La Defense

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    • Day 200

      Paris, France

      November 24, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Bonjour et Bienvenue a Paris!

      We spent a lovely four days in this city visiting museums, and the sights Paris had to offer. Although it was chilly most days that didn't stop us from doing a fair amount of window shopping, walking through the beautiful Montmatre neighborhood as well as becoming experts on the Paris subway system. We weren't quite sure what to expect from Paris. We came in with somewhat low expectations and left somewhat surprised. The cafes and restaurants were very quaint bustling with the hub of Paris local life, and although this is a major tourist destination it did not feel overly touristed in most areas (at least not so much in microcenter). As a whole Paris was charming, the Eiffel tower beautiful both day and night. Unfortunately Notre Dame Cathedral was in rough shape after the fire of 2019 and does not allow visitors inside. Judging by the fire damage on the outside it will be decades if not centuries before the cathedral is fully restored to its former self.

      The fire of Notre Dame was actually a motivator for us to go on this trip. The history of the world only remains as long as each generation protects it. We've been to many a place that described itself with the phrase, "after the fire", "due to flooding" or something similar. The historical landmarks that we think will always be there will not. Notre Dame reminded us of this while we were planning for this trip. It is not even the latest example of history lost by this generation (Kyiv, Ukraine). Food for thought.

      A brief history of Paris... Paris takes its name from the Parisii, a Celtic tribe that established a settlement here in the 3rd century BC on what is now the Île de la Cité. During our travels it appears the Celtic tribes resided through much of Europe as they show up in many cities early histories. In time the Romans built a town here and called it Lutetia, which is Latin for ‘midwater dwelling’. Since Clovis I, King of the Franks, made the city his capital in AD 508, Paris has been a centre of power. Clovis’s Carolingian dynasty ruling until 987 when Hugh Capet was elected ‘King of France’; Capet’s male descendants formed the Capetian line of kings who reigned until Louis XVI was deposed in the famous French Revolution of 1789. After over 800 years of monarchy, Paris lurched between republics, emperors (the three Napoleons), and kings in the 19th century before the Belle Époque era in which Paris flourished as the world’s centre for culture.
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    • Day 7


      October 3, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Einmal quer durch die Stadt in eine andere Welt. La Défense ist das moderne Geschäftsviertel mit Hochhäusern, Mall, Fresstempeln und der Grande Arche, gern auch als 3. Triumphbogen in Paris bezeichnet. Die 15 Euro für den Aufstieg habe ich mir gespart, einmal kurz sehen reichte mir. Das Frankfurt am Main Gefühl trieb mich zurück in die Innenstadt ins Quartier Latin. Dort habe ich mir den Platz angeschaut, wo ein Teil der Dreharbeiten zu Emily in Paris stattgefunden hat, war im Jardin du Luxembourg und habe es endlich auch in die Kirche Saint Sulpice geschafft.Read more

    • Day 2,084

      Arc de Triomphe

      June 7, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Der Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile (dt. Triumphbogen des Sterns) oder kurz Arc de Triomphe ist ein von 1806 bis 1836 errichtetes Denkmal im Zentrum der Place Charles de Gaulle in Paris. Er gehört zu den Wahrzeichen der Metropole. Unter dem Bogen liegt das Grabmal des unbekannten Soldaten aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg mit der täglich gewarteten Ewigen Flamme, im Französischen Flamme du Souvenir (dt. Flamme der Erinnerung) genannt, im Gedenken an die Toten, die nie identifiziert wurden. Das ganze Jahr hindurch finden Kranzniederlegungen und Ehrungen statt, die ihren Höhepunkt in der Parade am 11. November finden, dem Jahrestag des Waffenstillstands zwischen Frankreich und Deutschland im Jahr 1918.Read more

    • Day 2

      La Tour Eiffel

      April 23 in France ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heute haben wir uns mehr oder weniger nur dem Eiffelturm gewidmet. Wir fuhren zeitig mit der Metro zum Eiffelturm. Dort suchten wir noch ein paar Büxli, welche wir auch fanden. Es wurde überall versucht kleine billige Ramsch Eiffeltürmchen zu verkaufen. Na, ja wir blieben standhaft oder machten Angebote, auf welche sie sich nicht einlassen konnten oder wollten. 😃 Am Ende kriegten wir trotzdem sieben solche Türmchen für einen Euro. Danach ging es hinauf zum Eiffelturm. Wir liefen zu Fuss hoch und fotografierten den Turm von überall. Und auch die Aussicht genossen wir in vollen Zügen. Es war wärmer oben, unten wehte ein bissiger Wind 💨. Danach ging es zu einem späten Mittagessen. Dem Arc de Triomphe statteten wir auch einen Besuch ab. Und dann ging es noch zum modernen und neuen Paris, zu La Défense. Später am Abend tuckerten wir gemütlich mit der Metro zurück zum Hotel. 🏨Read more

