Nalova Bay

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    • Day 238–241

      Oarsman‘s Bay - Private Island Time

      June 7 in Fiji ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      Back to Nacula Island. After a great few days at the Octopus Resort with some interesting company, I was heading back to Nacula Island - not to stay at the Blue Lagoon Resort as last time, but at Oarsman's Bay. It is located literally right next to the Blue Lagoon Resort and as soon as I had checked in to Oarsman's, I headed to Blue Lagoon to say hello to some of the staff I had met there during my stay a week prior.

      Last time I was on the island, the weather was mediocre, this time, however, I had sunny skies and I understood why it is called the blue lagoon. We could see that from the ferry already. The colour truly was insanely turquoise and I was ready to jump in pretty much immediately. So I checked in, drank a coconut, got the snorkel and went off to see some fish.

      The next day, all guests received a little surprise. As there was some construction going on at the resort, management offered to spend the day at their private island (Yaromo Island) instead. It is a mere 15 minute boat ride from the resort and if I ever say 'no' to a complimentary day on a private island, please shoot me.

      First up in the morning was a trip to a nearby interesting cave, though. After a windy and rocky 20 minute boat ride, my group climbed up a few steps and then jumped into the water within the cave. Sunlight was shining through its roof that gave it a somewhat mysterious atmosphere. What was more, the cave had another chamber. However, to get to the second chamber, we had to duck dive beneath a rock for a few seconds. In other words, you have to hold your breath and follow the light of the torch on the other side as the second chamber is pitch black. It was a bit scary, but definitely worth it. The echo in the other chamber was quite something. We didn't stay too long there, though, so we dived back, did a bit of rock climbing and jumping in the first chamber and then exited the cave. It was a nice experience and definitely something different to all the other water-based activities in the ocean.

      Following that little adventure, we were now heading to the private island. And given the blueness of the water and the sunny day, it was a perfect spot - apparently it is often used by guys in a relationship to propose to their significant other and the island has extra platforms and spots for such occasions. Quite romantic. It really was a beautiful spot and Julia (a girl from Germany I met in the dorm) and I decided to take the opportunity to snap some photos and otherwise just lounge around on the beach, go snorkeling again, eat lunch and just soak in the paradises atmosphere. It was such a great day in an otherwordly location.

      On my last full day on the island, I went snorkeling again (dah) and then did another super cool and very pacific-island-vibe activity - coconut bowling. It is what you think it is. Bowling with a full coconut. The aim is to hit a single big rock or bowl in a way so that your coconut is in a specific corridor that gets you the most points. It was quite fun and, taadaa, I won. Whoop! A simply amazing activity.

      Unfortunately, I could not really celebrate my glorious victory, as shortly after, for some reason I had mild food poisoning. This meant for the rest of the evening, I mostly stayed in bed. Luckily, it was all gone the next day and I was back on track.

      To review Oarsman's Bay: I liked the place. Together with the Blue Lagoon Resort, it has probably the best location in terms of colour of the water in front of its beach and a complimentary stay on its private island was definitely the cherry on the top. The cave was also a cool little adventure. That said, it was not the best resort (food was average, people were okayish, no diving options) and I preferred the nearby Blue Lagoon, but regardless, I had a good stay there and will look back at it with great memories - especially about the private island.
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    • Day 113–115

      Fiji - Yasawa Islands: Oarsmans Bay

      April 29 in Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Dritter und nördlichster Stop entlang der Inselgruppe. Ein gediegenes Resort, an der Blue Lagoon gelegen, weitläufig und ruhig. Das Tagesprogramm war top. Schwimmen in ner Höhle, Riffschnorcheln, Kokosnuss-Bowling, Strandfeuer und Krabbenrennen 😄. Das Essen, ein Träumchen. Zudem endlich mal wieder eine "Bergwanderung" gemacht.Read more

    • Day 103

      Making a beach basket

      February 17, 2020 in Fiji ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      The day started with our favorite breakfast - crepes with maple sirup. Yummy! After some digesting time it was time to try out our handcraft skills. We joined the free activity of basket weaving. We all got part of a coconut tree leaf, some very brief explanation - 'take every second one' - and there we went. We figured out the weaving part, but it was still a miracle on how to transform this flat part into a basket. Turns out it 'just' takes some braiding and a knife and there you go. Ready is your new beach basket. It wasn't all that simple though but with some help we got there. It was quite a lot of fun.

