Arrondissement d’Orléans

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    • Day 27

      What a Difference Sunshine Makes

      September 16, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      All those who took part in our 2015 ride from Orleans to Le Croisic will never forget the first day on the bikes as we rode out of Orleans. It has been indelibly etched on our memories as one of the coldest, wettest and darkest days we have ever spent on our bikes.

      On that occasion the rain fell continuously from the moment we left the Oceania Hotel in Orleans, the temperature never left single digits and the punctures came in regular bursts (pardon the pun). It was a indeed a bleak day.

      Forur years later to the day, the conditions could not have been more different. The sunshine was unbroken for the entire day (actually it has been unbroken for the entire time we have been in France). The temperature hovered in the mid twenties and as for punctures ? We don't know what punctures are any more - these bikes are unbreakable. All of these factors made for a very enjoyable (and relatively short) ride.

      Our first challenge was to get out of Orleans. I had made the foolish decision to allow the women some shopping time before we got on the bikes. Since most of the shops had been shut yesterday, they were showing definite signs of shopping deprivation. I gave them definite instructions that they would need to be back to start the ride by 10 am. That must have gone straight over their heads as they started to slowly (but happily) drift (or is it doidle ?) back with their bulging bags of treasures.

      As least the women were happy, but their husbands almost certainly won't be when they get the credit card statements. Sometime around 10.30 we were finally ready to leave the city. Maggie had said that she knew a good way to reach the bike path, so I handed her control of the peloton. To my surprise, her route actually worked and we were soon all safely back on the Loire a Velo bike path.

      As we made our way along the bike path it felt good to be back on somewhat familiar territory. I had ridden this part twice before - in 2013 and 2015. It felt even better to be able to enjoy it in perfect conditions. The kilometres quickly slipped by. The riders happily chatted together as they rode along. After our rest day in Orleans it actually felt good to be back on the bikes and resuming our ride along the Loire.

      I guess the only somewhat sad note to the ride is the low level of the water in the river. It is painfully obvious that the lack of rain has severely reduced the flow of water and the usually majestic Loire River is only a much reduced version of its normal self.

      Since we had a short ride, our plan had been to stop in Meung Sur Loire for morning tea and then continue to Beaugency for a late lunch. The only problem was then we arrived in Meung, most of the shops were closed for Monday. (Yes Monday is a bit like a second Sunday here). We searched for coffee in vain. Just as we were about to give up, we were spied by an elderly lady who asked in very broken English what we were looking for. Apparently she had not spoken English since she had been in school, but she did reasonably well.

      When she realised that we were looking for coffee, she explained that she knew a place. We were instructed to follow her. So off we went.

      "It's about 100 metres", she explained. (That was a lie). We went up and down hills, through narrow alleyways, around roundabouts, etc, etc. We looked at each other, wondering just where she was taking us, I just hoped that she wasn't the famous poisoning Frenchwoman who was leading us all back to her house.

      "You will have to forgive me, I am very old" , she explained. I thought that she must be at least 90 or so to be making such slow progress, but she went on to add "Yes I am 71 years old ". Crikey at that rate she would have been one of the youngest in the Ghostriders. We shuffled on and on. I was just glad that Maggie and I had both updated our wills before this trip started.

      Just when we were all about to give up, she finally led us around a blind corner and VOILA, there was a cafe. Although we were told that they had no milk at first, all came good in the end and we were able to enjoy our cappucinos after all. Crisis averted and another wonderful insight into the French psyche. It will be recorded in our memories as one of the highlights of the ride.

      Our home for this evening is the L'Ecu de Bretagne" Hotel. It is the same place I had stayed in twice previously, although it was the first time I had the doubtful privelege of having a room on the top floor. With no lifts in the place, scoring a top floor room is like being allocated a poison chalice. After dragging our suitcases up the narrow winding staircase I felt like the mythical Sisyphus who was condemned to spend all eternity rolling a massive stone to the top of a huge hill, only to see it roll down to the bottom again every night.

      In the evening we all shared what will surely become the most memorable dinner of the trip. The restaurant had set up a huge outdoor table for us in the central part of the town. We watched the sky change colour from blue to pink to purple as we ate and chatted together. The food was amazing, buit it was the location that was pure magic.
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    • Day 3

      Quer durch Frankreich/Teil 2

      September 9, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Meung-sur-Loire hat uns diesmal nass begrüßt und nass verabschiedet. So haben wir keinen Radtour-Tag an der Loire eingeschoben, wie wir das sonst so gerne hier machen. Nach einer ruhigen Nacht und einem guten Frühstück brechen wir auf und starten unseren Seppl für die letzte wirklich lange Strecke, um an den Atlantik zu kommen. Dort wird dann mal einige Tage Pause gemacht, bevor wir den Atlantik entlang nach Galizien und Portugal zuckeln wollen.
      Ab in den Südwesten! 😎🌊😎
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    • Day 1

      Orléans - Sully-sur-Loire

      July 24, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Sehr unsicherer und hektischer Reisebeginn: Zugsausfall von Basel nach Strasbourg. Dort würde der TGV mit den reservierten Velo-und Sitzplätzen auf uns warten Es gab keine weiteren an diesem Tag für Velofahrer beim Buchen.... Das Undenkbare passiert: 4 Minuten Umsteigezeit in Strasbourg, kaputte Lifte, alles über die Treppe. Ich kann mit Billet vorweisen den Zug um paar Minuten aufhalten lassen, Stöphu kommt reicht! Jedoch nicht die Anzahl Veloplätze. So stelle ich meins in den Gang der ersten Klasse, schliesse gut ab mit Verkabelungen und verschwinde in die 2.
      Die Velofahrt durch Paris von der Gare de l'Est zur Gare d'Austerlitz ist weniger schlimm als gedacht.
      14.27 planmässige (uff) Ankunft in Orléans. Die Fahrt kann losgehen.

