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    • Day 137

      Copenhague 💥

      July 29, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Bienvenue dans la capitale du Danemark ; Copenhague ! 🇩🇰

      Plusieurs faits notables la caractérisant :

      1. elle est la ville où le niveau de vie est l'un des plus élevé du monde,

      2. la municipalité a pour objectif la neutralité carbone d'ici 2025,

      3. au cœur de la ville, se trouve une communauté autogérée, une ville dans la ville, le quartier de Christiania,

      4. les vélos sont partout, tout est aménagé autour de ce mode de déplacement doux. 🚲

      Nous avons entamé cette visite par un haut lieu de la culture danoise : les halles de Copenhague 😋. Endroit rassembleur, cœur battant de la ville, nos sens étaient en éveil face au nombre incalculable de propositions culinaires ! L'occasion de prendre un café en terrasse et de profiter du spectacle des habitant•e•s se retrouvant, faisant leur marché, flânant en ce samedi...

      Nous avons craqué pour le fameux pain de seigle (bien complet !) danois et un fromage au lait de vache très populaire ici que nous sommes allé•e•s déguster dans notre prochaine étape : le jardin botanique 🌱.

      Déambuler dans les rues de Copenhague est un réel plaisir tant les voitures sont rares ! 😳

      La ville regorge de grands parcs et de châteaux appartenant ou ayant appartenus à la famille royale. 👑 Des gardes à l'accoutrement similaire à ceux de Buckingham palace y sont posté•e•s 💂‍♂️.

      Avant d'atteindre le front de mer, nous dénichons par hasard un quartier aux étonnantes bâtisses identiques peintes d'une couleur orangée. 👀 La géométrie parfaite et la couleur de cet endroit sont plus que photogéniques ! Il s'agit du quartier qui avait été spécialement construit pour les membres de la royal navy et leurs familles.

      Autre curiosité que nous retrouvons ici, mais que nous avions déjà remarqué dans d'autres villes du pays, de petits portants à vêtements posés en bas des résidences...

      Si l'on s'approche, on peut y trouver pulls, pantalons ou encore t-shirts... Un écriteau indique un numéro de téléphone avec l'inscription "mobile pay". Nul besoin d'utiliser l'application Vinted au Danemark, il suffit d'installer sa propre friperie en bas de chez soi, en totale confiance, les voisin•e•s ou passant•e•s se servent et effectuent le virement du prix indiqué via leur smartphone ! 🤷‍♀️❤

      Nous nous lançons ensuite à la recherche de l'iconique statue de La petite sirène d'Andersen 🧜‍♀️. Toute petite et entourée d'une horde de photographes, elle se révèle un peu décevante. Nous avons rapidement passé notre chemin en direction du fameux Nyhavn ! ⛵

      Les cartes postales ne mentaient pas, les maisons aux façades de toutes les couleurs, le canal les séparant aux multiples bateaux et les guirlandes de drapeaux danois nous immergent instantanément ; le folklore fonctionne à merveille !

      Cap maintenant vers le fameux quartier de Christiania surnommé "la ville libre". Intriguant et unique en son genre, il s'agit d'un endroit autogéré affranchit de gouvernement. Iels possèdent leur propre drapeau, monnaie, règles, etc. Il n'est pas permis de prendre de photos à l'intérieur du quartier... Une arche prévient qu'à partir d'ici : nous ne sommes plus dans l'UE !

      Nous avons été globalement déçu•e•s de ce que nous avons découvert. On est loin de l'héritage hippie auquel on s'attendait 😏...

      Le capitalisme est tout de même venu se glisser ici avec une boutique souvenir vendant sweats et casquettes floqués. Nous empruntons la fameuse pusher street et sommes tout à coup assailli•e•s de crieurs, chacun installé derrière leur stand arborant haschich, weed, et autres dérivés culinaires à base de cannabis : cookies, sucettes, etc. !

      Dans les environs, les ruelles sont plutôt sales et une personne sur deux croisée se trouve dans un état de défonce assez avancé ! En arpentant les pourtours du quartier, on découvre aussi des habitats familiaux ingénieux, beaucoup de systèmes D, de beaux potagers, une école pour les enfants...

      Journée terminée en beauté avec une soirée dans un lieu alternatif de la ville
      : Reffen, le temple de la street food de Copenhague 🔥🔥. 6000 m2 de stands, dans un espace ouvert vers la mer avec une terrasse XXL pour siroter une bière, allongé•e•s dans un transat accompagné•e•s d'un petit dj set et du soleil couchant ❤.

