Indre and Loire

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Indre and Loire
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    • Day 65

      Montag Camping Le Petit Trianon

      May 16, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Adios Spanien. Danke für deine Gastfreundlichkeit, der grandiosen Gegend und der schönen historischen Städte und Orte. Dieses Gefühl und die Bilder werden uns auf unserem Weg durchs Leben begleiten.
      Auf geht's Richtung Heimat. Petra hat in 570 km Entfernung einen schönen Campingplatz im Garten eines ehemaligen Schlosses gefunden. Er kostet nur 20 € am Tag und bietet einen 30 Grad warmen Aussenpool zur Entspannung. Wir buchen drei Übernachtungen und wollen, hier am Ende der Welt, unsere Reise Revue passieren lassen.
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    • Day 29


      March 28 in France ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Das letzte Ziel unserer Reise sollte Blois sein, dort wollten wir uns gerne das benachbarte Château Chaumont anschauen, doch dann müssen wir umdisponieren, denn die Campingplätze in Blois sind alle noch geschlossen und das Wetter verschlechtert sich zunehmend. In unmittelbarer Nähe liegt Amboise, den Ort hatten wir im letzten September besucht und waren auf dem Camping municipal de l'Île d'Or untergekommen, der glücklicherweise im März bereits geöffnet hat. Nach dem Check in machen wir uns auf in den Ort, um uns nach 600 km Fahrt ein wenig die Beine zu vertreten. In der Fußgängerzone lächelt uns ein italienisches Lokal an, das haben wir uns heute verdient. Das Via Roma war eine gute Wahl, zufrieden und gesättigt treten wir den Rückweg zum Campingplatz an. Auch wenn es angefangen hat leicht zu regnen, hält uns das nicht davon ab, noch ein paar Nachtaufnahmen vom Château Royal d‘ Amboise zu machen. Auf dem Campingplatz angekommen stellen wir fest, dass wir keinen Strom mehr haben, die Rezeption ist natürlich nicht mehr besetzt, somit kommt wenigstens auch einmal unsere Powerstation zum Einsatz.
      Wir haben in den letzten vier Wochen unseren Rucksack erneut mit tollen Augenblicken, Begegnungen und Erlebnissen gepackt, für die wir sehr dankbar sind. Morgen werden wir uns auf die letzte Etappe nach Hause begeben, schön, dass du uns mal wieder einmal auf unserer Reise begleitet hast.
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    • Day 4

      Der Zwischenstopp an den Antlantik

      June 4, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Heute haben wir schnell zusammengeräumt um uns auf den Weg in Richtung Atlantikküste zu begeben. Den gestrigen Tag haben wir auf dem Campingplatz und mit einem Spaziergang in den benachbarten Ort Varredes verbracht. Damit haben wir uns gegen den Großstadttrubel in Paris und für die Vorzüge des Campingplatzes entschieden. Der Campingplatz hatte einen große Hüpfburgen- und Badelandschaft mit Pools und Rutschen. Selma hat sogleich ihre erste Urlaubsbekanntschaft gemacht. Von nun an war Selma viel mit ihrer "Freundin" Rosa unterwegs. In Varredes war ein kleiner Rummel bei dem Selma uns so lange bequatschte, bis sie einmal Entenangeln durfte.
      Heute haben wir uns auf den Weg in Richtung Poltiers begeben. Bevor es losging haben wir uns mit allerlei französischen Backwaren eingedeckt. Baguette, Quiche und etwas was unseren Kräppelchen anmutet war in unserer Einkaufstüte. Mit diesen Leckereien fuhren wir über Paris, Orleans, Tours bis zu Christophe‘ unserem Vansite- Gastgeber irgendwo bei Vicq du Gartemps. Auf der Autofahrt entdeckte Selma ihren ersten Wackelzahn. Aber deshalb müssen wir morgen leider nicht zum Zahnarzt🫢
      Der Stellplatz ist sehr idyllisch mit Zugang zum Fluß, in welchem wir uns gleich nach der Ankunft erfrischten. Christophe erzählte uns voller Stolz, dass wir seine ersten Gäste über Vansite wären und kam uns am Abend noch mit einem alkoholfreien Apfelcider besuchen. Bei den Gesprächen ist mir wieder aufgefallen wie schlecht mein Schulfranzösisch eigentlich war. Wirklich Schade. Aber zum Glück gibt es den Googletranslator. Was uns mindestens genau soviel Spaß bescherte😁
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    • Day 67

      Mittwoch Camping Le Petit Trianon

      May 18, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Heute hatten wir Hummeln im Hintern und haben eine Fahrradtour durch diese für uns nicht sehr interessante Umgebung gemacht. Die Aussentemperatur lag zwar über 30 Grad, aber dank der Unterstützung unseres Elektroantriebs kühlte der Fahrtwind. Pausen waren nur im Schatten möglich.
      Am Pool trafen wir über 70 jährige Niederländer, die schon seit 30 Jahren hier hin kommen. Auf meine Frage "In diese öde Gegend? " gab's die Antwort "Eben darum! Morgens wird lange gefrühstückt, dann schauen wir uns die Serie "Rote Rosen" an. Danach geht's in die Sonne zum Pool (Das ist Arbeit) und am nächsten Tag wieder alles von vorne. So sind wir eben". Dem ist nichts mehr hinzuzufügen.
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    • Day 1

