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    • Day 2–3

      19.05 Day 2 . . . Back In The UK

      May 19, 2024 in France ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      The alarm sounded at 6.00am at the Aire de Bosc-Mesnil on the A28 north east of Rouen.
      Up and out taking Loup for a leg stretch before we set off for the Chunnel. A couple of croissants and coffee’s grabbed we were on the road at 7am as planned.
      We arrived at the Euro Tunnel site and immediately went to the pet reporting area. Always a mad place with so many dogs, it is always a good spot for an accident - and so it proved.
      Loup out of his crate I decided to adjust his lead and bent down to do so, leaning forward. It was at this point Loup saw a dog exit the pet reporting office and set off at full speed to go say hello. Due to my stance it took no effort for him to have me full face plant in the car park, still hanging onto the lead at full arm stretch. Back on my feet we went into the office, only for round two to start - too many dogs in a confined space lead to much barking and frivolity and general mischief. It wasn’t long before I left Tre inside to do the paperwork while I took the mutt outside.
      All booked in we went to park and wait our crossing.
      At 1145am we were onboard and departing France.
      Arriving in the UK due to the time difference at 1130am we got on the road only just remembering in the nick of time to drive on the left.
      We drove to Tunbridge Wells and parked up - walking in to surprise Melissa at work, we bumped into her as she was leaving her building to go for lunch . . . Complete luck!!
      After a short natter and confirming a time to pick her up in the evening, we drove to Haysden Country Park near Tonbridge to take Loup on a long walk.
      The weather was lovely with just a little breeze as we walked the circumference of the lake. Loup was in his element with so many people on bikes for him to attempt a tyre chew on. The afternoon passed without incident and so we drove to our parking spot for the night.
      The Spotted Dog pub at Penshurst allow you to park overnight in their car park if you have a meal in the pub. Unlike some pubs that offer this - they even leave their toilets open overnight for your convenience . . . Brucy Bonus! The location having been checked out and the pub owners spoken to we drove to Tonbridge.
      Just after 6pm we picked Lissy up and returned to the Spotted Dog for a fab meal and my first two Guinness for about 6 months.
      After a fab evening and meal we dropped Lissy back home before heading back and bedding down at the Spotted Dog.
      Two days done already!

      Elvis Costello - I Can’t Stand Up For Falling Down
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    • Day 14

      Summary of day 14

      August 6, 2024 in France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Left the apartment with 272 miles in the tank. This would just cover our needs but seeing as we had a 4 hour drive ahead, we would be stopping anyway so it made sense to plug in for a bit while we stopped.

      Completely hassle free journey, beautifully quiet toll road for 100 or so miles before we stopped for the usual pee and grabbed something to eat as we hadn’t had breakfast.

      Suitably topped up, we carried on the journey and arrived at the hotel with 18% charge left. Plenty of chargers free at the hotel so plugged the car in and topped it up to 100%.

      Drove 267 miles in 4 hours 23 mins of driving time. Car tells me I averaged 61mph at an average of 2.8 m/kwh.

      Oh, and you'll never guess what, an hour into the drive, Laura realised she still had the key to the apartment in her pocket!! Well there was no chance we were turning back, so she messaged the owner to let him know we'd post it back once we reached our next stop. There was a post office not far from the aquarium so she managed to send it from there. Oops!
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    • Day 14–15

      Holiday Inn Coquelles

      August 6, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Our last French hotel was the Holiday Inn Calais-Coquelles, just a few minutes from Cité Europe shopping centre and the Channel Tunnel terminal.

      Elliott and I had a quick swim while Gareth caught up on some work emails (or had a pint, I’m not sure which) (it was both actually - GP) then we had another excellent meal in the restaurant. All of the meals we’ve had in the hotels over here have been brilliant, especially as the hotels have all been part of a chain, they have all offered plenty of variety and regional produce, which probably wouldn’t be the case at home.

      Back to England tomorrow, although we’re not heading all the way home, we’re going to eke out the journey just a little bit longer!

      Elliott's burger count
      Beef: 6
      Chicken: 1
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    • Day 3

      Eurotunel, 1. poskus, NoGo

      July 17, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Sva padla na veterinarski kontroli ☹️ Tabletke za gliste naj bi dal veterinar, zabeležil v potni list, se podpisal in žigosal. To nama manjka, ker pri nas dajemo lastniki sami. So pa nama rezervacijo prijazno prestavili na jutri in rezervirali obisk pri lokalnem veterinarju.

