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    • Tour of Marais neighborhood

      August 30, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We arrived to Paris on Friday afternoon, and after napping (me) and working (Igor), we went to our first milonga which was in a nice studio ballroom, but the level of dancers was unimpressive, and we didn’t stay very late. On Saturday morning, despite the jet lag, we embarked on two (!!) 2+ hours each VoiceMap tours. The first one was of Marais neighborhood. Part of it used to be Jewish area with many nice falafel restaurants and large 15th century mansions that now are government buildings. They are called hotels particulaires because hotels is basically any building and particulaire means private. We walked through some beautiful small parks and even stopped by at a public library that features a lot of very old books, many of which are easily accessible. We then had our first of upcoming many buckwheat Brittany type savory crepe (finishing with the sweet crepe)! The highly rated cafe Breizh has several locations (a spoiler - we visited all of them! 🙈)Read more

    • Day 20

      Second last day in Paris

      November 15, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Lots of walking. Some fun discoveries and disappointments. We started our day at an amazing patisserie around the corner from our hotel. Beautiful pastries and coffee for breakfast. Then we walked for an hour to the Catacombs only to find that we had to have purchased tickets online to enter and the next were not available for a couple of days. Oh well. We wandered next to the Abbey bookstore, owned by a Canadian who moved to Paris about 20 years back and decided to open a second Abbey bookstore, the first being in Toronto. 42,000 titles the owner told us, in a very narrow space with books up to the high ceiling. The best part however - Mary found two books, written long ago for which she has been searching for about a year.

      Next we walked to the Pantheon. A beautiful building, paintings and crypts down below of many noteworthy people.

      We next travelled to Saint Chapelle, a beautiful basilica to find it surrounded with a heavy police presence and again tickets were required but not available for the day. Turns out it is next to the courts - another gorgeous building - and something big must have been going on.

      We did stop in the Saint Severin church however and saw the incredible stained glass work.

      Next we decided it was time for a cocktail. A French Negroni for me - very good and made me think of my old colleague Hristijan Gjorgievski - and a white Spritz for Mary.

      We returned to the hotel for a while and then headed out for dinner at a place recommended by Shelley Wilson. We discovered a cool neighborhood in which the restaurant was located but arrived only to discover the restaurant closed Friday nights and Saturday. Sorry Shelley, we tried!

      We then started to wander up and down streets to find somewhere else to eat. We happened upon this fun looking place, with an appealing menu. The waiter beckoned us and he thought he would seat us on the other, less crowded part of the restaurant. Once we were seated Mary recognized it was the same place we visited earlier for a cocktail! We had a good laugh about that. Very good music selection and it turns out Jimi Hendrix is still very popular in Paris. And the onion soup at Comptoir Rivoli is amazing should you visit Paris in the future

      Tomorrow for a couple museums and the opening of the Christmas market.
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    • Day 60

      Walking our Legs Off in Paris

      October 16, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      My biggest concern before we arrived in Paris was just how mobile we would be. Maggie had been seriously compromised with a bad back, and walking any distance had been very hard for her. And yet the only way to truly explore Paris is on two legs. This was truly a dilemma.

      I don't know whether it is because her back is healing, or whether she is just running on pure adrenaline. Whatever the reason, I am relieved to report that we have been able to cover large portions of the city on foot. Although Maggie is still in some discomfort, she has still been able to walk a considerable distance. That is a huge relief for both of us.

      This morning we set off heading away from the river towards Les Halles, and managed to rediscover the place where we both had glasses made when we here in 2019. The place makes the claim that they can make your glasses "in 10 minutes or 10 Euro". And that is what they do.

      When we returned this morning, we found that the business had actually expanded to include the next couple of shops. It is now possible to watch the entire process happening before your eyes. First you do the eye test to determine your prescription, then you choose the frames, then from then on the whole process is automated. A short time later your new spectacles are ready ! Simple.

      We then wandered along the right bank of the river to the Louvre Museum, where we were surrounded by a whole tribe of gypsies, all trying to accost us with their bogus petitions. This scam has been going on for many years, and has resisted all attempts by the authorities to stamp it out. Fortunately they are not aggressive, and they generally are deterred by a firm "non".

      Our walk took us through the Tuileries Gardens and back onto the Rue de Rivoli. We followed it as far as the famous chocolate shop called "Angelina's". This place is regarded as a Paris institution, and always has a long queue of hopeful patrons trying to gain entry. We had already visited the shop a couple of times previously, and the last time we were there, we were both underwhelmed. We had other plans in store.