      With our new baskets we then made out way to two shaded sunbeds and went for some snorkeling again. We just don't get tired of it. This time we spotted some weird plants that looked like underwater versions of the land based meat eating plants. Sometimes it moved a bit as if it was breathing. We also spotted some interesting fish that looked like a mix of fish and jellyfish or so. We stayed in the water for quite long so when getting out we were really tired and ready for a nap. The night also gave us a great sunset sky.
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    • Day 101

      Blue Lagoon

      February 15, 2020 in Fiji ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

      After 3 nights we were going to leave the Barefoot Manta resort on Drawaqa Island. Despite the worsening weather we've grown to like it here, mainly because of the sincere kindness of the staff. We had a relaxed morning and one employee told us the story of Fiji, as a thank you for the beach cleaning the previous day. Then part of the staff performed a farewell song for us. They are really good here in putting lots of emotions in songs. We were taken to the Yasawa Flyer and then we went up north to Nacula Island.

      On arrival we were given a short briefing about the resort by the Australian owner and were taken to our dorm. No beach hut this time, but a simple airconditioned room. It was quite different here compared to the last resort. Airconditioning, a pool, proper huts with real walls, a beach bar with (loud) music etc. In a lot of way it's fancier here, including the food. But we grew to like the simplicity, quietness and especially the caring employees of the Barefoot Manta. To phrase it with the words of an Israeli we met: 'Here they told their employees to serve the guests. Back there they told them to host the guests.'

      After lunch we wanted to try snorkeling. Machiel realised at this point that his water shoes were still at Barefoot Manta. After a few visits to the reception, they managed to contact them and request them to be sent over with the next shipment of tourists the following day. The only thing we were missing was a confirmation that they were found, so we were far from sure this was going to work.

      Anyway, we borrowed an extra set of fins and went snorkeling. It was very much low tide which meant it was difficult to swim over the coral. Despite the limited options, we still saw quite some fishes. The coral however wasn't as nice as on the previous island. Less colorful and, if our limited knowledge is correct, also quite some dead or unhealthy coral. After a shower, we were tipped to walk up the hill behind the resort for sunset. We quickly put on our shoes and left, but unfortunately we were just a few minutes late. We enjoyed dinner talking to a US-Ukrainian couple, and further enjoyed the nice view.
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    • Day 19

      Nada, Niente

      March 17, 2020 in Fiji ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Das war heute unser bislang aktivitäts- und bewegungsärmster Urlaubstag. Es fing an mit fehlendem Wasser am Morgen, ergo ist das Duschen ausgefallen 😅 (zumindest kurzfristig). Auf unseren Hinweis hin, ist, um das Wasser wieder 'anzuknipsen', jemand auf den Hügel hinter uns gestiegen 😄.
      Starker Wind und Wellengang verhinderten Bade-, Schnorchel- und Tauchausflüge und die Katze blockierte unsere Strandhandtücher 🤣. Ergo liegen wir nur rum, trinken das eine oder andere Bier, essen und lesen. 🤔 Genauer betrachtet, eigentlich gar nicht so schlimm, sofern wir in den nächsten Tagen etwas von den angestauten Kalorien loswerden (Vielleicht brauchen wir die aber noch um zu Fuß nach Hause zu kommen - jetzt wo kaum noch was fliegt 🤣). Das Bild mit den Fässern zeigt übrigens die hiesige Dieselanlieferung 🤪.
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    • Day 17

      Caves, Kava & Honeymoon Island

      June 8 in Fiji ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      Es het de gester Aabe weder es Bonfire (wägem Wind) no es Crab Race gäh - schade! 😄

      Hüt Morge simer mitem Boot zu dä Sawa-I-Lau Caves gange. Ds si so Höhline wome drin cha schwümme und sie si mega idrücklech gsi. I die ersti Höhli hetme eifach chönne inespaziere, die zwöiti isch chli schwieriger gsi wöume dürnes dunkles Loch het müesse touche, ha mi auso scho chli müesse überwinde. Es isch aber mega cool gsi und wöumer fasch die erste si gsi hets fasch keni Lüt gha, womer si gange ischs nämlech chli überbevölkert gsi.