      Chambre d'hôtes Ligueil

      May 2, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Gastvrij ontvangst door Anny en Bertrand. Klein 'kasteeltje'. Fietsen zoveel mogelijk opgetuigd, we willen morgen om 6 uur opstaan en hopelijk om 7 uur op de fiets. We lopen daarna naar de pizzeria voor een pizza.Read more

    • Day 16

      Chinon an der Vienne 🌻

      August 30, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Wir überlegten kurz ob wir Tours besuchen, aber irgendwie hatten wir bei der Hitze keine Lust auf eine Stadt mit über 130.000 Einwohner. So entschieden wir uns in den kleinen Ort Chinon zu fahren, wo wir für zwei Tage auf einem einfachen kommunalen Campingplatz landeten.

      Die Highlights unseres Aufenthaltes waren ein Bummel durch das kleine Städtchen Chinon sowie eine über 50 km lange Radtour mit einer tollen Einkehr in Candes-Saint-Martin an der Mündung der Vienne in die Loire. Leider führen zurzeit beide Flüsse nur wenig Wasser und so blickt man auf viele Sandbänke. Auch ansonsten ist es erschreckend zu sehen wie viele Mais- und Sonnenblumenfelder hier in der Region total vertrocknet sind. Ich befürchte ein Großteil der Ernte wird hier der Hitze zum Opfer fallen 😥.
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    • Day 33

      The Rain Starts but we Stay Dry

      September 22, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      It had to happen at some stage. It is not possible to conduct an extended 5 week ride through France without encountering rain somewhere along the line. Or is it ???

      Not only was today the first day of the European autumn, but it also brought the first sounds of heavy rain that we had heard since we arrived in France over 4 weeks ago. I would have been even more concerned if the rain had been falling during the daytime. At 3 am we were all snug and dry in our giant beds in the Grand Monarque Hotel. The rain was of little consequence to us at that time, but it did suggest that maybe the weather patterns were finally about to change.

      By breakfast time the skies were still grey and the rain was still falling steadily. At times like this. those of little faith are inclined to run around like chickens and seek out every layer of clothes they can find. I chose to enjoy the sumptuous breakfast buffet instead.

      At 9.30 I assembled the team and looked at them with astonishment. They looked more like a line of umpa lumpas than elite Ghostriders. The Queensland contingent looked particularly noteworthy as they were draped in multiple layers of plastic, parkas, scarves, waterproof pants and shower caps. They could hardly move in that sort of ridiculous getup, let alone ride their bikes. Anyone would think that rainwater was toxic. Some of the others looked almost as silly (but not quite).

      I tried to tell them that the rain had already passed over and that the skies were getting clearer. They didn't believe me. All I could do was warn them not to have an accident when all their unnecessary clothing got caught on the seat and/or chain.

      Fortunately the first stop of the day was only a short distance from Azay le Rideau and we managed to complete it without getting wet at all. Unfortunately Gerry did not manage to safely dismount from his bike without getting one of his seven layers of clothing wrapped around his seat post. The next 10 minutes were spent bandaging Gerry's nasty leg wounds and trying to staunch the flow of blood. (I should clarify that it was the wounds that were nasty, not Gerry's legs).

      We finally managed to park the bikes and enter the amazing Maurice Defrenne Museum. This incredible collection was assembled over a period of 60 years by the incredible butcher turned collector. I had visited the place twice previously and been staggered by the range and uniqueness of the items that he had found. It is the sort of place that you could spend hours just wandering. It even includes a fully restored guillotine ! The massive building itself is also worthy of mention, as it was a mill that Maurice Defrenne had relocated and reassembled to house his collection.

      While we were inside the rain started falling again. The timing was perfect. By the time we were ready to leave, the rain had stopped again. In fact it never appeared again for the remainder of the day. It could not possibly have been planned any better. It was actually a welcome relief to be able to ride in cool and overcast conditions.

      Our destination for the day was the medieval city of Chinon. After successfully getting the whole team safely down a parlous descent, we turned into a narrow, cobblestoned street to take us to the old part of the town. I could not believe my ears when I heard music wafting towards us. Even more remarkable was the fact that the song that was being played was one of my favourites - "I am a man of constant sorrow". Contrary to popular belief, that song is not the lament of a long distance cyclist with an uncomfortable seat, but it is the main track from the movie "Oh Brother Where Art Thou ?" Great blue grass music runs through the entire movie, but it was a surprise to hear it being played here.

      It turned out that we had arrived in Chinon just as they were enjoying a special weekend of free outdoor music. All over the town performers were playing in the streets and the atmosphere was amazing. We were even more thrilled to find that our hotel was right in the middle of the old town and that we would be able to enjoy the music, just by opening our windows.