      Ce ne serait pas le Danemark, sans les pluies par intermittence ! On finit donc la soirée par une pluie diluvienne qui s'abat sur nous avant de reprendre le bus 😅.

      La bise ✌.
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    • Day 52

      Exploring Copenhagen

      October 20, 2019 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today is Sunday. Much quieter than Saturday, though when we went out for coffee this morning there was quite a lot of evidence of post Saturday night debris. This was in contrast to Norway (but we didn’t inspect on Sunday morning is Oslo) but there was litter, broken glass and vomit...not the perfect behaviour of such people so conscious of planet, sustainability and happiness!!

      We have had a good day, and quite busy. First we walked along the water to the Opera House. A huge and very fine building right on the water. Quite a long walk, obviously you can drive there as there was parking, and I think you can get a ferry. Then Amr navigated us to the Danish Design Museum which was a highlight for him. It was fun, and we saw many chairs by famous designers - Hans Wegner and Arne Jacobsen to name 2 I remember and liked. Besides chairs there was a lot of Bauhaus stuff (which we had seen a lot of in Germany). Anyway, we enjoyed that and then we went to see some nearby churches - a Russian orthodox with very Russian domes (and where I had to put my scarf over my head), and the Marble Church, very important looking and rather beautiful which we found is Church of Denmark - the national religion, evangelical Lutheran.

      Stopped for a shared sandwich and coffee then walked to the little mermaid just because it is a thing to see here. Many people taking photos etc, and busloads of Asians, but it was a very nice walk through parks. We have sorted out the royal residence situation! Found another Slot - the Amelienborg (I think that’s right) which is an octagonal ring of palaces where all the royals live in various buildings. We even happened to be there when they were changing the guard, all marching round in busbies (?sp) like at Buckingham Palace. The one yesterday - Christiansborg -I think is used as the parliament (that’s what the informative man at the Amelienborg said) and there is yet another castle - the Rosenborg which has Crown Jewels, thrones etc) and we going to look at those 2 tomorrow. We found this on our way to have a walk in the botanical gardens which was beautiful with autumn colours.

      On our way back, we stopped for a drink outside by a heater, watching the passing parade, then Amr dragged me into another department store but this one was really fun. It was purely a Danish design store - and we had such fun in the 2 floors of furniture- these beautiful chairs that we had seen in the museum we could now sit on and try - they were so comfortable and attractive (mostly) and it was actually more fun than the museum. They shut at 6 so we went back to the hotel (which has these style of chairs in the foyer) before setting out again for dinner. Found a perfect place where I had soup and mussels, and Amr had salad and herring. All happy.
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    • Day 53

      Last day in Copenhagen, and in Europe

      October 21, 2019 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Today was good, but not quite as we had planned. First we went for breakfast at a Hartley recommended place - called Sonny, like our Sonny! - and it was very good. Excellent coffee, fresh seedy bread, tasty cheese, soft boiled egg! And a great juice - green colour with apple, ginger, tumeric and something whose name I didn’t know ...anyway, it was tangy and delicious. So that was a good start, and then we set off to go to the National Museum with the Viking exhibition. We had seen it was open every day, but hadn’t read the next line which said from October to May open Tuesday to again we missed the Vikings!! But we had heard quite a lot in Norway, so we cut our losses and headed for the royal palaces.

      First to the Rosenborg palace, which houses the thrones, crown jewels, and exhibits the rooms of the palace as lived in by Christian IV (I think, there are many Christians and Frederiks)...and that was excellent. Spent quite a while there, and then moved on to the Marienborg which is where the residence of the current royals is, but there are several palaces round in an octagon, and one is on show. Also excellent, furniture as lived in by Christian IX who was the “father-in-law of Europe” as most of his children married royalty - one being Alexandra who married Edward VII of Great Britain.

      So that took us through to about 3 o’clock when we had a coffee break, and I have a slight complaint. We cannot find what we call Danish pastries. It is like looking for what we call Sicilian olives in Sicily. They don’t exist. I just love the pastries with vanilla cream inside, with fruit, almond croissants, pain au raisins etc, and thought this would be the home of them, and the very best. We find them in France, Italy, Spain, Sydney...but here every bakery just has croissants, and nice bread, and cake things rather like muffins, and cinnamon rolls. Anyway, our hunt was fruitless. We did finally see some more like what we were looking for when later we came to the markets where there was a French chain - Brioche d’Orée - but in France we would never go there as there are so many better ones.