    • Day 1

      Ein Tag in Paris

      May 11, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      So nun ist ein anstrengender Tag in Paris vorbei mit sehr vielen Stufen und einigen Kilometern zu Fuß konnten wir doch echt viel sehen. Vom Louvre, zur Notre Dame dann zur Basilika Sacré-Cœur zum Eifelturm. Nun erstmal wieder im Zimmer und den Ausblick zum Eifelturm bei Nacht genießen.Read more

    • Day 1

      Day One

      July 13, 2016 in France ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Arrived at the hotel 'Melia Paris Le Defense'. It is located in the ultra modern business district of Paris.
      Things I've learnt so far...
      1. Summer in Paris still requires long pants and a jacket, well today anyway🌦
      2. A latte in a cafe comes in a parfait glass and a straw! ☕️
      3. When filling the sink the bathroom, first check how to empty it! I now have a sink full of water and no idea how to remove the plug!🛁
      4. You dont know what tired is until you have travelled half way around the world, bouncing from airport to airport! 🛫🛬
      5. How good a warm shower is! 🚿
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    • Day 6

      Grand Arch

      June 3, 2017 in France ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Bit jetlagged but wandered out to the Grand Arch, La Defense, and took in the view as well as a touch of shopping at Le Quatre Temps (they have a Desigual, Jo).
      Caught up on some sleep and then headed to Philippe and Amita's place a few metro stops away. A great night was had by all. Amita had cooked up a storm- chicken curry, cucumber raita, warm potato salad and fragrant rice. The conversation leapt from politics to literature to families and the first time I looked at my watch it was 11:50. Must stay in touch.Read more

    • Day 3

      Day Three

      July 15, 2016 in France ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Last night was our first official tour pre-dinner drinks and group dinner. It was really great to finally meet my travelling companions. Everyone is really friendly. Then we made our way to the roof top bar at our hotel where we were treated to an amazing fireworks display on the Eiffel Tower. It was an earlier start today as we had a bus tour of the tourist attractions in Paris, then had lunch at a typical Parisian bistro. The afternoon was our own to continue to explore this amazing city!🇫🇷
      Things I learnt today/last night....
      1. Just when you think the fireworks display is over it's not! Almost an hour of fireworks🗼🎆
      2. It is impossible to take a photo of any of the attractions without getting people or traffic in them! 🚙🚕🚗🏃🏻
      3. Plan your exploring better otherwise you get lost! Lucky I was able to retrace my steps and thank god for breadcrumbs!🤔🍞
      4. Chicken is either a very popular dish in Paris or just cheap? Chicken for dinner last night and again for lunch today! 🍗🐓 Mix up the menu si vous plait!
      5. Always check what is inside your shoes before putting them on in the morning or at least remember that you stored your sockettes inside your shoes when you packed = very sore toes! 👟👎🏼
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    • Day 2

      Day Two

      July 14, 2016 in France ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Just got back to the hotel after a long day walking! Check out my fitbit log for today.
      Things I learnt today....
      1. When you still can't empty the bathroom sink, solution - change rooms 😜
      2. Public transport in Paris on public holidays is just like Melbourne, routes can change at a moments notice. Very proud though I managed both the Metro and the Bus system today.
      3. Don't trust that the signs you are following to the Museum D'Orsay are correct! Added a kiometre or two in back tracking😩
      4. The French really know how to celebrate and put on a parade! The aerial parade of fighter jets, commercial jets and small aircraft was impressive. Loved the fighter jets that let out the plumes of smoke in the french colours, impressive, but i wasn't quick enough with the camera!😤
      5. Getting to the museum at 10:30am is the best time to avoid lining up for hours. Line up time less than 10 min. When I left at approx. 1:00pm the lines were massive! Score!😄
      6. The Museum D'Orsay is very impressive. To be up close an personal with some very famous paintings by Degas, Monet, Cezanne, Van Gogh was amazing! 👍🏼
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    La Defense, La Défense, Ля Дефанс

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