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    • Day 5

      Chartres and Bourges

      October 5, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌙 59 °F

      Elizabeth had a quiet morning at our quaint little apartment while I took off early to explore and wander the cobblestone streets in the old city one more time. I stopped off at the cathedral, wandered through the outside market, and stopped off at a patisserie/boulangerie for a delicious croissant breakfast.

      I wasn’t looking forward to the bus ride to Orleans to catch the train to Bourges, but I really enjoyed it. We drove through the countryside and passed through little villages. I’d travel this way again!

      We reached Bourges where Elizabeth stayed last year. She was so excited to show this charming town to me. Everywhere I go in France is my favorite place. Now, Bourges is my favorite! We took a short walk around the cathedral and stopped for a snack and some wine and cheese to have later.

      I understand why Elizabeth loves Bourges…a lovely town in the Loire Valley. It is built on a hill overlooking swampy plains. And, yes, it too has a spectacular cathedral and a timbered old town! Cathédrale St Étienne (12-13th century) has 2 towers. The North Tower (Butter Tower) was financed by taxing anyone eating butter during Lent! It must have been a popular idea because they did the same thing at the cathedral in Rouen. I know I would be paying a lot of taxes.

      Our accommodation dates back to 1567! I am so impressed, and I have a view of the cathedral from my window! I’ve had it with carrying luggage up 3 flights of winding narrow stairs. I asked a young couple walking by if they would do it! Yes, I rewarded them with some mad money!

      Elizabeth and I laugh about how we take care of each other. She goes to the wine store for a treat, and I go to the patisserie or chocolatier for a treat! And we are both very happy laughing all the way! I am sampling some the regional wines, though.

      Bourges is beautiful at night, too, and we walked down the narrow cobblestone streets all lit up. We ended up at an Italian restaurant which pleased me! The waiters were so personable, and we enjoyed conversation with them. Even the chef/owner came out to talk to us.

      I have all the beautiful shutter windows open, and I’m listening to the pleasant chatter of people at the little cafe restaurant outside our windows and to the bells of the cathedral ringing out right now. This is a magical place. Notice the night view of the cathedral from my window!
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    • Day 6


      October 6, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      We started the day like many of the French…stopping at the neighborhood boulangerie/patisserie for a quick breakfast which was a quiche Lorraine for me. We couldn’t resist buying a macaron for later. We’ll, we each bought 3 macarons that didn’t make it to lunch! Hands down the best I have ever had in France.

      We decided to take petit train tour here in Bourges which was a great way to get a look at the old town. We stopped at a crêperie restaurant for an authentic Brittany savory galette complèt which is a buckwheat crêpe with ham, cheese, and an egg on top. I had to finish it off with a sweet butter sugar crêpe! Ok, I’m not feeling too guilty because I’m walking over 5 miles a day!

      Of course, a trip to Bourges has to include a visit to thé Cathédrale St Étienne. The exterior of this Gothic cathedral is so majestic, and the interior with all the stained glass panels and rose windows is spectacular. Photos never truly capture the vibrant colors. We took a walk through the gardens next to the cathedral, too.

      We covered a lot of distance walking the old city, and we did some shopping by visiting a few brocantes which are like vintage shops. Elizabeth found a few souvenirs and discovered that the owner of the apartment that she rented last year owns the store. What a great reunion she had! I always look for a little art and especially love watercolors. But I found a beautiful original oil painting by Dupin Dominique that I loved. They had the perfect frame for it, too! It is being shipped home for me.

      A man looked at Elizabeth and she smiled. Well, that started a conversation between them. The problem is that he latched on and kept trying to walk and talk with us. We couldn’t lose him, so we went into the artist shop (where I bought my painting). He hung around outside and we thought he had gone. About 25 minutes later we were walking in the opposite direction to lose him, and he appeared out of nowhere…creepy to say the least. We were then quite adamant about him leaving us alone, and we walked away from him. We didn’t see him again.

