This spoke volumes...

Notice the AK47 the guard is holding, and this little one is heading home from school. We have had security guards every time we stepped foot outside our accommodations, but what about this littleRead more
Notice the AK47 the guard is holding, and this little one is heading home from school. We have had security guards every time we stepped foot outside our accommodations, but what about this littleRead more
Otok banan oziroma Banana Island je na malem otočku sredi Nila v samem Luksorju.
Pravzaprav je bil izlet bolj brez veze kot ne, nama je več pomenilo, da se s čolničkom prepeljeva čez Nil naRead more
Zum Abschluss fuhren wir mit der bunten und kitschig geschmückten "New Titanic" zu einer kleinen Plantage nahe der Banana Island.
Der Nil ist nicht nur für Ägypten die wichtigste Lebensader undRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Naj‘ ar Rizqah, Naj` ar Rizqah
Traveler That’s heavy
Traveler Yes, friend, it was..