      As usual we took umbrellas as it threatened to rain, but never actually did! It does rain at night, as it was wet each morning. Anyway again lucky as it is miserable to walk squelching along and getting dripping, and we did a fair bit of walking. These palaces, and the museum are quite a ways apart.

      We had planned to go to a restaurant for dinner that we had seen. Amr had spied the bouillabaisse and it looked good...but when wandering later, after drifting into yet more furniture stores and sitting on their chairs and sofas, we found the market. Lovely market, you can buy things to take home and cook, and you can eat and drink at some stalls, and we found a tapas bar which just beckoned us. So we ate there instead. It had all our favourite food, and it all felt right, and it was so good just to order what you wanted as you ate it...I think we have had so many meals that it makes you lose your appetite. Anyway, this was just lovely, and we got back quite early and have packed up as much as possible and will set off tomorrow morning. First the flight to London, then connecting to the air New Zealand flight to Los Angeles. This is the thing - will we and the bags make the connection successfully as they are non related tickets! Hopefully all will work out. We stay and draw breath at LAX hotel for 2 nights before taking the flight to Sydney.
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    • Day 13

      Letzte Tage in Kopenhagen 🥰

      January 7, 2024 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ -4 °C

      Auf der Heimreise legten wir noch einen letzten (mal abgesehen von einem sehr unspektakulären Spaziergang durch das mit Baustellen vollgepflasterte Göteborg) Zwischenhalt ein - nach unserem wunderbaren ersten Morgen hier wollten wir die entspannte Stimmung hier in Kopenhagen nochmals geniessen.
      Nach ein paar letzten Strapazen der Schwedischen Bahn kamen wir doch noch in der dänischen Hauptstadt an und bezogen unser Hotelzimmer. Es folgten zahlreiche Stunden zu Fuss durch die Stadt - mal schlendernd und shoppend in der beeindruckenden Altstadt, mal schwitzend im Gewächshaus des botanischen Gartens, mal staunend beim Sightseeing am Schloss Rosenborg, mal zitternd im eisig kalten Wind auf dem Heimweg vom feinen Nachtessen und, und, und...
      Wir genossen die Zeit hier und liessen unsere Ferien nochmals Revue passieren. Auch wenn nicht alles so geklappt hatte wie geplant sind wir doch dankbar für die tolle Reise und die wunderbaren Erlebnisse, Abenteuer und Eindrücke hier im hohen Norden!🥰
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    • Day 7

      Sightseeing in Copenhagen

      November 15, 2024 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Today was our last day in Denmark, so we made the most of it! Our final 24 hours in Copenhagen were filled with visits to some of the city’s landmarks that I was excited to see. We paid a visit (literally) to the famous Rosenborg Castle, we rode Lime bikes on the busy Friday afternoon roads to the University of Copenhagen (for “the best views of the city”), and finally, we wandered through the enchanting Christmas markets at Tivoli Gardens. Denmark! What an unforgettable experience you have been. Your extraordinary architecture, rich history, and vibrant culture have left a lasting impression on me. But! The adventures don’t end here - tomorrow, the journey continues in Finland!Read more

    • Day 21

      Wir können Schweden sehen

      August 4, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      … vom Rundetårn aus!
      Da wo Franzis Finger hin zeigt, sieht man, wenn man ranzoomt, die Öresundbrücke nach Schweden. Am Horizont auf der anderen Seite des Meeres sieht man die Häuser Malmös. Am Sonntag geht es für uns weiter da rüber!

      Außerdem im Turm zu sehen: Wie tief es in der hohlen Mitte runter geht, spiralförmige Rampen um früher mit Pferdekutschen rauf zu fahren, historische Instrumente und eine Kimono-Ausstellung.
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    • Day 8

      Last Day in Copenhagen

      May 12, 2024 in Denmark ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      After a late night of Eurovision we had a very late start today. We had a lovely lunch at FarsDreng and walked around Norreport. We were running short on time so we saw the Rundetarn, but didn’t climb it. Our flight is delayed by an hour so it will be another late night, but we will wake up in Paris tomorrow!Read more

    • Day 7

      Bike First

      December 26, 2024 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Ob Kopenhagen oder Malmö es ist einfach so angenehm, da das wirklich bike-first Städte sind, auch ist gefühlt der Anteil Elektroautos ne Ecke höher. Und aus Touristensicht geht das alles ganz unaufgeregt, es ist einfach so. Keiner verdammt irgendeine Partei dafür dass Leute aktiver sind, weniger Auspuffgase rumgeblasen werden und die Stadt sich einfach viel lebendiger anfühlt. Autos sind nicht verdammt oder verbannt, aber die Breite der Radwege und deren konsequente Umsetzung an jeder Straße ist schon beeindruckend.
      Vielleicht schauen wir Deutschen uns einfach mal was ab, und versuchen mal in Ruhe aufzuholen :)
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    • Day 51

      Last day in Copenhagen

      May 6, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Copenhagen 6/5
      Two weeks with the Polish family has gone past all too quickly and we’re packing up now, setting off for Italy first thing Sunday morning.