      Elizabeth says that she’s saved my life many times. I am so bad about wandering in streets. The problem is that the cobblestone streets are narrow and at times there’s no defined sidewalk…or the sidewalks are so narrow one tends to walk in the street. Which is what I usually end up doing. I’m going to try to focus more, so she can relax and not freak out!

      So tired that we went across the street to a highly recommended restaurant Ça te dit which roughly means “Do you feel like it?” The only thing I understood on the chalk menu was the word poulet, which is chicken. It was Thai food with curry. If you know me, you know that’s a real adventure for me. Well, it wasn’t bad, and I did eat some of it.

      It’s our last night here, and it’s hard to leave. I loved the apartment, the neighborhood, the people…everything here in Bourges. Tomorrow it’s a train ride to La Charité for a 5 day cooking adventure which should be very interesting for me!
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    • Day 4–8

      Weltkulturerbe Bourges

      September 19, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nachdem das Pannenspray nicht komplett abgedichtet hat machten wir uns erst auf die Suche nach einem Radladen. Im 3.sind wir fündig geworden. Die breiten Schlappen unserer Räder sind wohl in Frankreich nicht so verbreitet.
      Danach ging es zu Fuß in die Stadt um Kathedrale und Fachwerk zu erkunden.
      Die Kathedrale ist sehr beeindruckend. Unzählige bunte Fenster die die Jahrhunderte überstanden haben. Nicht nur unten im Erdgeschoss, auch oben im 1. und 2.Stock (siehe Video) .Dort bricht sich das Licht in den intensiv-farbigen Fensterbildern, die eine Reihe biblischer Geschichten lebendig werden lassen und zu den schönsten Kirchenfenstern des 13. Jahrhunderts gehören. Die Fassade war leider teilweise verhüllt. Den Kronleuchter habe wir anschließend bei Amazon bestellt. Hoffentlich passt er in unser Wohnzimmer.
      Die bunten Flatterbänder zieren die Stadt. Wenn der Wind durchwehte hörte es sich nach einem starken Regenguß an. Zum Schluß noch die Allee des Radwegs entlang des Kanals.

      Alles in allem sehr sehens- und empfehlenswert.
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    • Day 3

      Von Saverne nach Bourges

      September 18, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Die Fahrt heute war definitiv zu lang. Als ob wir in 2 Wochen nach Portugal und zurück fahren müssten🙄 und nicht mindestens 6 Monate unterwegs sein wollten. Es ging über die Mosel, durch die Weinberge der Champagne, vorbei an den Chablisrebstöcken durch Auxerre über die Loire bis nach Bourges. Kurz bevor die Rezeption schloss um 19 Uhr waren wir am Campingplatz. Da ich telefonisch reserviert hatte bekamen wir den letzten Platz mit Stromversorgung.

      Einen Vorteil hat so ein Tag aber: Das Fläschchen Bier schmeckt auch wenn es Zimmertemperatur hat 🍻.
      Sonst gibt es nichts zu berichten. Gerade regnet es. Der Pizzawagen am Platz hat uns eine recht gute Pizza beschert und das Bier aus dem Auchan hat jetzt langsam Trinktemperatur.
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    • Day 2


      November 16, 2022 in France ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Heute Morgen sind wir nach dem Frühstück sofort los. Bei Regen hatten wir keine Lust in die Stadt zu gehen. Unterwegs hat es die meiste Zeit geregnet, also genau das Richtige Wetter zum fahren. Heute Nachmittag sind wir in Bourges gelandet. Da wir noch früh dran waren und es nicht regnete haben wir gleich die Fahrräder rausgenommen und sind in die Stadt gefahren. Direkt hinter dem Stellplatz kommen wir an der Le Moulin de la Chappe vorbei. Die mit einem Wasserrad angetriebene Getreidemühle ist noch in Betrieb. Durch die engen Gassen ging es weiter zur Kathedrale von Bourges. Die bedeutende gotische Kathedrale Saint-Étienne ist eine fünfschiffige Basilika ohne Querschiff mit doppeltem Chorumgang. Einzigartig sind die Glasmalereien aus dem 13. Jahrhundert. Morgen geht's weiter Richtung Spanien. Mal sehen wie weit wir kommen.Read more