      Es ist wunderschön entlang der Loire! Die Blumen, die Stoppelfelder, die vielen Vogelarten auf den Loire-Inseln... Alles mit dramatischer Regenwolken-Sonne-Stimmung. Es könnte friedlicher nicht sein.
      Nach 54 km sind wir am heutigen Ziel: Sully-sur-Loire.
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    • Day 18

      Zum heiligen Gral und langsam heimwärts

      October 10, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Na ja die insgesamt 70 km hätten wir uns sparen können. Obwohl die Kirche ( 1942 renoviert) war sehr schön und das riesige Fensterbild zeigte tatsächlich den "Heiligen Gral". Der kleine Ort war als Touristenattraktion aufgemacht und es schien, dass vor allem über die Sommermonate hier viele Lancelotfans her pilgern.
      Wir gingen noch einen Rundweg zu einem kleinen See (Mirror aux Fee).
      Der angeblich mystische Wald war an vielen Stellen abgeholzt oder abgestorben. Ulli war etwas enttäuscht. Sie hatte sich von dem Besuch im Merlinwald mehr erhofft.
      Nun denn, wir gingen noch einmal französisch Einkaufen, füllten den Tank und brachen heimwärts auf.
      Am Abend machten wir für die Nacht einen Stop an der schönen Loire.
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    • Day 76


      July 24, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      So you can only add 10 photos now to find penguins unless u buy premium. So if anyone is dying for content (not that I’ve been posting very consistently sorry) then I will be accepting donations to fund this ! Kidding. (Unless,..) I will adapt to this and maybe just post more small posts. 😬🥹

      Here is the start of my month in Luz. I caught the overnight train from Paris which this time I actually had a bed ! I was in the middle of a 3 layer bunk bed and I taught 3 of the people how to play go fish so we had a game before bed.

      Then I took the bus from Lourdes to Luz (I actually went too far and had to get picked up so have actually been to Bagues now) and the bottom right guy caught the bus too so helped me get onto the right ones as he spoke French. He was about to go on a 10 day hike alone so quite the trip.

      I am staying with Sian, Laurent and one of their sons Jaques (the other Aiden lives on campus at Sydney uni right now), and I’m sleeping in Jaques bed - he is in the attic of the hotel for August😬 but apparently this happens every year for him when Sian’s friends daughters come to stay.

      On the first day I had lunch with them at Laurent’s uncle and aunts house (Tati and Tonton) and also his dad (Papau). They were very sweet.

      Luz is so beautiful and I went to the Château (castle) that is a 20 minute walk. It’s a very cute town.
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    • Day 11


      August 23, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Trotz aller Probleme war es ein weiterer sehr schöner Tag in Frankreich. Wir lassen den Abend und die Rallye gemütlich am Flussufer ausklingen. Kirschbier und Indian Pale Ale stehen auf dem Plan. Passt!Read more

    • Day 11

      Unterkunft erreicht

      August 23, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Wir haben Orleans per Autobahn ohne weitere Zwischenfälle erreicht.
      Heute haben wir eine etwas günstigere Unterkunft, die dafür mitten in der Altstadt liegt. Alles etwas abenteuerlustig hier aber wir werden uns nur kurz frisch machen und anschließend die Altstadt erkunden.Read more

    • Day 1


      August 25, 2019 in France ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Gestern machten wir uns bereit gegen Mittag auf den Weg Richtung Frankreich. Erster Zwischenstopp war Herrenberg. Dort übernachteten wir bei Sandra und Phillipp, um nicht den weiten Weg an einem Tag fahren zu müssen. Gegen 18 Uhr kamen wir an und nachdem wir Bennett etwas bespaßt hatten, gab es danach ein super leckeres 3-Gänge Menü mit Kürbissuppe, Lachs und Gemüse al forno und Himbeer-Cheesecake. 😍 Während des Essens hatten wir viel Spaß mit dem Google Translater und lernten viele wichtige Sätze auf französisch. Am nächsten morgen gab es ein fabelhaftes Frühstück. Danach ging es gegen halb 11 auf nach Frankreich. Es lagen 700km vor uns und da wir uns gegen die teuren Mautstraßen entschieden hatten, 8 Stunden Fahrt. Nach etwa 2 Stunden überquerten wir die deutsch-französische Grenze am Rhein. Mit dem Fahren wechselten wir uns ab, aber zum Ende hin wollten wir einfach nur noch ankommen. Gegen 19 Uhr waren wir endlich in Orléans und bezogen unsere kleine schnucklige Wohnung direkt in der Altstadt. Wir schlenderten noch an der Kathedrale vorbei und durch die kleinen Gässchen, gönnten uns ein Bier und einen Happen zu essen und fielen danach erschöpft ins Bett.Read more