      This morning we headed for Tivoli Gardens in sporadic sunshine and the same bitter wind – we spent a fair amount of time waiting for the kids to have their rides but never mind, they had a pretty good time especially on the last one which was a 360 degree roller coaster. Both admitted to being a bit scared, and the photos taken bear that out, but they said it was a lot of fun.

      We had pizza for lunch, nice Italian restaurant, and that was my birthday treat (one day early). Unlike Legoland the adults didn’t go on any rides but we did a fair bit of people-watching. Tivoli was fairly busy but the entertainment stages were packed with young people singing, playing instruments etc so I think a lot of the people in the park were family supporters. There was one large group playing recorders………..I think many of us would think back to our own kids’ efforts when they were six or seven and smile/grimace?

      The gardens themselves are lovely, lots of tulips and daffodils out at the moment, hyacinths and there was a line of about ten small fig trees about five feet tall, all had quite a bit of fruit on which surprised me. Some of the rides were closed and there’s not a lot of them, it’s only about a quarter the size of Legoland I think, and there were two or three sideshow alleys where you tried to hit a target etc, so in that respect it was more commercial.

      It filled in a solid 4 ½ hours anyway, and we had a good walk there and back. A nice way to finish the holiday.

      A few more things I’ve noticed or that we’ve done:
      • We’ve had lovely fresh croissants every morning thanks to a great bakery around the corner and two men happy to take an early walk to get provisions, delicious.
      • The days are quite long here, it’s light around 5am and still fairly light to almost 9.30 – wish we had the temperatures to match, it’s been 10 or below with a bitter wind for a few days. Never mind, looking forward to 20+ in Italy.
      • I like knowing how old buildings are, and with New Zealand being so ‘young’ it’s quite exciting to see a building with a date on it from 16- or 17-something. And you see beautiful statues and wonder who they are or what they did. I’ve put a few random photos in this post.
      • In the shops I’ve seen a Nutella equivalent called ‘Crunchie Spread’ – chocolate with hokey pokey in it apparently, I love Crunchies but this doesn’t do it for me.
      • In Denmark cat treat Temptations are called ‘Catisfactions’ – same picture on the packet.
      • I love Werther’s Originals toffees – and found a packet of Werther’s caramel popcorn, it’s delicious.

      And that’s it from Denmark.
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    • Day 57

      Hallo kleine Meerjungfrau

      June 10, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Wir sind zurück von unserer eintägigen Blogauszeit und bald auch zurück in Deutschland! Unser letzter Stopp vor der Heimat ist Kopenhagen. Gestern haben wir uns in Schweden an unterschiedlichen Orten um unsere zukünftigen Studiwohnungen gekümmert und sind heute dann gemeinsam von Göteborg (Uppsala) aus in die dänische Hauptstadt gefahren. Nach der Überquerung der Öresundbrücke waren wir am frühen Nachmittag dann da. Und an diesem schönen Junisamstag auch längst nicht die einzigen in Kopenhagen. Es war mega viel los und wir sind geradezu von einem Jungesell(innen) Abschied zum nächsten gekommen. Rund um den bekannten und hübsch bunten Nyhavn waren natürlich die meisten Leute unterwegs. Ein wenig später wollten wir uns eigentlich in der Pizzeria Leo eine Pizza holen, aber weil das zu lange gedauert hätte, haben wir uns stattdessen für ein leckeres Gemüse Panini entschieden und das im Rosenborg Schlosspark gegessen. Zum Abschluss des Tages sind wir noch am Wasser entlang zur kleinen Meerjungfrau spaziert, die eigentlich recht unscheinbar im Wasser hockt, aber trotzdem noch viele Leute anlockt. Da es relativ windig wurde, haben wir uns auf den Weg zurück zum Hostel gemacht während die Abendsonne die Stadt in tolles Licht taucht. Nun steht noch ein Tag in Kopenhagen an, bevor es zurück nach Deutschland geht (und wir endlich wieder an richtiges Brot, Brezeln, Räuchertofu und Katjes kommen)... :)Read more

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