Dominican Republic
Arroyo Las Terrenas

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    • Day 8

      Typical day

      June 2, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      In the morning we did a dive to see some under water caves. Unfortunately the evening before I went to bed only at 2am after dancing throughout the whole night so I was definitely not in my best shape. The boat ride to the diving spot was already quite a challenge, let‘s not talk about the diving itself. In addition to that, René had accidentally taken my mask with him the day before so I had to borrow one from the diving which was wayyyyy to big, so water kept constantly coming in, which was not improving my situation. Afterwards we did a dive to the coral nursery where I was im charge to draw a map of the nursery. In the afternoon I finally felt better and we went to Playa Cosón with the 3 german boys. It was an awesome afternoon, exactly like a beachday should be: We had fresh pineapple, coconut, a volleyball and a lot of fun:) We joined the guys im their hostel for dinner, where Manty, the hostmom cooked a very delicious local dinner. There were veggies we‘ve never heard of before and a very juicy chicken. Apparently Robin had seen 2 chicken in the morning, tied with ropes, looking at him with their big cute eyes, but Manty insisted that these were not the ones we had eaten for dinner a couple of minutes ago. After dinner we went to Los 2 Gringos, a bar with good music and even though the dance floor was empty we all danced. The people in the bar were all cheering and clapping at our moves. We moved to amother bar which turned out to be am lgbtq 🏳️‍🌈 bar, but the dj was very good and we could bring up some song-wishes.
      After this nice evening we went home and slept like babies.
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    • Day 22

      Manty‘s Dominican Food

      June 16, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Since Nina, Mirjam and Felicie are leaving this weekend we decided to spend one last night all together and go wat dominican food. I knew a hostel where they cook delicious and typical dominican food, because we went there once and organised everything for the whole group. I called the hostelmom Manty 2 days earlier and asked her if she could cook dinner for 11 people and what the price was gonna be per person. She was really nice and told me that for 500 pesos per person, which is about 9 dollars she would prepare different dominican style veggies, fish, chicken, rice, fresh fruit and of course beverage. The day we planned to eat all together, suddenly Manty texted me and asked for a confirmation of the dinner, which I gave her right away. Then she admitted that she still had to go buy the food she wanted to cook but that she didnt have enough money, so she asked me to lend her some money to go to the supermarket. Of course I told her that I would help her out and we met on the street. She sent me a selfie of herself before, so I would know it was her for sure and she even told me what she was wearing. I gave her 2000 pesos, which is only 35 USD… i was shocked and surprised and didnt know what to think of it. She was so thankful, hugged me and apologized a million times. When we went to the Hostel in the evening everything was perfect. No one was late, to start with and we arrived in time. Manty had prepared a huge buffet with everything one could dream of. We ate a LOT and enjoyed every bite of the delicious food. My favourite was the „pescado al coco“, I almost can‘t say it, but I refilled my plate 3 times.
      Afterwards Theresa and I were so full, we were carrying around food babies. But we managed to dance them away at Etno during the following night.
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    • Day 9


      January 11, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Die Sonne, den Strand und das Essen genießen, es fühlt sich immer noch an wie Urlaub 😍

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    Arroyo Las Terrenas

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