      Jutri poskus št. 2

      Aja, veterinarjeva cena 95 eur: dve tabletki, en čip sken, klepet...
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    • Day 12

      Tschüss England

      July 17, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute endet unsere schöne Englandreise, um 14.50 Uhr nehmen wir den Zug in Folkstone, der uns durch den Eurotunnel fährt. Vorher aber lassen wir den Morgen, so wie immer, ruhig angehen: ausschlafen, frühstücken, einpacken (darin sind wir jetzt schon sehr routiniert).
      Gegen 12 Uhr fahren wir nochmal zum Supermarkt Tesco, denn wir haben noch etwas englisches Bargeld und dass wollen wir gerne für englische Lebensmittel ausgeben.

      So fahren wir also voll beladen mit sämtlichen Leckerbissen ein letztes Mal auf der linken Spur.

      Am Eurotunnel steigt unsere Aufregung nochmal kurz an, da wir nicht 100% sicher sind, ob wir nun mit nur einem Kennzeichen durchkommen. Aber die Zollstellen kontrollieren nur unseren Pass und interessieren sich gar nicht für unser Auto. Also können wir ohne Probleme in den Zug fahren. Heute sind wir auf dem oberen Deck.
      Nach 35 Minuten Fahrt unter dem Meer entlang sind wir wieder in Frankreich.
      Wir stellen fest, dass unsere Wegbegleiterin, eine Spinne im Außenspiegel, immer noch da ist. Auf unserem zweiten Campingplatz hat die Spinne sich hier ihr neues Zuhause in unserem Außenspiegel gesucht und während der Fahrt wohl immer gut festgehalten.

      Weitere 4,5 Stunden Fahrt und wir kommen wieder in Much an.
      Unsere Campingabenteuer in England war wunderschön und jetzt werden wir hier noch eine Woche Urlaub machen mit Garten, Hühnern und jede Menge Ideen und Projekten 😄
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    • Day 1

      Ankunft in Calais

      July 8, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Also bis hier hin ging echt alles schief. Nachdem ich schon nur nach Calais statt nach Glasgow kam, lag der Bahnhof auch noch eine Stunde vom Hotel entfernt - das keinen Platz mehr hatte, obwohl es auf angezeigt wurde. Ich habe am Ende noch ein anderes Hotel gefunden, das preislich halbwegs ging, aber da war ich schon ein wenig genervt 😅Read more

    • Day 2

      Zug to England

      May 7, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Nachm Start erstmal noch den Frosch volltanken und noch bissl shoppen im Lidl in Frankreich. Danach zum Unterwasserzug Calais-Folkstone. Mal ein ganz neues Erlebnis :-)… von schönem Wetter gings in Regen über. Und der Grenzerin namens Peggy (ohne Witz) a Piggy gschenkt!Read more

    • Day 5

      Den4 Cesta do UK III.

      May 15, 2017 in France ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Tak sme v Calais :-). Casovo uplne idealne. Po check-in a pasovej kontrole este rychly nakup (Campari) a obcerstvenie a vzrusenie moze zacat. Boli sme poslednym autom v nasom vagone do Eurotunnela. Vlak vyzeral presne ako vlaky z filmu Hunger Games :-) Auta su pekne nasackovane tesne jedno za druhym, a to nielen dole, ale este aj na poschodi. Cele to bol 35 minutovy zazitok a sup ... uz sme v UK aj so vsetkymi vodicmi, ktori sa tu zblaznili a jazdia na opacnej strane cesty. O tom ale uz neskor.
      Ta posledna foto je priamo z vagona - stena pred nami je zavreta priecka medzi nasim a predchadzajucim voznom. S nasim autom vsetko poriadne natesno, aj do sirky aj do vysky.
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    • Day 2

      Byebye Frankreich

      July 10, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      In 2 Stunden sind wir mitten im Kanal und freuen uns auf angenehme Temperaturen 🥰

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Coquelles, كوكيوليس, Кокель, 62231, Кокел, 科凯勒

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