Tour of Marais neighborhood

We arrived to Paris on Friday afternoon, and after napping (me) and working (Igor), we went to our first milonga which was in a nice studio ballroom, but the level of dancers was unimpressive, and weRead more
We arrived to Paris on Friday afternoon, and after napping (me) and working (Igor), we went to our first milonga which was in a nice studio ballroom, but the level of dancers was unimpressive, and weRead more
Lots of walking. Some fun discoveries and disappointments. We started our day at an amazing patisserie around the corner from our hotel. Beautiful pastries and coffee for breakfast. Then we walked forRead more
My biggest concern before we arrived in Paris was just how mobile we would be. Maggie had been seriously compromised with a bad back, and walking any distance had been very hard for her. And yet theRead more
The Marais is definitely one of the neater areas of Paris, and this is the first time I've been to the Orsay (famous art museum with lots of Impressionists) so that was neat :) (And yes, I know myRead more
Zum Abschluss unserer Runde sind wir dann noch mehr oder weniger spontan in eine sehr schöne Kirche rein. Rein sind wir durch eine kleine Seitenstraße, die eher wie ein Hauseingang wirkt. Raus dannRead more
Von den Passagen ging’s ab ins Hotel, knapp zwei Stunden Auszeit, bevor es dann zum Abendessen ging. Nadine hatte ein rein veganes Restaurant rausgesucht, welches französische Klassiker in veganRead more
In the lounge waiting for takeoff
You might also know this place by the following names:
ÉGLISE DE St. PAUL, EGLISE DE St. PAUL, Paroisse Saint-Paul Saint-Louis
Как вкусно и так далеко😪