      What was not so popular was the fact that the rooms in the historic building were tiny, the staircases were narrow and (or course) there was no lift. Gordon and Sue had been strategically located on the top floor. For some reason Gordon was NOT happy. It was quite a contrast to the spacious rooms we had all loved the previous night, but such is the serendipity of travel.

      After checking into our rooms we wandered the city, admiring the ancient buildings and listening to the performers. One guy in particular held the audience spellbound as he simultaneously played the guitar, drums, cymbals and mouth organ. It was a performance worthy of the cheers and applause he received. In fact it was a highlight of the trip so far.

      Another highlight was our evening meal at the Les Annees 30, surely one of the best restaurants in the city. Their food and service was exceptional and the building was magical. It had been a superb day (and none of us got the slightest bit wet).
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    • Day 37


      November 12, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Unser Energielevel betreffend Bordbatterie ist in den letzten Tagen stetig gesunken, es war zeitweise trübes Wetter und den letzten Ruhetag haben wir unter Bäumen verbracht. In der Früh zeigt die Anzeige 32% und wir entscheiden uns heute weiter Richtung La Rochelle zu fahren, die Batterie wird dann wieder voll beladen. Mittags legen wir einen Zwischenstopp in Cinon ein und besichtigen unserer letzte Burg entlang der Loire- diese liegt an einem Fluss la Viene das heißt Wien. Um 14 Uhr fahren wir weiter Richtung La Rochelle begleitet von der Sonne......Read more

    • Day 5

      Weiterfahrt nach Thouars

      March 23, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Der Tag ist gut angefangen.......Navi will nicht so wie ich.
      Beim Laden der heutigen Tour zeigte es zum Ende: nicht genug Speicherplatz, bzw. auch: konnte die Tour nicht laden.
      Weiß jemand einen guten Rat?

      Und nun zum Schloß:
      Das Château d'Ussé ist eines der überraschendsten im Loiretal.

      Ursprünglich als Festung im Mittelalter erbaut, ausgeführt es sich im Laufe der Zeit zu einem Juwel der Renaissance-Architektur und wurde später im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert zu einem prächtigen Wohnhaus.

      Die Eleganz seiner Architektur, seine seltene Einrichtung und die Perfektion seiner Gärten machen es zu einem Prunkstück des nationalen Erbes.
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    • Day 32

      Villandry and the End of the Pies

      September 21, 2019 in France ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Despite the severe risk of becoming repetitive, I will begin with a comment on the weather at the start of our ride. Once again it was absolutely perfect, without a single cloud to blot the sky. Although this is great for us, it is not so good for the locals who are becoming increasingkly concerned about the lack of water. Much of France is now suffering from strict water restrictions, and the rivers are only a pale shadow of what they normally would be at this time of the year.

      Our first challenge was to navigate our way out of Tours. This was made even more difficult by the fact that large sections of the main road were being torn up. We eventually made it to the bike path and were able to start making real progress.

      The main highlight of the day was the famous Chateau at Villandry and its even more famous gardens. This place really is quite beautiful and the gardens are sensational. The only other garden that comes even close would be Lothar and Celia's famous garden at Pakenham in Australia.

      Of course, while we were riding, we were also very conscious of another significant event taking place on the other side of the planet - the preliminary final football match between Collingwood and Greater Western Sydney. I could well imagine all those tattooed and toothless Collingwood supporters shouting their abuse at everything and everyone, and we could only hope that Collingwood would lose the match and put them all out of their misery.

      Towards the end of the last quarter we pulled aside to listen to the commentary. When the final siren sounded the death knell for the pies, there may have been tears of grief from the magpie army in Melbourne, but a resounding cheer went up from the Ghostriders thousands of km away on the Loire.

      We spent a couple of hours admiring the gardens and chateau at Villandry and marvelling over the fact that it is actually privately owned. By the time we were due to leave, the temperature had risen to around 30C and we were not relishing the thought of another 20 km in the hot sun.

      Although the path along the river was really quite beautiful, there was a challenging succession of climbs on the outskirts of Azay le Rideau that really made us sweat and sway as we climbed. When Gordon stopped to wipe the sweat from his face, Russell told him that there was really no need for him to cry like that. I guess that's easy to say when you only weigh about 50 kg.

      We were all very happy for the ride to end, and we were even happier when we realised that we had been booked into the very comfortable 4 star Grand Monarque Hotel. This building was built in the 18th century as a staging post, but it is now a lovely hotel. Our rooms were huge, probably the best equipped we had stayed in for the entire ride so far.

      Azay le Rideau is also home to a beautiful chateau, but it was a little distressing to see how the lack of water had reduced the water in the moat to a stagnant puddle. We happened to have arrived in the middle of a fete, complete with various performers and bands.

      Our meal was arranged for us at the hotel, where we had a private room exclusively for us. We are beginning to feel like royalty. We were even sent off to to sleep with a fireworks display.

      Finally, it is worth pointing out that today marked the official end of summer in Europe. Tomorrow will be the first day of autumn and also the first day that some rain is predicted to fall. It will almost be a relief from the continual sunshine we have had up till now.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Département d'Indre-et-Loire, Departement d'Indre-et-Loire, Indre-et-Loire, Indre and Loire, Indre y Loira

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