only do sit down proper restaurants which we don't have the money for or your usual fast food chains.
      There are no like boost, top juice, cafe/sandwich bars, 711's where you can grab a small meal and keep walking. It's causing us a lot of issues.
      Australia is so much better set up I reckon regarding access to food too. Here, they don't spread out their food. Here, they have 'resturant streets' - we have them too but we also have random food shops on every block.
      It annoying. Especially when you don't know where the "resturant street" is. 😤
      ALSO, WILLS ZINGER BOX WAS $20 😩😩😩😩😩
      Its bullshit.

      We waited for our tour...
      Our tour group was so big, I don't know why they didn't split it. There was another 2 guides who turned up but then left?
      We had over 35 people.
      Our guide had the weirdest accent! I think he was originally from the Faroe Islands. If not, he is from some Island between Iceland and Ireland that is independent from Denmark but is also Denmark..
      that was a weird way of saying they are self governed lol.
      His accent was almost Asian? His tongue placement was wrong. It was like some letters had a block.
      I adapted quickly enough but was worried at first because of our group size.

      We started at the town hall. He pointed out the polar bears on the top.
      Town hall is right next to the Tivoli theme park which is the 3rd biggest in Europe and 2nd oldest in the world. The oldest is also in Denmark.
      We walked a bit to a Viking statue where he then said the longest longboat ever recorded had the king on it and sunk on its first voyage killing everyone on board.
      I think he said it was a Norwegian boat.. I would have dropped a Danish fact instead but o well lol.

      We walked on to the old residence of the founder of Carlsberg brewery.

      We then entered a street where we learnt about the medieval witches and stories about that and how Denmark dealt with it.
      I love hearing about these stories. I'm having a brain fart and can't remember the specifics. I'm sure it's all quite similar where ever you go.
      All ridiculous superstition. The poor women.
      All I remember is one lady who had been accused and was awaiting her death interested a nobleman. At first it was the poor being accused but this woman accused the rich. The rich had a better defense and took it to the courts. Eventually you could only condemn someone to death for witchcraft through the high courts and they didn't accept "she didn't sink" in water as sufficiently evidence and so the burning stopped. Obviously sometimes people took things into there own hands but for the most part, problem solved.
      We walked near the national Museum I would like to visit. Their most priced possession is actually just a replica cause some douche stole the 2 gold horns and melted them down into jewelry hahahaha the jewelry pieces are also on display next to the replica.

      What I'm learning about the world is that every damn county has had their own "great fire".
      Copenhagen has had 2.
      Literally every building we past "this burnt down in the 1st great fire"
      "This burnt down in the 2nd"
      He showed us a beautiful church that escaped both great fires until it burnt down because some idiot set off some fireworks..... lol

      We looked at another church that - you guess it - burnt down and was rebuilt. It's really tall and was then used as a fire lookout hahaha
      It's now a resturant.
      We walked past the attic Hans Christian Andersen liven in and the Danish national theatre.
      We walked past the most expensive hotel in Denmark. It honestly wasn't that flash but the cars our the front were.

      Oooo also earlier we went past the court house. We were given a 10 minute history lesson. Pretty interesting actually! I liked learning about Denmark's rise and fall.
      The fires obviously didn't help things for the city but after the plague as well they actually stopped executing people because their numbers were so low 😂 #lowpoint
      At one point Norway and Sweden came under the Danish King. #highpoint
      It was interesting history because it's completely different from the Ottoman Empire history lessons we have previously received on our travels.
      My version might be in the completely wrong order and has missed huge important chunks but I couldn't retain it all! Lol.

      We then had a 20 minute break. Will bought a $10 iced chocolate. 😓 Scandinavia is going to kill us lol.
      Our group got going again and we went to Nyhavn.
      Its a stunning stretch next to a canal with beautiful colourful houses and lots of restaurants. The art collage is opposite and always has displays on. At the moment it has thousands of refugee life jackets hanging out of the windows. It's changed monthly.
      The boats in the canal have been in there for over 50 years because they build a bridge so they can't at out.. lol
      The area was so pretty. I would love to see it without any people; just the buildings 😍

      We then walked through to Amalienborg which is the Royal palaces.
      It was a completely different set up to normal.
      There are 4 practically identical buildings with a big statue of a man (presumably an old king) riding a horse.
      the buildings aren't anything special.
      What I found cool was was the lack of security. There were a few guards here and there in black fluffy hats - some where practicing stuff but you could tell they weren't counted as 'on duty'
      But overall hardly anyone.
      If I had tried I could probably go touch the buildings or get very close.
      One building is for Queen Margaret, one is for Prince Fredrick and Princess Mary and the other 2 I didn't hear who they were for lol.
      Apparently the house are connected by underground tunnels which the most badass aspect I liked about it all.
      They weren't home unfortunately.
      Probably why there was no security. Still..
      there was a beautiful church nearby which is apparently very popular for weddings and in summer doesn't stop ringing. Bet the queen loves it lol.
      Our tour ended in the square. We gave a 60krone tip which is about $12 it was awkward to give because it was all coins. The lowest note we have seen is 100 and that's $20 which we didn't want to give lol.
      I did actually really like our tour.
      Through the square you can also see the Opera house. Ours is better.
      The tour ended with him explaining why he thinks Denmark is rated as one of the happiest countries in the world. It's called a something.... 🙄🙄🙄
      It doesn't have an English translation. But it's like a state of mind that has 10 steps you have to follow to achieve it. But you do it with people you love, preferably in a warm cabin when it's snowing.
      I'll try remember to ask the Danish girls tomorrow for the word.

      I'm suddenly in the mood to watch the Mary/Fredrick wedding. Our guide told the love story on our tour.
      I was 20 years too late being born lol.
      I've have told Will prince Frederick has set the standard and he better look like that when I walk down the isle.

      We walked on to the little mermaid statue but first I got a photo with a beautiful fountain and FINALLY got Will to take some nice selfies with me.
      We saw the little mermaid - yay! That's my novelty thing for the day done :D
      We sat down in the pretty park near by for a while..
      I watched a mummy bird vomit food for its baby bird :)
      It was quite funny to see so many people near the mermaid statue and all the others being neglected.
      I got really close to a pair of swans on our walk back :)
      I like the harbor and so far like Copenhagen.
      Will sampled a beer at one of the restaurants at Nyhavn. It was too cold to eat there so we went to a burger joint.
      Omg it's so expensive wahhhhhhhhhh
      1 glass of Coke was $10 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

      My burger was delicious though - about time!
      We walked home the way we came.
      Will nearly shat himself in the street though. I was so very stressed because I couldnt help.
      A few times I didn't think we were going to make it and i was coming up with stories to tell the police when he pooed on the street.
      I was nearly in tears over the stress.
      WE MADE IT.

      I ran ahead to open the doors for him.
      He goes "my bowel movements are really annoying me this trip" YOU'RE TELLING ME?!?! It's ridiculous!!
      In other news who the hell calls it a bowel movement?? I didn't realize I was dating a doctor.

      Before the emergency situation kicked in, I did get a photo with the Hans Christian Andersen statue though :)

      Today was so very windy but less cold. Still nippy though!
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