A memory to Diana

Stumbled over the memorial to Diana above the infamous tunnel. Been to Paris many times but never seen it before. A solemn experience. The flame in the picture is an exact replica of the one on theRead more
Stumbled over the memorial to Diana above the infamous tunnel. Been to Paris many times but never seen it before. A solemn experience. The flame in the picture is an exact replica of the one on theRead more
Met our special guest star (Ronnie) at Charles De Galle Airport this morning at about 6:30 am. We had a very pleasant saunter through central Paris including a stop at Shakespeare and Company and aRead more
Unbelievably we woke up at 11am. Our hotel is so quiet and comfortable that we just slept in late like never before.
We are staying a great spot. Classic Paris hotel of five floors and the tiniestRead more
Paris, finally.
Milo odpeljeva k staršem, ki bosta v naslednjih dneh skrbela za Milo, verjetno ji hudega ne bo. Zajtrk pri Grofu nama da moči za naslednje ure in dokler ne pridemo v Pariz. Ob 11.Read more
Jeff spent the morning at the pool viewing the women’s 10 meter synchro finals; he was not selected to judge as there were competitors from the US. I set off from the hotel intending to hit a bunchRead more
Ich hatte mich vorher entschlossen, nicht auf den Eiffelturm hinauf zu fahren. Bin ich schon gewesen, auch wenn es ziemlich genau vor 30 Jahren bei der Durchreise auf Interrail war. Damals war es nochRead more
The exact replica of the Statue of Liberty flame was a gift from the USA. Underneath this monument runs the tunnel in which Princess Diana passed away in the famous car crash. Thus people also payRead more
A successful first journey on the Metro and of all the places to surface, the exit to the stop I needed just so happened to be at the Princess Diana Memorial ❤️
Princess Diana Memorial
You might also know this place by the following names:
Flamme de la Liberté, Flamme de la Liberte, Flame of Liberty Memorial, Llama de la Libertad