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    • Day 4

      Monets Garten in Giverny

      May 30, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Einen ganz großen Wunsch habe ich mir heute erfüllt und endlich Monets Garten in Giverny besichtigt. Obwohl schon einiger Andrang war, war die Stimmung herrlich und man konnte sich den Maler gut bei seiner Arbeit am Seerosenteich vorstellen.Read more

    • Day 53

      Giverny & Monet's Gardens

      June 24, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      This morning we visited the village of Giverny and the gardens designed and built by artist Claude Monet. He lived there from 1873 until his death in 1926 and was where he painted many of his most famous works.

      The gardens were in full bloom and were spectacular with plenty of colour.

      Unfortunately, there were also plenty of people - it was a Saturday, warm and sunny and there were river cruise liners moored in the nearby Seine. You could barely move, which made it quite unpleasant and every one of them wanted the perfect selfie with multiple shots, especially on the lily pond bridge.

      The queues to get in his house and even the gift shop were ridiculous so we gave both a miss.

      But the flowers and gardens were still spectacular!! I managed to take some photos avoiding other people.
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    • Day 10

      A trip to a pretty little garden

      October 2, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We are docked in Vernon 10 minutes from Giverny, where Claude Monet lived. Monet's father wanted him to pursue a business career, but his mother was a singer who supported Claude's in his chosen passion, the arts 🎨. Monet and his wife moved to Giverny with virtually no money and lived in a little farmhouse. Slowly, they began to transform the garden. He diverted the stream so it would run through the garden. From there, he built his famous water lily pond 🪷 and bridge crossing, which I have been lucky enough to walk over today. The gardens and surrounds are spectacular 🌹🌱🪻🌻🍁Read more

    • Day 36

      Monets Gardens - Giverny

      October 12, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      We left Arras to start our two day drive to our final destination Marseilles. Currently overnighting at Beaune but en route we stopped at Giverny to visit the famous gardens and Japanese ponds created by Claude Monet. We were pleasantly surprised at the amount of flowers blooming in the garden - which has a lovely wild unrestricted feel to it - for this time of year. Not many water lilies but the beautiful reflections and the Japanese bridges were just like his paintings.Read more

    • Day 6

      Naughty but nice

      October 29, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      First up a pretty and tasty amuse-bouche, beef confit wrapped in an incredibly thin pastry, delicious.

      First starter; Soft egg soaked in soy, aubergine purée, pickled aubergine with herb gels, delicious!

      Second starter; Textures of pumpkin with pickled mushrooms and black garlic mayonnaise. The purée pumpkin was incredible.

      First main course- it’s all about the corn! Empanadas filled with seeds and crispy corn around creamed corn with bbq sauce and a whiskey cream sauce. Delicious!

      Second main course - Oyster and scallops with emulsion of oyster and lemon. Cauliflower cream. Orange and lemon gels. Amazing flavours. Running out of superlatives 😊

      First dessert course; local cows milk cheese mousse with pickled apple, delicious and unlike anything we have had before. 😋

      Second dessert course; Pear cake, with slices of pear, gels, cream, shards of meringue and fermented milk ice cream, a fitting end to an amazing meal.
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    • Day 5

      La Musardière dinner.

      October 28, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Dinner was a delight on so many levels. We both went for the Normandy Beef, with blanched spring onion, crispy potatoes in an exquisite jus, pudding was for me a honey mouse with biscuit, plus honey mead. ..Mark went for the cheese.
      This faded French charmed hotel is in the Michelin guide, we landed on our feet here without trying… We are sadly coming back tomorrow to try the taster menu 🤭 🫣

      From the website.. Benjamin Revel likes to share his bistronomic cuisine which he does not hesitate to tell the hosts we receive. Aged 24 and born in Vernon, having cooked for beautiful houses in France and abroad, Benjamin is attached to the product and its origin, he is committed to protecting nature and the environment by favoring local producers and farmers in the Normandy region. “To create, I start by looking at what is around me, I interact with the producers; it’s them and seasonality that guide me, not the other way around. ”
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    • Day 5

      Monet's Garden

      October 28, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Really words can't describe how amazing the gardens were, the variety of, to me, unusual and colourful plants was amazing.
      Made me think of Mummy, I don't remember if she ever came here but she would have loved it.
      Lucky with the weather today the sun shone bringing the flowers out.
      Will edit and add photos, but for now it's just a dump.
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    • Day 8

      Giverny, Claude Monet Tour

      September 7, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      Toured Monet's home and gardens in Giverny, where he lived since 1883, approximately 1:20 from Paris. Monet was influenced by Japanese art and especially water-lilly ponds, which he created next to his home near the Seine in Giverny.

      Monet's ambition to document the French countryside led to a method of painting the same scene many times so as to capture the changing of light and the passing of the seasons. Among the best-known examples are his series of haystacks (1890–91), paintings of the Rouen Cathedral (1894), and the paintings of water lilies in his garden in Giverny that occupied him continuously for the last 20 years of his life.

      To keep with the awful Nazi theme, Jewish art collectors of Monet were looted by Nazis and their agents. Several of the stolen artworks have been restituted to their former owners, while others have been the object of court battles. In 2014, during the spectacular discovery of a hidden trove of art in Munich, a Monet that had belonged to a Jewish retail magnate was found in the suitcase of Cornelius Gurlitt, the son of one of Hitler's official art dealers of looted art, Hildebrand Gurlitt.

      A painting from his water-lilly series sold for over $80M in 2008.

      He died in 1926 @ 86, very wealthy and the most famous painters
      of his time.
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    • Day 3

      Maison de Claude Monet

      May 26, 2024 in France ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      The house is located in Giverny and was rented by Claude Monet in May 1883. In November 1890 he was able to buy the house and the land. He lived and painted there for 43 years and was inspired by his gardens

      He believed that it was important to surround himself with nature and paint outdoors. He created many paintings of his house and gardens, especially of water lilies in the pond, the Japanese bridge, and a weeping willow tree.

      You can visit some parts of the house.
      The ground floor: the blue salon (the reading room), the "épicerie" (the larder), the living room/studio, the dining room and the blue-tiled kitchen.

      The first floor: the family rooms, including Monet's bedroom, which was renovated in March 2013 as well as Alice Hoschedé's bedroom and their private apartments. Also visible is the room of Blanche Hoschedé, which was recreated in 2013 based on archives and existing elements present in the house.

      The studio next to the home, where Monet painted his large Water Lilies paintings and murals, including those exhibited in Paris' Musée de l'Orangerie. This studio is now the Foundation's gift shop.
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    • Day 191

      Maison et jardins de Claude Monet

      May 16, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Ein Zitat von Monet lautet: „Mein Garten ist mein schönstes Meisterwerk.“
      Und als wir an einem Dienstagvormittag durch den Eingang des berühmten Garten traten und uns in einem Meer aus Blumen wiederfanden, wurde es für uns Wirklichkeit.
      Ehrlich gesagt fehlen uns die Worte, diesem Himmel auf Erden zu beschreiben. Die schönsten Farben, lieblichsten Düfte und sanftesten Klänge finden sich dort zusammen und bilden ein lebendiges Meisterwerk im Sinne Monets. Dieser Ort verdient jegliche Ankerkennung wie auch Wertschätzung und war in unseren Augen einfach perfekt. Und spätestens auf der mit Blauregen bewachsenen Brücke am traumhaften Seerosenteich blieb die Zeit stehen und die Schönheit wurde greifbar nah.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Giverny, ژیورنی, Ժիվերնի, ジヴェルニー, Живерни, 27620, Живерні, 吉维尼

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