A bridge too far!!

Large breakfast and ready to get the bus to Dinard , supposed to cut down our step count but caught wrong bus and thought we’d walk anyway….first bridge and start of a lovely light cloud day,Read more
Large breakfast and ready to get the bus to Dinard , supposed to cut down our step count but caught wrong bus and thought we’d walk anyway….first bridge and start of a lovely light cloud day,Read more
Making our way towards the Cherbourg peninsula now, we find a little beach village with a small campsite which is perfect for our penultimate stopover. We get the last pitch and are warned that’s itRead more
Wir fuhren in etwa gegen 15 Uhr weiter und waren auf der Suche nach einen geeigneten Stellplatz. Möglichst noch vor Saint-Malo. Die Strandparkplätze waren immer nur als Tagesparkplätze ausgewiesenRead more
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Traveler Brilliant 🤩 photos x
Traveler You are doing so well looks totally amazing 😍