      Wöusi hüt im Resort ä riesigi Bousteu hei heisi üs abote uf ihri „Honeymoon Island“ z gah. Ds ische Privatinsle wo zum Resort ghört u normalerwiis chame dert häre privati Trips bueche und es isch dementsprächend beliebt für Hüratsaträg. Mir hei de dr Tag uf dere Insle chönne gniesse und es het no äs Picnic gäh zum Zmittag.

      Am Aabe isch när Fiji Night gsi und ig ha ah mim letste Aabe uf de Yasawa Insle ändlech nochli Kultur erläbt. Zersch hets ä Kava Zeremonie gäh, Kava isch es traditonells Getränk wo usemne Pulver vor Kava Pflanze und Wasser gmacht wird. Es gseht us wie Schlammwasser und es schmöckt oh chli so. Dr Spruch derzue geit wie folgt:

      „Drink Kava like a king, walk home like a crab, sleep like a baby, snoar like a boar, wake up at fiji time - no hurry no worry.“

      Es söu schiins beruhigend würke und d‘Lippe füehle sech chli toub ah wemes drinkt. Zur Zeremonie ghört dasme vorhär einisch chlatscht, Bula seit, trinkt und nomau 3x chlatscht.

      Üses Znacht isch im „Lovo“ zuebereitet worde, ds isch eigentlech ä Art Ärdofe, sprich sie mache äs grosses Loch i Sand, erhitze Steine mitemne Füür und choche när so z‘ässe. Derzue hets ou no ä Meke Show gäh, ds ische fijianische Tanz.

      Morn geits leider scho wieder zrüg uft Houptinsle…
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    • Day 16

      Oarsman‘s Bay Lodge - Nacula Island

      June 7 in Fiji ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      Hüt bini fasch chli wehmüetig gsi dasi witers ha müesse wöui im Mantaray Island Resort so cooli Lüt ha kenneglehrt, aber das ghört haut chli derzue. 😊

      Es het usserdäm MEGA gluftet und drum isch d‘Bootsfahrt so semi cool gsi, usserdäm hani mini Birkestöck verlore wöuise ha abzoge bevor mir si losgfahre und sie när grad si dervo gfloge. Iz verbringi haut die nächste 3 Täg barfuess wöu Sneakers ufere Insle weni nid grad irgendwo häre wandere wotti eigentlech vermiide und es het wit u breit ke Lade.

      Ize bini ir Oarsman‘s Bay Lodge uf Nacula Island ahcho und mega viu Lüt woni bishär ha troffe hei vo dere Insle gschwärmt wöu dr Strand so wiss und z Wasser so klar isch und es isch würklech mega schön. Dr Namitag hani hie am Strand verbracht und morn am Morge hani mis letste Usflügli in Fiji ufem Programm bevors am Suntig när leider scho wieder zrüg uft Houptinsle geit.

      Bi üsem Resort gits hüt Aabe no äs Bonfire und ig ha ghört dasme im Resort näbe dran es Crab Race cha ga luege.. 😂 Update folgt…
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    • Day 35


      February 17 in Fiji ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Nochmal die Maske übergestreift und vor dem Resort geschnorchelt und abwechselnd gelesen. Abends gab es Buffet und Tanz. Jeder bekam eine Blumenkette , natürlich echte Blüten und durfte dann am Tanz teilnehmen.Read more

    • Day 34


      February 16 in Fiji ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück einen bequemen und regengeschützten Platz zum lesen gesucht.
      Den ganzen Tag gab es Regenschauer und Sonne abwechselnd. Nachmittags gab es noch einen Kurs im Flechten mit Palmenblättern. Abends noch die Kreditkarten Abrechnung für die Firma gemachtRead more

    • Day 33

      Umzug nach Oarsmen

      February 15 in Fiji ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Morgens nochmal in den Pool gesprungen. Dann 50 Meter ins nächste Resort. Der
      Schlafsaal ist über dem Restaurant und hat 8 Einzelbetten die mit einer Wand getrennt sind. Dazu noch ein Nachttisch. Klimaanlage funktioniert auch und sogar Internetzugang im Zimmer. Nachmittags noch etwas gelesenRead more

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