    • Day 2


      August 26, 2019 in France ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Trotz 8 Stunden Schlaf kamen wir nur mühsam aus dem Bett und suchten uns zuerst einen Supermarkt, um etwas fürs Frühstück zu holen. Gut gesättigt ging es zuerst in die Cathedrale Sainte-Croix, dem Herzstück Orléans. Schon seit 330 n.Chr. steht dort eine Kirche, welche in den kommenden Jahrhunderten durch zahlreiche Anbauten und Einstürze, Plünderungen und Brände bis zur Kathedrale wuchs, um im 11. Jahrhundert als neuer Sitz vom Bistum ernannt zu werden. 1278 wurde der jetzige Bau im gotischen Stil neu begonnen, da viele Teile der alten Kirche eingestürzt waren. Der Bau zog sich bis ins 14. Jahrhundert und überlebte den Hundertjährigen Krieg sowie die Belagerung Orleans (1429) unbeschadet.
      Wobei wir direkt beim nächsten Thema sind: Jeanne d'Arc! Die Jungfrau von Orléans ist überall in der Stadt präsent. Eine große Reiterstatue bildet den zentralen Punkt des großen Place du Martroi, das Museum Maison de Jeanne d'Arc zieht die Blicke auf sich, zahlreiche Schulen und Straßen zieren ihren Namen. Während des Krieges verhalf sie den Truppen des französichen Thronerbens bei Orléans zum Sieg (sie war ungefähr 17 Jahre jung) und geleitete schließlich Karl VII. Von Frankreich zu seiner Krönung. Die Schlacht um Orléans wird als Wendepunkt des langen Krieges gesehen. Jeanne d'Arc wurde 1430 im Krieg gefangen genommen, an die Engländer ausgeliefert und am 30. Mai 1431 in Rouen auf dem Scheiterhaufen verbrannt.

      Zurück zu uns. Da uns die Hitze (34 Grad) und die von der Fahrt geräderten Körper zu schaffen machten, stoppten wir bei unserem Stadtspaziergang erst in einem Café und später mit Baguette an der Loire. Gegen 15 Uhr ging es zurück in die Unterkunft für ein verlängertes Päuschen. Da wir uns für ein kleines Picknick im Park entschieden hatten, ging es um 6 leicht verspätet zum Parc Pasteur mit Oliven und Cidre für eine kleine Stärkung. Anschließend deckten wir uns im Supermarkt für den Abend ein, kochten und schauten uns den Film Johanna von Orléans an, um den Tag und unseren Besuch hier abzurunden.
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    • Day 26

      Enjoying our Day of Rest in Orleans

      September 15, 2019 in France ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Even in a large cosmopolitan city like Orleans, Sundays are quite different from every other day of the week. We have become so accustomed to shops being open 7 days a week, that there is something refreshing about a country that still has enough self belief to put family life ahead of non stop commerce.

      Our rest day in Orleans happened to coincide with the traditional "day of rest" in France. As we walked the streets near our hotel, we found them almost deserted. Most of the shops were shut and shuttered. It even looked like the huge articulated trams that had been passing back and forth every few minutes on the previous day, had also stopped running. In fact we did not see a single tram all day.

      Fortunately the coin laundry was open and we made good use of its facilities to catch up on all our laundry backlog. This is always a very important survival skill when you are undertaking an extended bike ride. We returned to our hotel with our laundry bags full fo freshly laundered clothes and a feeling of relief that we would be able to cope for the next few days at least.

      We did not have any ambitious plans for the remainder of our time in this city. While some choose to frantically rush hither and fro, looking at every major historical site, we are not that type of tourist. I even avoid those well known "hop on, hop off" bus services, as I really hate being crammed together with a crowd of people, all wearing those dreadful headphones. I would much rather spend my time wandering the place to get my own feeling for the city.

      The most obvious thing we found was that the entire city was in the process of getting ready for a Festival of the Loire, due to start in three day's time. Along the river a long line of marquis were being erected. Banners were hung along all the main streets and the spectacular floral displays looked to be in full bloom. It was a bit of a shame that we would not be here for the festivities, but we have a schedule to keep downriver.

      Although I had been here twice previously, on those occasions we did not have any spare time at all. Today we were able to walk the central part of the town and make our own discoveries. Unfortunately the hot sun also meant that it soon became uncomfortably hot for exploring and so we returned to the relative comfort of our hotel room. It was there we discovered that somehow a mistake had been made in the room reservations. Although we all staying here for two nights, a change in the hotel management had somehow changed the booking to one night only. This could have been a disaster, but fortunately they had enough spare capacity to make sure that no one had to spend the second night in the bike garage.

      Tomorrow we resume our cycling along the Loire as we ride to the nearby city of Beaugency.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Arrondissement d’Orléans, Arrondissement d'Orleans

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