      Way back on the L'ile St Louis there is a tiny Salon de The, where we have made a habit of enjoying a quiet lunch every time we have been in Paris. So that is where we headed next. It was a long walk, but we made it in time for lunch.

      Maggie and I then separated to make our own ways back to our apartment, having another close look at the progress on Notre Dame. By the time I finally climbed the six floors to our room, my watch was telling me I had walked over 15,000 steps. My legs were telling me it had been many more.

      This really is a hectic, crazy, eccentric, enigmatic, confronting and wonderful city. With all its faults, I can never get tired of visiting.
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    • Day 18

      Marais and the Orsay

      February 20, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      The Marais is definitely one of the neater areas of Paris, and this is the first time I've been to the Orsay (famous art museum with lots of Impressionists) so that was neat :) (And yes, I know my finger photobombed one of them lol)Read more

    • Day 1

      Wunderschöne St-Paul-St-Louis Kirche

      October 2, 2024 in France ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Zum Abschluss unserer Runde sind wir dann noch mehr oder weniger spontan in eine sehr schöne Kirche rein. Rein sind wir durch eine kleine Seitenstraße, die eher wie ein Hauseingang wirkt. Raus dann auf die Rue de Rivoli, eine sehr schöne und belebte Hauptstraße durchs Zentrum. Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis ist eine in den Jahren 1627 bis 1641 erbaute Pfarrkirche. Ihr Stil entspricht dem der Jesuitenkirchen. Sehr beeindruckend ist bei dieser Kirche die Architektur, vor allem die sehr hohe Kuppel. Die Kirche erinnert stark an ihr Vorbild Il Gesù in Rom, es mischen sich aber auch viele Elemente der französischen Bautradition hinein, zum Beispiel die mit 60 m sehr hohe Kuppel. Die Fassade ist in ihrem Aufbau und ihrer Verziertheit stark vom italienischen Baustil beeinflusst. Wirklich einen Besuch wert! Lange waren wir nicht drin, weil dann genau eine Messe losging.Read more

    • Day 3


      November 8, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Chanel S.A.

      è una casa di moda parigina fondata all'inizio del ventesimo secolo da Coco Chanel. Specializzata nei beni di lusso (alta moda, prêt-à-porter, borse, profumeria e cosmetica, fra gli altri), il marchio Chanel è diventato uno dei più riconoscibili nomi nel campo della moda. La casa di moda è di proprietà dei fratelli Alain Wertheimer e Gerard Wertheimer, nipoti di Pierre Wertheimer, uno dei primi soci in affari di Coco Chanel.Read more

    • Day 3

      Eines unserer besten veganen Essen!

      October 4, 2024 in France ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      Von den Passagen ging’s ab ins Hotel, knapp zwei Stunden Auszeit, bevor es dann zum Abendessen ging. Nadine hatte ein rein veganes Restaurant rausgesucht, welches französische Klassiker in vegan kocht. Das Restaurant heißt Le Potager du Marais. Klassische Küche probieren gefällt uns immer sehr gut, wenn es dann mal möglich ist. Also ging’s knapp 20 Minuten zu Fuß hin und kurz vor der Öffnung um 19 Uhr standen wir schon vor der Tür. Pünktlich ging’s rein in das sehr schöne Restaurant. Als Vorspeise haben wir uns eine Französische Zwiebelsuppe mit veganen Käse geteilt. Für Nadine gabs dann Bourguignon de Seitan, dem Bœuf bourguignon nachempfunden. Ein Fleischgericht aus dem französischen Burgund. Es ist nach seinen beiden Hauptzutaten benannt. Rindfleisch (le bœuf) und Burgunderwein (le vin bourguignon). Für mich ging’s Roti de Seitan, Sauce Au Poivre, ebenfalls einem französischen Klassiker nachempfunden. Als Beilage gabs für uns beide Kartoffelgratin. War wirklich sehr lecker! Laut Nadine sogar eines der besten veganen Restaurants in dem sie jemals war. Der freundliche Kellner hat sich sehr darüber gefreut! Gut gesättigt ging’s dann nach dem mit 64€ inklusive Trinkgeld bisher teuersten Essen im Urlaub durchs beleuchtete Paris zurück zum Hotel.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    ÉGLISE DE St. PAUL, EGLISE DE St. PAUL, Paroisse Saint-Paul Saint-Louis

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