    • Day 2

      Bourges Day 1

      April 15 in France ⋅ 🌬 61 °F

      Just arrived via train to Bourges. Pretty sleepy after being awake and /or traveling for 24+ hours. Had difficulties figuring out the bus system, which we might not have taken if it weren't so chilly. The temperature in the sun is okay, but when the wind blows, it's a bit much. Anyway, four separate bus stops on each corner of a roundabout wasn't helpful, especially when the route signs weren't posted outside. They required you going in each seating area. A very helpful woman pointed us in the right direction. Too tired to easily comprehend and speak French now, so we're being overly helpless touristy. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
      We didn't have good data signals, so Cindy didn't get the message that the keys for our Airbnb would be presented differently. We went to an American style diner and got milkshakes to enjoy and start to decompress. So, the keys actually were available, so we went just a couple blocks and got ourselves settled. Nice place, REALLY old, but modern on the inside. It's a little cool because some of the windows were open, and the heat isn't on.
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    • Day 12


      August 22 in France ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Partenza da Nantes di buona ora...oggi 530 km...5 ore di moto, temperatura bassina ma giornata limpida.
      Nella sosta du rifornimento conosciamo un simpatico francese proprietario di una bellica Benteley d'epoca innamorato della Sardegna.
      Sosta tecnica a Bourges...sgranchire le gambe e mettere qualcosa sotto i denti. Bellissima la cattedrale e piacevole la città...buon pranzo da Jacques
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    • Day 24

      Leaving Perpignan - new set of wheels!

      April 4 in France ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Mortens mother fell and was hopitalized last week. Things are complicated and need our attention so unfortunately we have had to stop bikepacking 😔, have rented a car and will deliver the bikes to a freight company in Paris today. On Sunday we fly back to Copenhagen.Read more

    • Day 6

      Bourges Day 5

      April 19 in France ⋅ ⛅ 55 °F

      Today we took the time to explore a little bit more of Bourges. We traveled to the more modern southern end of town. This is where the very prison-like city market is. There is a pretty, small river on this side. After a quick shopping look at E.LeClerc, we headed back to the room. We picked up lunch and a treat along the way at a cute patisserie. I the afternoon, we visited the Marais de Bourges, or the marshes. This is a a large area, not of swamps, but private gardens, much like British allotments or German kleinegärten, except some are quite large. They are bordered by two small rivers, with many canals in between. Most gardens are only accessible by boat. A light day, but the weather was perfect with plenty of sun and warmish temperatures.Read more

    • Day 8


      October 13, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Nachdem wir Nevers verliessen, gab es eine wahrlich turbulente Fahrt durch endlose Wälder mit extrem starke Windböen - so um BF 8* - erreichten wir den vorgesehen Stellplatz im Bereich des Fussballclubs "Justice Bourges" und einer 50m hohen Funk-/TV Antenne, dazu ein Kinderspielplatz und reichliche Entsorgungscontainer für allerlei Müll. Sauber geführter Parkplatz für höchstens 3 Camper da dieser Platz eigentlich für FC Mitglieder und Zuschauer reserviert ist.

      Die Nacht selbst war ruhig, gelegentlich regnete es. Am Samstagmorgen grau in grau mit spärlichen Aufhellungen bei max. 19'C.

      Die Kathedrale Saint-Etienne sahen wir teilweise, da die komplette Innenstadt eine einzige Grossbaustelle war. Bourges zählt zu den drei grössten Städten in diesem Département und ist sehr dicht besiedelt. Rund 65'000 Einwohner.

      *BF Beaufort, Masseinheit für Windstärke, Skala von 1-12
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